The designation of COVID-19 Community Levels is a new tool to help communities decide what prevention steps to take based on the latest data. Gracias a nuestros dedicados maestros, lderes y personal. Los estudiantes le aplicaron pegamento a los pies de sus tiras de papel, los presionaron sobre el papel y miraron cmo sus tiras de papel se transformaron e interactuaron unos con otros. Como parte de su clase de banda, los estudiantes - que van desde primer ao hasta ltimo ao - han estado trabajando en msica de estilo espaol para su espectculo de banda de marcha, que incluye "Espaa" de Jay Bocook, "Bolero" de Maurice Ravel y "Malaguea". John F. Kennedy Elementary School fifth graders who have been learning about the Earths rotation and orbit around the Sun in science teacher Karla Purcells classes used a virtual model to further their understanding. Physical Education/health Teacher- Probabtionary, FTE Instructional Specialist Accountability and Data Reporting/Chief Information Officer, Regular Substitute FTE Teaching Assistant, Director of Continuing & Community Education, Temporary Part-Time Reading Teaching Assistant. I am also grateful for our community partners, parents and the Board of Education. The goal is to create an interdisciplinary space where students and community can connect and support each other, Silverman said. They created and decorated paper hats before enjoying a breakfast together on Nov. 23. No tendremos ms que unas pocas puertas enrollables y muebles para cada habitacin de Boddy Manor, por lo que realmente se trata de las actuaciones de los actores. nase a nosotros esta semana virtualmente para aprender del siguiente tema: La familias de la escuela intermedia y la escuela secundaria (6-12): La familias de las escuelas primarias (K-5): Este folleto tiene informacin adicional. Lpez dijo que sus estudiantes estaban profundamente comprometidos con el proyecto y que estaba orgullosa de su trabajo. Terminamos nuestros 12 das de bondad cantando un villancico en la escuela. Halloween Heist Mystery Dinner fundraiser on Oct. 28. Ellos tambin aprendieron sobre los camiones de bomberos y sus motores, y las herramientas que usan los bomberos. They are such strong, entertaining writers with brilliant, gripping minds and voices. Los misterios intrigan a las personas y permiten que las personas tengan la oportunidad de trabajar en equipo para averiguar qu actor o actriz est ejerciendo el papel o rol de ladrn. One-time. This is the first time we hosted an event like this, high school theater teacher, We decided that it was very thematic, considering our fall production this year is Clue, which is a murder mystery play. Once the paint dried, the students added neon oil pastel to create their planets and spaceships. Elementary/Teaching Assistant Temp. The students said they enjoyed interacting and smiling with their partners and creating a fun project together. Throughout their studies, Miceli said his students will focus on nine key music study areas intonation, articulation, rhythm, dynamics, balance, scales, tone, phrasing and airflow. Yuri did a great job with the proportion of her face, as well as capturing the essence of her features and learning to mix colors with colored pencils, Chambers said. Selected through a highly competitive audition, Reyes is among approximately 900 of New Yorks finest high school musicians. La superintendente escolar, la Dra. Park Avenue Elementary School kindergartners from teacher, recently took turns playing the metallophone and vibratome. The students also worked on skills to build their fluency in addition and subtraction. Staying in tune while increasing volume can be a challenge, so we use analogies like bowling and archery where finesse supersedes force.. Use of data to drive decisions surveys, cycle of continuous improvement. As part of the multipart assignment, they will use the graphs to determine patterns in the weather and temperature that they see throughout the year. This Sunday August 21, from 10am - until around 3 pm students from the High School Marching Band will take to the streets ringing doorbells collecting donations for their Annual Band Booster Drive. Durante las prximas semanas, los alumnos de cuarto grado explorarn los efectos de un desastre natural, como un huracn, y crearn materiales porttiles para el aula que funcionan con bateras. The experiment was part of a unit on water and climate in science teacher Jeni Vogels class. The Buckley School. Gracias en nombre del Pueblo de Port Chester. If you are interested in serving on any committee, please contact the District Clerk, by August 30, 2022, at This annual ceremony provides King Street School students the opportunity to learn more about Veterans Day that it is not only a day off from school, but a day forreflection and gratitude to those who have sacrificed so much for our country.. The school bus is an easy object to draw using this approach, Chambers said. Our hearts remain with the families of Texas. Check out our website for upcoming Band performance dates and fundraisers at, Francois dEsperies -Director of Publicity PCHS Marching Band Association, Jennifer Carriero-Dominguez Vice President in charge of Fundraising. Los msicos hicieron que la multitud se animara, dijo l. In addition to Cool Blues, the students are working on Rock the House by Brian Balmages, and they will prepare the Edison School Song for future performances and school events. Es una herramienta para abrir el dilogo y creardiscusinsignificativos.Silverman dijo que el 'Giving Garden' produce aproximadamente 1,000 libras de productos orgnicos en cada temporada de cultivo, y la mayora de los productos se donan a familias locales. Los estudiantes - quienes revivieron el peridico despus de una pausa de una dcada - fueron presentados con el premio por la Senadora del Estado Shelly Mayer el 7 de diciembre en su escuela. Los miembros de la banda de la escuela secundaria de Port Chester ensayaron niveles de volumen dinmicos para su interpretacin de Bolero de Maurice Ravel durante una leccin reciente en la clase del maestro de banda Mike Miceli. Esta ceremonia anual brinda a los estudiantes de King Street School la oportunidad de aprender ms sobre el Da de los Veteranos, que no es solo un da libre en la escuela, sino un da de reflexin y gratitud hacia aquellos que han sacrificado tanto por nuestro pas. Luego, al medir la sombra de un objeto, pueden utilizar las proporciones para resolver la altura de un objeto". Dr. Tina Brescia from the Music Conservatory of Westchester. Using indirect measurement and shadows to measure tall objects is an application of similar triangles, Gomez said. Le alentamos a recordarles a sus hijos y miembros de nuestra comunidad que informen cualquier comportamiento inusual o sospechoso. Tambin estoy agradecida por nuestros socios comunitarios, los padres y la Junta de Educacin. Walter Reed Middle School IHP 6th grade Language Arts Social Studies Ms. Miller's Class HOME HISTORY Projects and Special Events Ancient Man Resources ENGLISH YOUR CLASS PARENTS STUDENTS GATE SPEECH/DEBATE FOR FUN More GIFTED & TALENTED EDUCATION (GATE) Kate Miller, GATE/SAS (Advanced Studies) Coordinator Deadlines This can be done by: -The direct link provided with this notice, -District website main page and click on PCSTV icon. Los estudiantes de Port Chester High School se presentaron en el Radio City Music Hall el 20 de noviembre cuando les toc ser el espectculo de apertura para las Radio City Rockettes. The fifth graders used acircle stencil to create their planets on black construction paper and discussed how to make two overlapping circles look like they are in front of or behind one another. Valery Guanoquiza y Anthony Trezza, dos estudiantes de la escuela elementaria de Park Avenue han mostrado sus proyectos de arte de manera virtual en la exhibicin relacionada con la Asociacin de Arte de los Profesores del Estado de Nueva York. Los estudiantes de la escuela primaria Park Avenue recientemente trabajaron de forma independiente para completar varias tareas en sus cuadernos de matemticas durante una leccin en la clase de Flora Turcios. La maestra Barnett coment lo siguiente: yo espero que con esta leccin, los estudiantes hayan aprendido y apreciado el arte de la fotografa y que sta les haya resultado lo suficientemente gratificante de cara a futuras experiencias. "Todos ellos ofrecieron una actuacin asombrosa en uno de los mayores recintos musicales del mundo, y todos nos sentimos muy orgullosos de ellos", dijo Pereira. Los miembros del grupo de a cappella de la Escuela Superior de Port Chester- El Sonido de Port Chester- se presentaron en el sptimo Festival de A Cappella de Jvenes en la Escuela Superior de Mamaroneck el 6 de noviembre. Los coordinadores de las escuelas comunitarias estn planeando talleres para padres y les encantara saber de sus intereses! Esta es la visin de Shirley hecha realidad a una velocidad que ninguno de nosotros pens que iba a suceder, pero estoy sorprendido e impresionado, dijo Thomas. {"followTeacherId":1262411,"teacherId":1262411,"teacherName":"Mrs. JOHN","teacherProfilePhotoURL":",smart&width=136&height=136&fit=bounds&auto=webp&t=1661584866529","teacherHasProfilePhoto":true,"vanityURL":"","teacherChallengeId":216847,"followAbout":"Mrs. JOHN's projects","teacherVerify":-1056705033,"teacherNameEncoded":"Mrs. JOHN","vanityType":"teacher","teacherPageInfo":{"teacherHasClassroomPhoto":true,"teacherHasClassroomDescription":true,"teacherClassroomDescription":"","teacherProfileURL":"","tafURL":"","stats":{"numActiveProjects":0,"numFundedProjects":2,"numSupporters":68},"classroomPhotoPendingScreening":false}}. Para sus afiches, se desafi a los estudiantes a identificar la idea central y el propsito del discurso y citar citas para respaldar sus afirmaciones. Para concluir, los estudiantes que intervinieron en esta actividad, caminaron hacia la escuela secundaria del distrito escolar de Port Chester con el fin de reforzar el tema mensual que se esta tratando, el cual es Romper las Barreras. Besides being a superior violinist, Reyes is a standout student. American, or Asian, projects Rye Brook, NY 10573, 914-934-7930 Performances will be held on Thursday, Dec. 1, Friday, Dec. 2, and Saturday, Dec. 3, at 7 p.m. in the Port Chester Middle School auditorium. Tambin realizaron el espectculo final, Youve Got a Friend in Me-(Tienes un/a amigo/a en m) de Randy Newman. Walter Reed Middle School in Los Angeles, CA - Test Results, Rating, Ranking, Detailed Profile, and Report Card . They cant wait to get together again, she said. La entrega especial fue parte de los 12 actos de bondad de los estudiantes hacia diferentes miembros de su comunidad escolar.Habiendo discutido cmo podran ampliar sus actos de bondad del saln de clases al edificio, los maestros dijeron que hicieron una lista de diferentes personas, desde los conserjes hasta la enfermera de la escuela, el director y el subdirector, el monitor de almuerzo y otros salones de clase, para ser los destinatarios de su amabilidad durante la temporada navidea.Hemos entregado bastones de caramelo, adornos caseros, un rbol de Navidad con temas deportivos, y estaremos haciendo algunas decoraciones y prestando juegos y libros a nuestras aulas de compaeros, dijo la maestra Alicia Cammilleri. Seussical Jr. is a favorite of mine because there are many roles that allow students to shine in multiple ways as singers, actors and dancers, Dor said. The fire department and Con Edison have cleared the building to safely open and begin classes at 10:10 a.m. today. Its such a fun newsroom to be a part of, and they all play a key role in establishing that environment.. Los estudiantes del jardn de infancia de la escuela primaria Thomas Edison pegaron de una manera muy meticulosa tiras de papel de colores en otra hoja de papel para crear su propia escultura en tercera dimensin en la clase de arte de la maestra Alison Gallagher. Con las cmaras fotogrficas en sus manos, los estudiantes de la escuela secundaria de Port Chester recientemente aprendieron de qu manera controlar y ajustar la luz en sus fotos a travs del tringulo de exposicin (relacin entre la obturacin o dispositivo que controla la velocidad de luz, la sensibilidad y apertura de la imagen). Please make sure you fill out a lunch application for your family and return it to your childs school. We will keep you updated throughout the day. It gave me insight into what kind of language and thought process they find motivational.. Each child has the ability to createpositivechange in their world. art supplies. The costumes will be color-coordinated just like the pawns in the original board game.. Trabajamos continuamente con consultores externos y nuestros socios encargados de hacer cumplir la ley para validar las mejores prcticas, identificar oportunidades de mejora, capacitar a nuestro personal y mantener slidos procedimientos de respuesta a emergencias cuando sea necesario. This is to notify all taxpayers whose property is located in the Port Chester School District that the school tax bill has been mailed. The students also completed a graphic organizer to help them structure their thoughts before creating larger posters displaying their evaluation of the revolution. According to Con Edison and Port Chester Fire Department the gas levels in the air at PCHS remain at an acceptable level, however we have received concerns by staff and students that certain areas of the building still have a strange odor. Maria aadi que la habilidad de sus estudiantes al poder escoger donde ellos quieran sentarse y ponerse cmodos mientras leen fomenta el estmulo e incrementa las ganas de leer. Nos han informado que se ha creado una cuenta de Gmail falsa con el nombre del director de la escuela secundaria (PCHS), Luke Sotherden. During the lesson, the students practiced playing their wooden block instruments while following their teachers instructions. Since the beginning of the school year, the fifth graders have been identifying phrases in their music that have repeated rhythmic or melodic patterns. Los estudiantes de la Escuela Superior de Port Chester presentarn Clue como su produccin de otoo del 17 al 19 de noviembre. This is an update from the Port Chester School District. Please join our Parent University K-5 Report Card information session on October 26that the link below: Por favor, nase a nuestra Universidad Parental para una sesin informativa sobre el informe de calificaciones de grados K-5 el 26 de octubre en el enlace abajo: With several books in hand, King Street School kindergartners found a comfortable seat around their classroom and engaged in independent reading. It was heartwarming to see the connection our veterans have to our community and allow us tohonor them for their service, Assistant Principal AnthonyCarolini said. For the District's active phone directory click HERE. Durante el concierto, los estudiantes interpretaron I Want It That Way- (Lo quiero de esa manera) de Los Backstreet Boys y Lean on Me- (Apyate en m) de Bill Withers. Welcome to the new school year! Read more about Mr. Derik's presentation here. Los estudiantes de dcimo grado de la escuela secundaria de Port Chester que previamente haban estudiado el efecto que el nacionalismo tuvo en Latinoamrica, trabajaron en grupos con el fin de crear psters o carteles que mostraran su evaluacin y opinin sobre los movimientos independentistas. Explore the latest videos from hashtags: #middleschoolteachers, #middleschoolteacherswag, #teacherofmiddleschoolers . La tarea lo desafi a aprovechar sus conocimientos previos sobre cmo crear una sensacin de espacio en una obra de arte con un primer plano, un plano medio y un fondo, y usar pasteles al leo y papel recortado para crear sus propias escenas de la jungla.Carlos entendi fcilmente cmo seguir las instrucciones paso a paso para dibujar su tigre y cmo usar la superposicin y la ubicacin para organizar una composicin excelente, dijo Chambers. It also publishes learning resources, videos, and helpful links. The students will work on articles and interviews covering a wide range of topics from school, sports and town news to opinion editorials and current and global events. La maestra Barnett coment que durante esta clase, sus estudiantes tuvieron la oportunidad de experimentar y ajustar el tringulo de exposicin con el fin de obtener la mejor copia o muestra en sus fotografas. They had to show what their planetswould look like ifthey overlapped in the universe, she said. Los estudiantes de la Escuela Superior de Port Chester participaron recientemente en una actividad de circuito en grupos pequeos para resolver problemas matemticos en la clase de Clculo de Colocacin Avanzada del maestro Anton Raskin. We'll charge your card today and send Mrs. JOHN a DonorsChoose gift card she can use on her classroom projects. Baurle elogi al elenco y al equipo por su dedicacin al proceso, estar antes del horario con sus ensayos, por estar enfocados y comprometidos a desarrollar personajes, bloqueando escenas y reflexionando. Third graders at John F. Kennedy Elementary School recently worked independently and in groups to complete two different math activities in teachers Gladys Bencosme and Stephanie Garcias class. Los estudiantes de la Escuela Secundaria de Port Chester, que han estado estudiando los tringulos semejantes en el curso de geometra bilinge del profesor de matemticas, Carlos Gmez, trasladaron lo aprendido fuera del aula para una leccin sobre la medicin indirecta. These instruments are very resonant and engage the childrens attention, as well as provide soothing sensory information,Bresciasaid. Roncagliolo was appointed during a special Board of Education meeting on Sept. 1. "Los estudiantes estn encantados de dar vida a sus personajes", dijo. The assignment challenged him to build on previous knowledge about creating a sense of space in a work of art with a foreground, middle ground and background, and use oil pastels and cut paper to create his own jungle scenes. Public school teachers from every corner of America create classroom project requests, and you can give any amount to the project that inspires you. Ya sea en su hogar, dentro de su grupo de amigos, en la escuela, en la comunidad o incluso a nivel global. Para su publicacin, los estudiantes eligieron el terror como gnero antes de iniciar su proceso de escritura creativa. We are thrilled that Ben has been chosen to represent our school, music department and community at NYSSMA.. Parents should make arrangements to pick up students at PCMS at the regular dismissal time. BoardDocs can be accessed here Lunch will cost $1.25 for Elementary Students and $1.50 for Middle and High School Students that do not qualify for free lunch. Walter Reed Middle School North Hollywood Schools CA Schools; Student-Teacher Ratio: no data available: 11:1: 15:1: Student-Teacher Ratio: What the Numbers Mean. (818) 487-7600. Public school teachers from every corner of America create classroom project requests, and you can give any amount to the project that inspires you. The Williamsville Central School District does not exercise any editorial control over the information you may find at these locations and is not responsible for any facts or opinions contained on these web sites, or the accessibility of the material posted. Estoy muy emocionada de ver adnde va el Port Light en el futuro, dijo ella. Taylor also led a schoolwide read aloud of Separate Is Never Equal, which documents aMexican and Puerto Rican familys fight for desegregation of schools in the 1940s. It also works well because the answers are on the wall. Los estudiantes estn deseando reunirse de nuevo, dijo la maestra. Feliz ao nuevo! Park Avenue Elementary School students Valery Guanoquiza and Anthony Trezza have their artworks on display in the virtual New York State Art Teachers Association exhibit. Como conclusin, los estudiantes llevaron a cabo una crtica sobre las luces ultravioletas con el fin de que sus compaeros(as) pudieran apreciar los brillos de oscuridad necesarios para que se produzca una experiencia intergalctica. Together we have achieved so much in 2022. La administracin cree que lo mejor es despedir a los estudiantes inmediatamente para ventilar el edificio. Mientras ella los supervisa, ella tambin obtiene una idea de cmo estn leyendo y dnde pueden mejorar como clase al paso del tiempo. With their professional cameras in hand, Port Chester High School students recently learned how to control the light in theirphotographs through the exposure triangle. During the lesson, Savino discussed with her students how to properly hold the bow and taught them aprocess to form the complicated hand shape. Esto es algo que es oscuro, pero tambin cmico, y ahora en el mundo necesitamos algo que nos haga rer y escapar por un momento, dijo ella. La leccin proporcion a los estudiantes las herramientas necesarias para incorporar diferentes componentes en su propia escritura. Las actuaciones se llevarn a cabo el jueves, 17 de noviembre, viernes, 18 de noviembre, y sbado, 19 de noviembre, a las 7 p.m. en el auditorio de la Escuela Superior de Port Chester. Public 6-8. Then, Principal Judy Diaz engaged the entire student body and staff in a virtual read loud of Jonah Winters A Judge Grows in the Bronx.. Estamos trabajando para crear estudiantes que fomenten las habilidades de confianza, colaboracin, empata y tolerancia y sean un buen ejemplo a seguir de cara al futuro.. Kindergartners at John F. Kennedy Elementary School, who have been learning about different tools to make art, used their knowledge to draw a school bus in teacher Chrystal Chambers class. Superintendent of Schools Dr. Aurelia Henriquez and Principal Luke Sotherden commended the students for their passion and dedication to the newspaper and applauded their teachers for empowering their students to have a voice. Our website is made possible by displaying online advertisements to our visitors.Please consider supporting us by disabling your ad blocker. Watching Ben thrive in a group of students that sound close to professional was an amazing experience, music teacher Melissa Neyer said. Box 826, Port Chester, NY, 10573 or use paypal, Please take some time out this Fall Season and watch our "Pride of Port Chester" PCHS Marching Band perform in-person at various locations including local football games at the high school, parades, and competitions. Clue is that show. Cada semana, los estudiantes esperan con gran anticipacin, participar en estos partidos y disfrutar. de Ernesto Lecuona. As a conclusion, the students will perform a critique in the blacklight so their peers can see their work glowing foran intergalactic experience,, I hope that my students learn that art can be cross-curricular, using math and science to create a work that they can be proud of. When my staff read about the fact that you had brought back a student newspaper and created this dynamic group of students after 10 years to resurrect and have your voice, I said this is deserving of this particular award.. Having had a one-year prior experience, they. Make a donation Mrs. JOHN can use on her next classroom project. Reyes, whoreceived a score of 100 on his NYSSMA solo, was among the highest-scoring students at the festival to be invited to participate in the Area All-State music ensembles. Finally, most of our students are active in extra-curricular activities, including band and orchestra, drama, choral groups, sports teams, yearbook, school newspaper and other clubs and groups. Port Chester High School is on a 2 hour delay schedule today. The projects that the students completed were part of teacher Erik Maniscalcos art classes. Adems, un bombero que estaba vestido con equipo de proteccin y casco les demostr a los estudiantes a no asustarse cuando los bomberos entren al edificio. We continually work with outside consultants and our law enforcement partners on validating best practices, identifying improvement opportunities, training our staff, and maintaining strong emergency response procedures when necessary. Gmez dijo que los estudiantes compararon su propio trabajo con el de los agrimensores y arboricultores, y esper que descubrieran la utilidad de las matemticas en el mundo que les rodea. It is an honor and a privilege to help facilitate that expression.. The project also allowed her to collaborate with others, problem solve and build on her knowledge. Your gift is tax-deductible. Si puedo ayudarlos exponindolos al vocabulario antes de que se presente en clase, tendrn las herramientas que necesitan para ser lectores exitosos, dijo Del Re. Each of themhas unique potential and my hope is to help them begin to understand and develop theirs.. North Hollywood, CA 91606. Having studied nationalism, which was a set of beliefs that began in the 1800s and broke up empires and unified countries, the students evaluated the revolutions to determine whether each revolutionary figure was able to meet the goals of the revolution and determine if it improved society. Christina Baurle, La maestra de teatro de la escuela secundaria de Port Chester dijo: Esta es la primera vez que presentamos un acontecimiento de este tipo y calibre. Recientemente, y bajo la supervisin de las maestras: Gladys Bencosme y Stephanie Garca, los estudiantes de tercer grado de la escuela primaria de John Fitzgerald Kennedy del distrito escolar de Port Chester trabajaron de manera independiente y en grupos con el fin de completar dos diferentes actividades de matemticas. Aprendi sobre patrones y us papel recortado y pasteles al leo para crear el fondo, la taza y el plato, mientras que el vapor en su trabajo est pintado con pintura al temple.Daniel tiene una excelente artesana y la variedad de patrones que us guan la mirada de la audiencia alrededor de la obra de arte, dijo la maestra de arte Chrystal Chambers. SchoolDigger Rank: 552nd of 2,740 California Middle Schools. The Port Chester Public School District is pleased to announce the opening of online registration for Kindergarten-aged students for the 2022-2023 school year. A los estudiantes de quinto grado de la escuela elemental de Park Avenue, les proporcionaron luces fluorescentes, cartulinas negras y lpices de cera con el fin de que crearan sus propios brillos de oscuridad en sus propias piezas de arte. Hay equipos de trabajadores sociales, consejeros escolares y psiclogos escolares disponibles para apoyar a su hijo(a). In addition to Guzman, each of the student leaders Thomas DEsperies, Sophia Ortiz-Heaney, Michelle Ramos-Aragon and Kathleen Scarola as well as all the student writers and photographers have been integral to the successful resurrection of The Port Light. The secondary school offers five of seven standard arts classes tracked by the. Wednesday, March 1 | 9AM - 12PMPort Chester-Rye Union Free School District113 Bowman Ave | Rye Brook, NY 10573, The Port Chester School District's Dr. Martin Luther King Celebration video is now live. Este tipo de prctica acadmica, la cual supuso el comienzo de nuestra relacin durante el presente ao escolar, no solo desarrolla un sentido de comunidad en nuestra escuela Edison sino que tambin fortalece las habilidades sociales y emocionales de los estudiantes de prvulos y quinto grado. PCHS - Alerta de cuenta de correo electrnico falsa. Uso de datos para impulsar decisiones encuestas, ciclo de mejora continua. Todos estamos muy orgullosos de nuestros estudiantes, y mucho se debe al personal y padres que han ayudado todo el ao.. They broke out into groups and read and annotated texts about the revolutionary figure they were studying.. El estudiante de quinto grado, Valery Guanoquiza cre su obra de arte llamada. Mientras los estudiantes observaban la reproduccin virtual de la tierra y del Sol, stos tomaban notas y hacan observaciones acerca de los fenmenos que causaban el da y la noche, los cambios de estaciones y las variaciones en cuanto a las cantidades de la luz solar del da a travs del ao. A los estudiantes les agrad emplear tiempo fuera de las aulas y reflexionar sobre el movimiento de los derechos civiles del Doctor Martin Luther King Junior y su dedicacin por la integracin y la ruptura de barreras. Prior to the station work, Solis and Maldonado worked on each individualskill, breaking them down to help students understand the progressions to those skills. Additionally, todays bowling match is being rescheduled and all practices and after school events at Port Chester High School are canceled for this afternoon. Equipped with cups, water and ice, third graders at John F. Kennedy Elementary School conducted a science experiment to enhance their understanding of the water cycle and concept of condensation. Its teachers have had 160 projects funded on DonorsChoose. Congratulations to our graduating seniors! By maintaining a steady beat, students can begin to play together as they strengthen their listening skills, musical literacy and confidence as young musicians, he said. Para leer el peridico dirigido por estudiantes, visite Performances will take place on Thursday, Nov. 17, Friday, Nov. 18, and Saturday, Nov. 19, at 7 p.m. at the Port Chester High School auditorium. We are so proud of Ben and his accomplishment, Supervisor of Fine and Performing Arts Dr. Katherine Sinsabaugh said. Cada uno de ellos tiene un potencial nico y mi esperanza es ayudarlos a comenzar a comprender y desarrollar el suyo. The students can add details they choose, such as people on the bus, the sky and the road. As part of their band class, the students who range from freshmen to seniors have been working on Spanish-styled performance music for their marching band field show, including Espaa by Jay Bocook, Bolero by Maurice Ravel and Malaguea by Ernesto Lecuona. It has come to our attention that a fake Gmail account has been created using the name of PCHS's Principal Luke Sotherden. Be the first to leave a review! Our environment helps students improve their overall development with an emphasis on communication, decision-making, creative and critical thinking, and self-awareness, Maldonado said. The best and most devoted music teachers at Walter Reed Middle School have just been pink slipped, days after winning the prestigious Bravo award. Nicolas, estudiante de tercer ao, cre su obra de arte como parte de un proyecto de estudio de los ojos que desafiaba a los estudiantes a desarrollar tcnicas con acuarela y crear un ojo realista. You may pay on line. They learned that they can confidently make a work of art, and that following the steps of a project give them the best outcome.. The meeting will be livestreamed, and can be viewed at A lo largo de la experiencia prctica, lo que ms se destac para Tavarez fueron las conversaciones que los estudiantes tenan mientras investigaban, planificaban y descubran algo nuevo. Cervantes, a senior, created her Carousel Frog in watercolor as part of a class project that encouraged students to explore the whimsical nature of carnival and circus themes. Durante el ao escolar, los estudiantes trabajarn en artculos y entrevistas cubriendo una gran cantidad de temas - desde la escuela, deportes y noticias del pueblo hasta opiniones editoriales y eventos actuales y globales. part-time appt. Whether it is a website, animation or mini video game, I want students imagining and creating and pushing themselves to represent the vision they have for their projects.. You may pay by a credit card. Their challenge was to create the most creative representation of that career and explain based on their research why they chose that representation, Tavarez said. At the end of class, the students gathered on therug to review what they learned. This unified celebration of school and community is proud to present this tribute. Tambin se les unieron seis estudiantes de ltimo ao de secundaria que piensan asistir a la universidad en otoo. magazine listed Port Chester as one of the best places to live!! The student population of Walter Reed Middle is 1,599 and the school serves 6-8. Over the next several weeks, the fourth graders will explore the effects of a natural disaster, like a hurricane, and create portable battery-powered classroom materials. I hope that they learn to appreciate the art of photography and how it can enhance their everyday experiences,, Thursday, October 27, 6:30pm-7:30pm Use Technology to Communicate with Your Teacher (, Monday, October 24, 6:30pm-7:30pm Communicating through Email (. Tambin estamos planeando incluir un cmic (vieta) y una resea de un libro en nuestra prxima revista. The purpose of the project was for students to read and identify the causes and effects of these revolutions and then evaluate their success, Messina said. Thespian Society and Tri-M Music Honor Society to help fund the high school play, musical and other performing arts programs. Box 826, Port Chester, NY, 10573 or use paypal . Include the whole bill with your payment and we will mail you a receipt. A continuacin encontrar un enlace a un comunicado conjunto del Departamento de Salud del Estado de Nueva York y el Departamento de Educacin del Estado de Nueva York sobre los virus respiratorios y una buena higiene. In addition to Baurle and Producer Steph Darrow, the production is made possible thanks to several students who have taken on leadership roles, including assistant director Toni Ash and stage managers Nexayda Marin, Ashly Olmeda and Sophia Tellez. With the rise of respiratory viruses during the winter months including Flu, RSV and COVID-19, it is important to practice good hygiene. If you have not received your bill, please contact the Tax Office. Email with any questions, Pages due by JANUARY 6th, no late entries accepted. To introduce the complex concept to the schools youngest learners, Waldmann comparedit to algorithms that students use every day, including washing their hands, brushing theirteeth and walking to school. We are all so proud of what we are building together and I look forward to all that we will achieve together in 2023. Continuaremos nuestra serie de la Universidad Parental: Talleres de tecnologa para padres. Port Chester High School students performed at Radio City Music Hall on Nov. 20 when they opened for the Radio City Rockettes. Everyone is a participant and can choose to get really into character or just have some fun interacting with others and eating food. For your convenience, there are three ways for you to make payments. This is the first time we hosted an event like this, high school theater teacherChristina Baurle said. Walter Reed Middle ranks 552nd of 2740 California middle schools. can help close it. By establishing a group pulse, fifth grade students can play together in a group setting with parts that are the same or independent from one another.. Sotherden said the intention is to remove the barriers of filling out the college application and its associated fee and create a seamless transition from high school to college. Again, thank you for all that you do to make a difference! Esta es una actualizacin del Distrito Escolar de Port Chester. Bajo la direccin de la profesora de tecnologa Nancy Tavarez, el propsito del proyecto fue interesar a los estudiantes en diferentes carreras de ingeniera y mejorar sus habilidades de investigacin. Los proyectos que realizaron los alumnos fueron parte de las clases de arte del maestro Erik Maniscalco. Me gusta que los estudiantes se entusiasmen con la idea de plasmar sus creaciones en el ciberespacio. The students love the camaraderie and chance to meet and compete against other schools, coach David Sheridan said. Tras aprender a organizar, disear y modificar el estilo de las pginas de Internet de forma adecuada, los estudiantes se dieron a la tarea de incluir imgenes debidamente acreditadas, as como diversos elementos para una ptima degustacin visual, que incluan la distribucin de las imgenes, la alineacin del texto, el tipo de letra, los bordes de las imgenes, el color de fondo y mucho ms. After discussing the book, the third graders got into their own writing spots where they revised and enhanced their own personal narratives. Port Chester High School tiene un horario de retraso de 2 horas hoy. The Port Chester Sound came together in song with impeccableblend, music teacher Jonathan Pereira said. Important Information regarding the New York State Math Assessments: In order to align with the New York State Math Assessments and the middle school math curriculum, moving forward, Port Chester Middle School students will use calculators on the star Math Assessments starting with the January administration, 2022-2023 District and PCMS Comprehensive Improvement Plan, Port Chester Middle School 14598 1(3).pdf, Port Chester Middle School 14598 1(1).pdf, Incoming 9th Grade Orientation 2023 - English.pdf, Incoming 9th Grade Orientation 2023 - Spanish.pdf,, 2022 PC District Parent Conference Flyer 12-02 Spanish version 002 docx.pdf, 2022 PC District Parent Conference Flyer 12-02 English 002 002 docx 1.pdf, Letter to Parents and Guardians on November 18 2022(1).docx,,,, Click here to view last night's live watch party,, Kindergarten Registration Announcement 2022.docx, Sp Kindergarten Registration Announcement 2022.docx, 2022 Special Appeal and Regents Information - English, 2022 Special Appeal and Regents Information - Spanish, Information about National Junior Honor Society | Informacin sobre National Junior Honor Society, NJHS Requirements for Application | Requisitos de NJHS para la solicitud, Remote Schedule- 1 hour Delay Start | Programacion remota-inicio con retraso de 1 hora. We are teaching our soccer stations before we start oursoccer games with students in third through fifth grade, Maldonado said. aprendieron la ciencia relacionada con las luces fluorescentes. Por este motivo, la Gobernadora ha decidido terminar el requerimiento obligatorio de las mscaras. "De los cuatro meses que hemos examinado, podrn determinar que enero es el mes ms fro del ao, mientras que julio es el ms caluroso", dijo Vogel. We're a charity that makes it easy for anyone to help a classroom in need. Updates have been made to the graphs below. I wish you all a happy and safe holiday filled with joy and rejuvenation. La maestra Templo dijo: Espero que mis estudiantes aprendan que el arte puede ser una materia interdisciplinaria muy relacionada y conectada con las matemticas y las ciencias para que puedan crear sus propios proyectos y estn orgullosos de los mismos. These kindergarten artists made their first piece of three-dimensional art so they are learning that sculptures can be tall, wide and can be seen from all sides, Gallagher said. The Band Association will also have a table at Port Chester Day on Saturday August 27, and will be selling Band apparel and helmets. The activity was part of a lesson with music therapistDr. Tina Brescia from the Music Conservatory of Westchester. I hope that by the end of this series of lessons, students will understand that weather in Port Chester follows a pattern throughout the year starting cold in January, warming up in the spring and summer and then getting cold again in the fall, Vogel said. Under the guidance of theater director Julie Dor and musical director Rosemarie Veltri, the show features a talented group of 23 students in the cast and 15 in the crew. I am so proud of the determination and thought that went behind this magazine because it took a good amount of work from all of us, Ramos-Aragon said. In celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day, students at Park Avenue Elementary School participated in activities to honor his legacy. This authentic learning experience allowed students to interact with mathematics in a real way, Gomez said. Thomas Edison Elementary School students were treated to a special fire safety presentation by members of the Port Chester Fire Department. Learn more about this gap, why it exists, and how you Ha sido de naturaleza muy colaborativa, y todos los involucrados saben que pueden compartir sus ideas para mejorar nuestra produccin, dijo Baurle. As John F. Kennedy Elementary School second graders eagerly looked up at the SmartBoard during music teacher Kristen DAvanzos class, they learned how to read different rhythm patterns. Me encanta ver cmo hemos expandido principalmente de cuentos cortos a incorporaciones ms nuevas como fotografas y reseas, dijo. Keep up the great work! Please be advised, members of the public may attend the December 17, 2022, Board of Education Meeting in person or view the livestream of the Meeting on the District Website at beginning at 7:00 p.m. 914-934-7886. La maestra Savino dijo: La forma apropiada de sostener y agarrar el arco del violn es extremadamente importante para que el instrumento emita el sonido apropiado Una vez que los msicos, digo estudiantes, aprendieron cmo sostener y agarrar el arco del violn, los estudiantes se dispusieron a colocar los violines sobre sus hombros y revisar los nombres de las diferentes cuerdas. Walter Reed Middle School is a public school in N Hollywood, California that is part of Los Angeles Unified School District. The band members were in great spirits as they marched onto the field for competition, Miceli said. El viernes, veintiocho de octubre, los participantes vestidos con los disfraces y atuendos tpicos de la vspera de la noche de todos los santos, y con el fin de recolectar fondos para la escuela secundaria de Port Chester, se convirtieron en verdaderos actores y formaron parte de la cena inaugural conocida como el atraco misterioso. Click here to view last night's live watch party celebrating our AMAZING TEACHERS! Please see the flyer for further information and contact your childs school with any questions or to register. El proyecto tambin le permiti colaborar con otras personas, resolver problemas y desarrollar sus conocimientos. Haga clic en el enlace a continuacin para ver la transmisin en vivo de nuestra celebracin de asociacin el jueves 20 de octubre de 2022 a las 9:00 a.m. We will host Parent University: Family Technology Workshops. Submissions must be typed in a google document and shared with Mrs. Hohman's email address (, District Comprehensive Improvement Plan (DCIP) 2022-2023, PCMS School Comprehensive Education Plan 2022-2023, 113 Bowman Avenue Adems, requiere que los estudiantes desarrollen su personaje elegido por medio de incorporar fsica y vocalmente a cada personaje. Enrollment/registration emails for each of these programs are being emailed to families by June 2, so families should be on the lookout for correspondence directly from the district or from Catapult Learning regarding your children's participation in programs. Los estudiantes de todos los grados acadmicos de la escuela elemental de Park Avenue, tras leer textos sobre la vida del Doctor Martin Luther King Junior y su dedicacin por el movimiento de los derechos civiles, tuvieron la oportunidad de reflexionar y escribir algo sobre su legado. In addition, it requires the students to develop their character choices by vocally and physically embodying each character. Aguilar, a third grader, created his Steaming Hot Chocolate piece using oil pastel, paper and tempura paint as part of a class assignment that drew inspiration from folk artist Heather Galler. I enjoy teaching my students tools and techniques to represent themselves creatively, Tamucci said. Making learning real and applicable helps students understand concepts and see the value of mathematics. At approximately 7:20 a.m. the fire alarm was pulled due to the strong smell of gas in the building. Members of the Port Chester High School Band rehearsed dynamic volume levels for their performance of Bolero by Maurice Ravel during a recent lesson in band teacher Mike Micelis class. El Port Light resucit para servir como la voz de la comunidad de la escuela secundaria. We will continue our series of Parent University: Family Technology Workshops. El experimento formaba parte de una unidad sobre el agua y el clima en la clase de la profesora de ciencias, Jeni Vogel. The Principals Promise Academy provides a small group of 11thand 12thgrade students the necessary tools to either return to a traditional schedule/setting, and/or complete their high school requirements in a smaller classroom setting with several other supports in place. Estos estudiantes con discapacidades fsicas y mentales, cada semana tenan que demostrar sus habilidades deportivas antes de competir contra otros equipos de ftbol sala de otras escuelas secundarias. At. Este ao, estn trabajando en un nuevo prado de flores silvestres para apoyar la biodiversidad y han comenzado a planificar, trazar e investigar los beneficios potenciales de un jardn de flores silvestres.Espero que los estudiantes puedan desarrollar un sentido de exploracin y comenzar a comprender su conexin individual con su entorno, dijo Silverman. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding. "Luego, discutimos sus observaciones y observamos que el agua se form en el exterior del vaso fro, y que el agua del exterior del vaso proviene de los gases del aire". Mientras nos preparamos para marcar el comienzo del Ao Nuevo, es un buen momento para reflexionar sobre el 2022. La Senadora Mayer dijo que este premio no se le entrega tradicionalmente a un estudiante ya que tpicamente reconoce a organizaciones sin fines de lucro que han sido excepcionales para el mejoramiento de su comunidad, pero pens que los estudiantes merecen el reconocimiento. They were also encouragedto create their own rocket ship or UFO. Thomas Edison Elementary School kindergartners and fifth graders bonded over Thanksgiving-themed craft activities. Currculo y alfabetizacin a la vanguardia: poner a prueba y poner en marcha una nueva iniciativa de lectura. The students welcoming experience back into orchestra reaffirmed their passion for music and excitement to build on their knowledge throughout the school year. Source: CCD Public school data 2020-2021, 2021-2022 school years "Los alumnos observaron dos vasos -uno con agua a temperatura ambiente y otro con agua helada- y pronosticaron lo que ocurrira cuando se colocara agua dentro de cada vaso", dijo Vogel. Thank you for voting and for your support of our schools! Los estudiantes de Port Chester High School Joseph Alvarez, Emely Cervantes y Kimberly Nicolas tienen sus obras de arte en exhibicin en la exhibicin virtual de la Asociacin de Maestros de Arte del Estado de Nueva York. Tickets are $10 online and $12 at the door. This is one of our many fundraisers developed to help cover costs for various performance expenses incurred throughout the year. Tamucci dijo que sus estudiantes estaban motivados a aprender la codificacin avanzada para programar sus pginas de Internet de la forma ms parecida posible a la del diseo que haban imaginado. Inspirndose en los retratos de Mary Cassatt, fue el primer intento de Guaman de hacer un autorretrato.Yuri hizo un gran trabajo con la proporcin de su rostro, adems de capturar la esencia de sus rasgos y aprender a mezclar colores con lpices de colores, dijo Chambers.Trujillo, un alumno de cuarto grado, cre su "TheJungle" con pastel al leo despus de inspirarse en las pinturas de la jungla de Henry Rousseau. Studio Art Teacher Jeff Tascio has been working with his seventh- and eighth-grade classes on a life-sized project that has been a journey of engineering, critical thinking and creativity. "Tambin profundizaremos en estos datos en un debate sobre las estaciones, centrndonos en cmo el tiempo y la temperatura cambian a lo largo del ao y las estaciones".Como parte de sus estudios, los alumnos de 3er grado aprendieron sobre la temperatura y midieron la temperatura de diferentes vasos de agua utilizando un termmetro. Learning how to play in a band ensemble is an essential experience as a student musician, Johnson said. The Principals Promise Academy worked with the school's Key Club students to facilitate the food drive, which yielded more than 600 pounds of food. The students who revived the paper after a decade hiatus were presented the award by State Sen. Shelley Mayer on Dec. 7 at their school. Just a few days after winning a district-wide award for having the best school music program, two Walter Reed Middle School music teachers were given Reduction In Force notices by the. "Midieron la altura de una vara de medir con su sombra. As part of the longstanding tradition at Port Chester, students handed out a yellow rose to a family member a veteranwho was invited to the ceremony. Congratulations as well to incumbent Christine Onofrio and to George P. Ford, Jr., who won election to the Board of Education with 1,181 votes and 901 votes, respectively. Las presentaciones se llevarn a cabo el jueves 1 de diciembre, el viernes 2 de diciembre y el sbado 3 de diciembre a las 7 p.m. en el auditorio de la Escuela Intermedia de Port Chester. Opportunities to engage stakeholders: Coffee and Conversations, listening tours, community engagement plan, surveys, student voice at Board meetings, roundtable discussions, community engagement events (resource fairs, dinners, committees). School Profile: Walter Reed Middle. The stations included skills such as stopping and moving the ball with control, passing it to a partner, shooting it towards a goal and using the correct technique to create a heading pass. Hosted by the Westchester Chordsmen, the performances included high school a cappella groups from Westchester County. A great percentage of our students come from low-income homes; this is one of the main reasons why having access to technology in the classroom is so important. El programa tambin les brindar a los estudiantes la oportunidad de explorar trayectorias profesionales, inscribirse en los abundantes y variados cursos de la universidad para ampliar sus intereses y obtener un ttulo universitario a un precio asequible. Continuaremos nuestra serie de la Universidad para Padres: Talleres de tecnologa para padres. Theinteractive theater activity served as a fundraiser for theThespian Society and Tri-M Music Honor Society to help fund the high school play, musical and other performing arts programs. Las actividades de musicoterapia estn diseadas para apoyar el desarrollo del lenguaje, las habilidades motoras finas, las habilidades sociales, aumentando la capacidad de atencin y ofreciendo oportunidades para la auto-expresin creativa. We are waiting for further clarification regarding buses and will continue to update the community as soon as we have definitive news. Johnson dijo que Cool Blues refuerza el concepto esencial de tocar en grupo, contando y ejecutando ritmos largos y cortos, y a descansar con la duracin adecuada del sonido o el silencio. Each group will be expected to meet at least two times this year. Los miembros de la banda estaban muy animados mientras caminaban al campo para la competencia, dijo Miceli. Feeding Westchester and Port Chester Schools Food Distribution, Port Chester Middle School -4:00 p.m. Supplies run out, Alimentando Westchester y las Escuelas de Port Chester- Distribucin de Comida, 4:00 pm- Hasta que se acaben los alimentos. Port Chester High School students will present Clue as its fall production from Nov. 17-19. As the host,Baurle was theonly one who knew who the criminal was, and it was up to the participants to figure it out by the end of the evening. In 2016, 1,599 students were enrolled and there was a student/teacher ratio of 27:1. In order to align with the New York State Math Assessments and the middle school math curriculum, moving forward, Port Chester Middle School students will use calculators on the Star Math Assessments starting with the January administration. Los boletos cuestan $10 si se compran en lnea y $12 en la puerta. Tonights High School Winter Concert is postponed to 7:00 p.m. on Dec 21, 2022. Eating food escritura creativa muy orgullosos de nuestros estudiantes, y las herramientas que usan los bomberos buses. Hashtags: # middleschoolteachers, # middleschoolteacherswag, # teacherofmiddleschoolers to a special fire presentation... 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