I would have left a merely very good job a couple of years ago. I had a 15-minute commute for 11 years. A big difference for the NYC person is that So Cal has lots and lots of space to sprawl (so we did pushing living spaces and working spaces further and further apart) and we are car obsessed. Yeah, from what I hear its normal for that area, but Ive never had a commute anywhere near that long on the East Coast. If you dont want to drive for 2.5 hours in LA, I hen you need to live closer to where you work unfortunately. Audiobooks are common. It was mostly a reverse commute (opposite way down the highway during rush hour) so once I got to the highway it was speedy. Im Bay Area and peninsula to city (or peninsula to SJC) is easily 1o miles and 90 minutes. Mass transit the entire way, one-way commute time: 2.5 hours. Theres also a direct bus route that gets me there in about 45 minutes. Early morning starts and late finishes, due to excessive travel, would've been so draining. My sister used to do Pomona to Glendale, but she luckily had an early start. If I take the bus, its an hour and takes two buses + one mile walk. OP cant expect her commute to go from 2 hours to 15 minutes because the boyfriend has told her that isnt normal, but she can make reasonable decisions now on how to cut the commute down to a more acceptable hour or hour and a half. If the commute doesnt work for you assess if youd rather house hunt, or job search, and proceed with whichever fits better into your plans. If you cant move, or change your hours, but you dont want to quit, you should find a way to make that time part of your life: language-learning course, books youve always wanted to read, a new broadway show each week that you learn by heart, etc. Ive had 5 minute commutes in West TX, 15 minute commutes in northern CO, 20-30 minute commutes in Albuquerque, NM, around an hour commute from rural central NM (to a 2 hour commute if I was attending class in Albuquerque that day), and 30 minute commutes in NE FL. When I first got this job, I was essentially going from one downtown to the other, which meant even if I left at 4:45, I wouldnt get home until 6:30. I used to work 45 minutes away (office moved farther away) and had a 5:30 am 2 pm shift. Folks drive at the limit or (more often) 10-15 miles over limit when theres room to do so. Ive always thought it would be awesome to be able to walk to work! For example, I live on the Westside. Do you feel watched? However, I was shocked to see how awful CA traffic can get. Very different than 50 minutes in traffic. I think the only reason it was doable was because I *wasnt* in the car, and I could zone out (and not having to make any connections was great). Orange County comes up in a search for LA in idealist.org, so I didnt even realize it wasnt the same as LA. I commute from NoVa to DC; the drive is 25 miles and takes 60 to 90 minutes. Mine is pretty average, then. Like the OP, Im a former New Yorker, and my 45-minute subway or bus commute felt like nothing because I didnt have to be so engaged. My biggest concern with many miles is what happens when your car is in the shop. Not your fault/Its normal to be a bit nave about a new city. Today, its more like 2.5. The average commute in the U.S. is 26 minutes, according to Census data. He is not destructive on these days either but he isn't a destructive dog in . We weighed the options and decided wed rather have an awesome place to come home to rather than a bed in a bare room. Yep- bay area can be really really bad. If you have a choice, I wouldnt work further north than El Segundo if you want to stay in LB. She pushed and they finally agreed to a compromise; they moved into LA proper, and her commute cut down to about an hour and a half while his commute extended to 25 minutes (he was going against traffic flows). That just seems crazy! So all that said, Allisons advice is really the best. I ultimately made the decision, about a day after I sent the letter and sat in traffic for 2+ hours, to quit next week as my 3-month probation period is almost over, I have a scheduled review and I dont want to lead the company on. It works, but cuts into family time together. My hours are definitely not flexible (ideally Id be working 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. I absolutely cannot leave after 4 p.m. without hitting a majorly clogged highway any highway that leads out of where I work) and my boss likes to come in/stay late. I think its cause I worked in start ups and most folks, if they didnt live in walking distance, lived very close by (like myself at the time). Ive since moved, but my 10 mile commute still take 30-45 minutes each morning. My employer pays for my bus pass and my current salary is decent, which takes away from the sting of this commute. In Southern California, the weather is great, the traffic not so much ;~(. most people I know in the Us walk or bike to work. Ive since moved to Minneapolis to be closer to work, and now my commute is an easy 20 minutes door to door. So for all of the people saying its normal, it may not be abnormal, but its also not particularly common. Ha! Where in OC? Not that 3 hours as opposed to 4-5 is that much better. You get used to it. can I get my coworker to stop using awful corporate jargon? Would kill me. SF Bay Area here. On a snow day when schools were closed, i was looking at 2.5-3 hrs. When I was really tired, even audiobooks and nuts couldnt keep me awake. Include the Commute Cost Calculator on Your Own Website! OP, your best bet is probably living in the Valley (North Hollywood-ish) and take one of the canyons over the mountains. It would take maybe 10 minutes longer than by car. I would say 45 min-1 hr is normal. If youre interested in going that route, Lunacycle is an ebike manufacturer based in El Segundo that you could visit. Around noon, it takes about 30 minutes sometimes 20 if, for some reason, theres no traffic. Now Ive got to badge into a parking garage, park, walk across the street, take an escalator, badge into the right access area of the office complex, take an elevator, badge into the office with my 3rd badge, and use a key for my companys office space. He said as long as he was on the train the commute flew by and they had a great quality of life in PA. People commute 2 hours *within New York* if they cant move and need to keep a particular job. Im not surprised that it has doubled as of today. The traffic headed to Hayward was absolutely miserable, the traffic on the main road I took in Hayward was miserable (Why did the chicken cross Industrial Boulevard? The worst might have been a twenty minute commute that required three different trains, travelling in a U shape. Today's show will cover all the different aspects of remote work. Haha, were not arguing! I wouldnt take a job with a long commute in traffic no matter HOW much it paid. I think that explain it all. 2 hour ride, changing, full 8 hour day, and repeat for the return. I wouldt be home until 8:30-9. came here to ask the same question: why dont you and OP use an (electric) bike? Having never been to LA, are there no backwwys to get from one side of town to the other is the interstate the only way to go? One of my coworkers lives in Simi Valley and commutes to Pasadena daily. 30 miles in 2.5 hours. If she drives and traffic is good (no accidents), its 45-60 minutes. :(. I used to commute between Pomona and Costa Mesa, which was roughly 2 hours each way on the 57, and it was awful. It gets old, fast :) Thats true. Still, commute times in all peer metros have worsened and the Bay Area now falls in the middle of the pack. Its baffling to me, even coming from Boston where 93 is notoriously slow. The big difference is that NYC (and most of the big cities in the northeast) were big cities before autos became common. Los Angeles mass transit is currently undergoing a massive expansion. Exactly. The best commute I had was at my previous job, when I could go from desk to front door in 45 minutes practically unheard of here! But the real question is it something you can do? His job is flexible and would allow him to work from home at least 2-3 days a week and commute only when necessary, but if it comes up when Im interviewing in the city people always seem shocked because of the part of the country were in. It surprises me a bit that you didnt encounter people with bad commutes in New York. I would factor in both the time of the commute and the variability. When its not, though. I live in SW CT so the only reason my drive is doable is because I stay off (and away from) 95. The shortest average daily commute is about 15 minutes for people living in Midwest cities like Witchita, Omaha, and Tulsa. IN the city would probably mean lower income, with a few exceptions. Plus, I live near a mall and practically next to a few grocery stores and gas stations, so traffic always sucks in the afternoons. On the East Coast you get commutes like that between CT and NY -northern CT. New York to Philadelphia (1.5 hours by train) or DC and Northern Virginia/ Maryland. I dont know how people drive standards here ;). If youre in Norwalk or somewhere similar, it might be possible to go to the nearest Amtrak/Metrolink station, park, and take the train the rest of the way. I live in OC and my commute into downtown LA would take no more than an hour and a half (I did this for about a year not too long ago) so I dont know how you could live in LA and commute to LA and have it take 2. If I lived in a more metropolitan area I wouldnt mind a 1-2 hour commute on mass transit because there would be less stress (not navigating traffic) and I could feasibly check work emails or do anything else on my phone. I would keep in mind if the route takes you through rush hour traffic, if it does that normal 2 hour drive might become 3. My commute is an hour, but changing etc adds on 30 minutes (before/after). The traffic problems are also LA County and Orange County problems, not just the city. Probably even some of the more steamy paranormal romances too I wouldnt want to listen to Im very conscious of the audibility of what Im listening to outside my vehicle, because I regularly overhear peoples in car telephone conversations!). It really doesnt matter whether I leave at 7 am or at 9 am it takes just as long to get in every day. I will say I went from a 45 minute commute (including daycare) to now maybe 20 minutes at worse and from a 4X9/1X4 schedule to 5X8 schedule and love it way more. Make sure you check the commute times for any potential employers. The further west you go (i.e. * Ive had two jobs where I basically had to all across the street and through a large parking lot to get to them. When I left, even though there were issues I had with burnout, the position, etc., citing the commute as my primary reason smoothed things over a lot. For a while, my husband and I were both commuting in opposite directions from our house, each taking roughly an hour. Self driving cars might be able to do it though. the job was great, i would have worked there forever, but, ugh, LA. Ive lived in SoCal for 48 years, born & raised here. That long of a commute isnt worth your sanity. for about a year i commuted an hour to work and i did get used to it but i wouldnt choose to go back to doing that. OP said flex time is very likely not an option, unfortunately. I would find 2 hours each untenable, and thats okay! 2 hours is totally normal and expected for a trip like this in rush hour. I think the longest commute I have ever had was 45 minutes to an hour (once driving and once by subway). We plan on moving closer to my husbands work as soon as we hit the 2 year mark of owning our condo and can sell it without being taxed. But 5 hours in the car AND an (at least) eight hour work day? When I had to commute via the subway, it was 20 minutes at most (I also live near three different subway lines). DC area here. Check out Port of Los Angeles jobs international shipping companies might like your language skills. My 40 minute commute was in a rural area and it was beautiful, winding road, lakes and lots and lots of wildlife. Plus, its Florida and OP is in southern California, so I doubt that we could survive the heat (not to mention the frequent summer rainstorms here in the summer). *Except for the time I was without a vehicle for awhile and that 20 minute commute turned into an hour and a half bus ride. If not, I would have a frank and awkward talk with your boss. I suspect OP is dealing with the notorious westbound 10 Freeway if a 2-hour commute is happening. A 10 to 12 hour day with 3 hours travel and 6 hours of sleep leaves you with 3 to 5 hours a day for everything else. If you spend 4 hours commuting five days a week, it will wear on you eventually. With my next job, my commute was only 30 minutes on a highway with very little traffic, and it was SO much better. Did the research note distance? This includes driving to the park-n-ride, parking, walking to the bus, sometimes waiting for the bus, riding the bus, walking to my office. Still long, but more tolerable. Hope you find something that keeps you off the road! Youre likely making some unwarranted assumptions on the basis oflets give you and everyone else the benefit of the doubt, and call it a combination of style and socioeconomics. Thats closer to 45 minutes 1 hour. She thought she was lucky because she only worked 4 days a week. Thats WHY we have such horrible traffic! I would move closer to work but cant afford it. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/08/21/us/california-today-super-commutes-stockon.html, Link is in moderation, but the article is called California Today: The Rise of the Super Commuter. 1 Hour is perfectly fine for me however it can differ with others, 2 hours does seem a tad much especially when you have to consider traffic. My sister was in the backseat also GPSing the route on her phone, also trying to get around traffic. I also would caution your expectation of a fast recomp. I got my nails done once after work in the neighborhood and was still stuck in traffic for close to two hours. This is the price of living and working in Silicon Valley. I hate the job but the commute is simply perfect. And it stinks when you get to the end and you have the last 5-mile problem where it took you an hour to go 40 miles and 30 minutes to go 5. General comment, not intending to Monday morning quarterback the LW: doing a test run of the commute before accepting a job is really, really helpful if you can manage it. At rush hour, it can take 40 minutes or more, but I usually have the luxury of working from home in the morning and then going to the office. My longest since then was 45 minutes driving across town even during rush hour. They built a whole light rail system, actually. I recently moved to southern California from New York City. So, a typical commute for me was about 1.5-2 hrs and it absolutely did wear on me. Your commute is not going to change before this commute makes you lose your mind. Since the pandemic, he has only come home twice, each time with two-week quarantine. And that was for the majority of my working career. I am from California and some time ago I decided to move about 30 miles away from work. My coworkers who lived in Manhattan Beach and had to take the 405 or Echo Park and took the 101 the whole way hated their lives. It gave up just about all of that when it converted to the freeway religion. Sometimes I would take the commuter bus into downtown, then hop on the Expo line to work. Hour commute, though? And dont think that just because youve shaved 15 miles off the distance that youll have an easier commute. For me, my average commute is 45 minutes driving or 1 hour on public transit (and I wouldnt take a job thats over an hour commute w/o considering relocation too.). People texting, tinted rear windows, vigilantes who try to control the flow of traffic by driving slow in the fast lane, illegals aliens with legal drivers licenses who are unfamiliar with and did not learn how to drive on our freeways, lack of situational awareness. Either way, door to door it was a little over 2 hours each way. It can be perfectly normal to have this commute in some locations, and some companies accommodate that (allowing flexibility for traffic jams/weather, offset working hours, working 4/10s.) Invest in it! That doesnt have to mean a new car, it can mean things like a nice sound-system, snacks and sunglasses in the seat pocket, nice-smelling stuff if thats what you go for. with no traffic, so 2 hours isnt a huge difference. I have a 10-15 min drive to/from work. When I lived in WA there were a LOT of horrible (white) drivers who, as my roommate put it all learned to how to drive in the sticks on a tractor and has no idea how to handle real cars on the almost traffic-free roads & freeways in the small town where I lived. I interviewed for a job in Boston, and they actually brought up the fact that the office was horribly located for public transit and gave me some ideas for neighborhoods that would be semi-affordable and not completely terrible to commute from. There was no traffic. Im from Sunnyvale and I go to college in Merced. I was born and raised just outside of Toronto and with the exception of a 3 year stint working in Los Angeles I have lived here my whole life. Anytime train tickets An Anytime train ticket is a flexible ticket that allows you to travel at any time of the day. It might be normal for LA, but it can really kill your quality of life. That's train, tube, walk and drive to the station. I used to commute from Mission Viejo (south OC) to DTLA and it was a lifesaver. You forgot all of the American citizens (from all over) with legal licenses who drive like utter shit. I wont leave SoCal again til I shuffle off this mortal coil. And, the closer we get to NYC, the more expensive housing becomes, even for a modest home. What had been no big deal became a stressor. You have to move where the job is or its not feasible. I found a radio station with bible studies, so I listened to that. Anything more would made me very anxious. Not a fan of long commutes, such a waste of life. It depends on where you start and where you end up but I am not surprised. Serious questionI have never ridden light rail in San Francisco but have in a number of other cities, and Im having trouble seeing how this is possible. Ive commuted 90 minutes for one job and 40 minutes for my last job. One hour for me, but that includes dropping off a kid at school. What genres do you read? But with the hours he was working + commute, he was basically only home to sleep and shower M-F. Yeah, I moved from a nicer and more affordable apartment to a more expensive and less nice one in order to cut at least 90 minutes out of my commute. Do you have a backup plan in case you are just too tired to drive home safely some night? Its a choice. I know that I absolutely could not stand sit behind the wheel of my sporty little 2 seater, inching ever slowly in traffic. But like a lot of commenters said here already, its an individual decision based on your individual (/family/partners/etc.) Im fortunate enough to have flex time and very understanding bosses. Its the travel at either side of the train journey train is about 1/2 hour, but 20-30 min bus on either end + waiting for connections. I came here to suggest the LA Metro! 5546 (c)). A friend posted earlier in the week that median prices in Seattle are now over $800,000. I commute 50mins each way by bike but I feel cycling is somehow less frustrating / or tolerable than driving. My commute one way is 1-2 hours depending on traffic conditions and weather from the heart of downtown to the Woodlands. Hes sharing what people in the area generally consider a normal commute. so long as Im actually moving. And an above ground system in some places that limits train speed & number of cars. Thats the rule). Since youre feeling like you dont have a life this might be an alternative for you, but its hard to make friends. Ive seen absolutely nothing since the dash cam was installed. Im super late to the party (hooray vacation and Feedly), but I lived in Anaheim and worked at USC (downtown LA) for a couple of years. DC area is another one where new arrivals should really get local info about traffic before committing to a job and/or housing. Also, I assume the commute is not a straight line. OP, commutes are really important to quality of life and employers understand when theyre not feasible. I definitely have one of the longer commutes in my office but there are a growing number of us who have it. I have a 2 hour commute into Boston; I live in Providence. Awesome! I can vouch for there being less traffic at 5 am but Ive driven emptier highways at midday around other cities. For a city, 30 miles seems like a lot! Im about 45-50 minutes in the car (9 miles of stop-and-go). An hour if I left any later. I lived in hollywood, worked in Brentwood. Its hard to tell if people choose the burbs because of the stigma, or if the stigma is the result of people choosing the burbs. Hopefully you find something new soon! I dont work work from home either, just happen to literally be able to walk to work. henderson county, nc property records, holistic psychiatrist chicago, hiroyuki terada cameraman charles preston, what did the fairy queen whisper to fen, adalyn middle names, who owns tsg consumer partners, underground raves austin, gilligan's island cast still alive 2020, islamic jihad organization, salsa mexican grill nutrition information, janet griffin lee chamberlain, stephanie (cerow) diaz, kia sportage production delays, neighbor keeps hitting my car, richard bourdon bread recipe, Matter whether i leave at 7 am or at 9 am it takes just as long to get NYC. Opposed to 4-5 is that NYC ( and away from the sting this. 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