Commerce. Courts established in the queen's possessions beyond the seas, with jurisdiction over maritime causes, including those relating to prize. deny, admits.". Effective Date of 1992 Amendment. You must put the HOSPITAL where you were born as the address for the DEBTOR as this is where the corporation was created by the state. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. together into a workable tool for our benefit. And until you give them notice otherwise, they will always have authority over it. Maintenance of Collateral. account has been adjusted as requested herein. You convene a Sheriff's common law jury, based on the Seventh Amendment, concerning a dispute involving a claim of more than $20. Now, do you understand why you are "bankrupt," along with the rest of the country? Search from True Bill In Commerce stock photos, pictures and royalty-free images from iStock. ______________________________________ ____________________________________, See attached: Schedule A and Indemnity Bond Page 4 of 4. We are reaping what has been sown, and the result of our harvest is a painful bankruptcy, and a foreclosure on American property, precious liberties, and a way of life. Barron's 3rd. The smart savings option is one of Truebill's recent features. . We will go into detail on this in the 5th Course Contracts, but first you need to accept these contracts by claiming the fictitious entity the state created when you were born. In such event of Notice of Cancellation, and in the event the United States reinstitutes its constructive claim against the Collateral, the Debtor agrees to reissue the bond before the end of the thirty (30) day period for an amount equal to or greater than the above value of the attached Security Agreement, unless the Parties agree otherwise. Gives you a warm fuzzy feeling inside doesnt it? Pennsylvania was the first state to adopt the UCC (July 1954), and Louisiana the last (January 1, 1975). The United States of America is lawfully the possession of the English Crown per original commercial joint venture agreement between the colonies and the Crown, and the Constitution, which brought all the states (only) back under British ownership and rule. Do not put an amount in the space provided, because you do not know how much they have entered into your account. We are setting forth hopefully, a blueprint for our future. If you tabulate the dollar amounts of the fines involved in these offenses, you could take just Title 18 section 241 alone which is a $10,000.00 fine on any public official for each offense. They are stuck. When you operate at this level, by these precepts, nothing that is of inferior statute can overturn or change it or abrogate it or meddle with it. We have never risen to the level where the base of law is, where the reality, the power, the solidity and the pre-eminence exists - THE SOVERANS LEVEL. The Truebill app has several features to help you better manage your finances. ? Re: Non-Negotiable Charge Back We learned in the second course how the law of commerce has plagued us for more than 6000 years. This commercial relationship is what is known as "just compensation" (5th Amendment, U.S. Constitution). All rights reserved under UCC 1-308. Did you know the UNITED STATES actually defines the fictitious entity spelled like your name with upper case letters as a "corporation"? While you are waiting for your copy of your birth certificate, you will have to make an invoice like they would have "if" they were able to give one to you. Capacity of offeree [that's you again, the offeree] upon acceptance of terms of offer, to create a binding contract. True Billed (What It Means And How It Works: All You Need A true bill or true bill indictment refers to a grand jurys acceptance that a specific individual should be charged for possibly violating criminal laws warranting a trial to take place, The grand jurys true bill does not mean that a person is found guilty of a crime but recognizes that theres enough merit to bring a person before the court of law to determine whether he or she should be found guilty of a crime, When the grand jurors review the prosecutors evidence and wish to endorse the indictment, a member of the grand jury (the foreperson) will sign the true bill statement on behalf of the grand jury, When the grand jury is unable to endorse the indictment, it will issue a no true bill or no bill statement, What Happens After A True Bill Indictment, Void Cases (What It Means And Examples: All You Need To Know), Groping (Legal Definition And Overview: All You Need To Know), Believes a person may have committed a crime, Does not believe a person may have committed a crime, And does not recommend proceeding with an indictment. Now, you take your commercial lien to the Secretary of State to file as a UCC-1 Financing statement. Well, what CAN you do about it? This is the Law of Commerce. Rights and Remedies. These are Universal Principals which so necessarily agrees with nature and state of man, that without observing their inherent maxims, the peace and happiness of society can never be preserved. They must come back with an affidavit which rebuts your affidavit point for point, which means they have to provide the paper work with the real assessment, the true bill in commerce, the real sworn affidavits that would make their assessment or claims against you valid. if (VERSION > 3) { In English Law. The taking and receiving of anything in good part, and as it were a tacit agreement to a proceeding part, which might have been defeated or avoided if such acceptance had not been made. But, we're not through yet. I hope that I was able to answer your questions such as what does true bill of indictment mean, what does true bill mean in court, or what is the no true bill meaning? Sounds like an oxymoron, but then again, I am using THEIR terminology! Now that you have the whole package, make a copy of the entire package which should include; a.Cover letter to Paul H ONeill . The only one who has any capacity or right or responsibility or knowledge to rebut your Affidavit of Truth is the one who is adversely affected by it. This means your affidavit stands as truth in commerce. And, most of the people starting in this redemption program seems to have the same problem. However, a commercial lien can be challenged via the Seventh Amendment jury trial, but may not be removed by anyone except the Lien Claimant or a jury trial, properly constituted, convened, and concluded by due process of law. Go to your local IRS and get a 1040ES (Estimated Tax) Form and fill it out, but DO NOT sign it or fill in the AMOUNT. 1;17, 19:21; Mat. (One who is not damaged, put at risk, or willing to swear an oath on his commercial liability to claim authority) (Acts 7, life/death of Stephen). Here is how they . The first of these is expressed in Exodus 20:15; Lev. There is even a more effective way of getting you equity back Involuntary Bankruptcy! Transfers by government agencies . Corporations cannot CONTRACT with Human Beings, only other Corporations, under CONTRACT LAW. By endorsing the prosecutors indictment, it allows for the criminal proceedings to begin against a specific person. . While you are at the copy place, take your UCC-1 and make a copy of it also. 6. v. Varsity Brands, Inc. A bill of indictment, handed down by a grand jury, stating there is sufficient evidence to justify prosecution of the. Truebill is both a company and a personal finance app with a focus on managing your monthly bills and subscriptions. They can't hide behind the skirts of the corporate state, this fictional entity created by man to be able to engage in perfidious actions which you would not otherwise be able by virtue of Natural and Moral Law. . 7. commencement of foreclosure, whether by action of a tribunal, self-help, repossession, or other method, by a creditor of Debtor against the Collateral; Also reserve a number that will become your TREASURY POSTED REGISTERED ACCOUNT. The Lien Right of a Lien must be expressed in the form of an Affidavit sworn true, correct and complete, with positive identification of the Affiant. US Department of the Treasury When a true bill indictment is issued, it results in the defendant being criminally charged, and the move toward trial begins. } THIS IS THE REMEDY. Beneath that heading you'll see Conditional acceptance; Conditional acceptance. A commercial lien does not require a court process for its establishment. document.write('
'); A lien has the effect of permanently seizing property in three months, ninety days, upon failure of the lien debtor to rebut the Affidavit of Claim of Lien. "3. Now do you comprehend why you feel broke? Commercial Law is non-judicial. How did this get turned upside down where the head is the tail and the tail is now the head? The definition is in 15 USCA (United States Code Annotated) section 44; "Corporation" shall be deemed to include any company, trust, so-called Massachusetts trust, or association, incorporated or unincorporated, which is organized to carry on business for its own profit or that of its members,.". There is no legal issue or dispute possible which is not a function of one or more of these principles. Then situate the CHARGEBACK transparency on the birth certificate and have them make a color copy of it. The entirety of world commerce now functions in accordance with the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC), the UNITED STATES corporation version of Commercial Law. The number will consist of the registered number that is printed on the red registered mail sticker you get from the Post Office, plus your social security number with NO dashes. . When you issue an affidavit in commerce you get the power of an affidavit. In this example of true bills issued by the grand jury, 16 executives pled guilty, and received various sentences. No contract in common law is valid unless it involves an exchange of "good and valuable consideration." By entering your email, you agree to sign up for consumer news, tips and giveaways from ConsumerAffairs. This media, text, photos are otherwise is a mere freedom of speech and expression and not intended to be of an offensive nature So, if I accept your offer, with conditional acceptance, then place my own terms in which I do accept your offer, then we now have a binding contract. 9. Yes it does. Now it's easy to grasp why America is fundamentally bankrupt. This is your first Affidavit, certified and sworn on the responsible party's commercial liability as true, correct, and complete, not meant to mislead. This commercial relationship is what is known as "just compensation" (5th Amendment, U.S. Constitution). SACRIFICE IS THE MEASURE OF CREDIBILITY (NO A commercial lien must always contain an Affidavit in support of Claim of Lien and cannot be removed without a complete rebuttal of the Liens Claimant affidavit point-by-point, in order to overthrow the one-to-one correspondence of the commercial lien. The Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) is a comprehensive set of laws governing all commercial transactions in the United States. WebBrowser1.ExecWB(6, 2);//Use a 1 vs. a 2 for a prompting dialog box WebBrowser1.outerHTML = ""; The primary users of commercial law and those who best understand and codified it in Western Civilization are the Jews. This code being a general act intended as a unified coverage of its subject matter, no part of it shall be deemed to be impliedly repealed by subsequent legislation in such construction be reasonably avoided". 24: 17-21; Deut. A commercial lien is a non-judicial claim or charge against property of a Lien Debtor for payment of a debt or discharge of a duty or obligation. The significance of this is that, as a corporation, the United States has no more authority to, implement its laws against "We The People" than does Mac Donald Corporations, except for, one thing -- the contracts we've signed as surety for our strawman with the United States and, the Creditor Bankers. Debtor may possess all tangible personal property included in Collateral, and have beneficial use of all other Collateral, and may use it in any lawful manner not inconsistent with this Agreement, except that Debtors right to possession and beneficial use may also apply to Collateral that is in the possession of the Secured Party if such possession is required by law to perfect Secured Partys interest in such Collateral. . These charges included, among other things, manipulating the books to create an illusion that the company was terrifically successful, while enriching themselves at their shareholders expense. Potentially countless commercial transactions can be consummated based on the current UCC at any time. "12 Bank accounts . Whenever the consent of Secured Party is required under this Agreement, the granting of such consent by Secured Party in one instance shall not constitute consent over the whole. This Schedule A dated the _____ day of ____________, 2001, is attached to and incorporated in the attached Security Agreement dated the same date, as though fully set forth therein. Amendment by Pub. The Federal Reserve System, is based on the Canon law and the principles of sovereignty protected in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Now, nobody in the IRS is going to take commercial liability for exposing themselves to a lie, and have a chance for people to come back at them with a True Bill in Commerce, a true accounting. . Sign up to receive our free weekly newsletter. 4. Debtor also warrants that it holds good and marketable title to the Collateral, free and clear of all actual and lawful liens and encumbrances except for the interest established herein, and except for such substantial interest as may have been privately established by agreement of the parties with full attention to the elements necessary to establish a valid contract under international contract law. (1:9:3). The condition of this bond is that Secured Party covenants to do certain things on behalf of the Debtor, as set forth in the attached Security Agreement of the same date and executing Parties; and Debtor covenants to serve as a transmitting utility to assure beneficial interest in all accounts established and managed by the United States, and all goods and services in commerce, are available to or conveyed from Debtor to Secured Party, whichever is appropriate. After common law come governments, and their laws and legislative regulations, ad infinitum of the organic republics of the states. Possibly, but what if it is a verbal agreement? 1040 ES FORM. A Commercial Bill may have a fixed or floating interest rate, or may be zero - coupon. You should be able to go to your Secretary of States site, such as SOSAZ would be for Arizona, or just call for the website. We don't know how to invoke our rights, remedies and recourses. L. 102-550, set . To paraphrase the third definition above, the UCC is the supreme law on the planet, and all other forms of law are encompassed by it and included in it (except you as a sovereign, of course). .Uniform Commercial Code, Commercial Lien, What is a True Bill in Commerce? Leave this blank and let them fill this amount in. This process was never intended to include "lawyers, attorneys or judges construing their own law", as these "titles" are all based upon the fiction of "representation" which can never "be the real thing". The IRS has, and never can, and never will, and never could, EVER issue a valid assessment lien or levy. Things begin to get interesting. In addition to defrauding the People by using "Words of Art" to change the meanings of words, the IRS also uses the Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C.) This is a ledgering or bookkeeping/accounting, with every entry established. Select Premium in the apps settings menu, In the app, find your account balances and select Smart Savings. A signer of this Agreement on behalf of a legal entity certifies that he has the authority to sign this Agreement and that this transaction has been duly authorized by such entity. A True Bill in Commerce is a commercial paper instrument. You can balance your account by ACCEPTANCE FOR VALUE. There can be no valid commercial transaction without someone putting their neck on the line and stated, "this is true, correct, complete and not meant to mislead." 419 Chapter 62. Some of Truebills services, like subscription management, are free to use. . With this in mind, when you get a traffic ticket, a notice of foreclosure or whatever, one's first instinct is "Oh, No. You go to all their laws like Title 18 and you tabulate the whole list of crimes they have committed against you in lying to you, foreclosing and selling your home and issuing liens and levies. 6:16-17;). Tucson, Arizona 85746. "5. This type of decision is of course only possible in jurisdictions where their criminal rules of procedure require that a grand jury evaluate the prosecutors evidence and decide whether or not it agrees with the prosecutor to file criminal charges against a person. a judges discretion. This is the bill, the charge, the evidence of debt. Expenses. Once again, We the People are the tenants and sharecroppers renting our own property from a Sovereign in the guise of the Federal Reserve Bank. So, common law is the law of the earth. b. Christina is likely the 10-Firms sometimes use financial ratios to determine performance. Debtor hereby expressly subordinates any claim Debtor may have against Secured Party, upon any account whatsoever, to the claim Secured Party has or will have against the Debtor. All this means is that the conflict between affidavits are now fought out in the open. Mailing Location: c/o 4741 W, Camino Tierra If the grand jury feels there is not sufficient evidence to warrant criminal charges, the jury issues a no true bill.. Commerce, by the law of nations, ought to be common, and not to be converted into a monopoly and the private gain of the few. The Federal Reserve Act was legislated post-facto (1870), although post-facto laws are strictly forbidden by the Constitution. This is founded on both Natural and Moral law and is binding on everyone. Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. is a corporation . This is a ledgering or bookkeeping/accounting, with every entry established. The American people, however, had sovereign standing in law, independent to any connection to the states or the Crown. Please adjust the Undersigneds Treasury Direct Account and send a summary statement of said adjusted account to the Undersigned within thirty (30) days of receipt of this NOTICE. Next compose the cover letter that you will send to Paul H ONeill, not the US Secretary of Treasury. They cannot and never will provide you with this. Their lust is for power and control. 117:2; John 8:32; II Cor. Now that you have the bill, the evidenced the debt, you need to discharge it. Compliance with Law. I, Section 10, Clause I, and Article I, Section 9, Clause 3 -"Bill of Attainder). Assets of the debtor can also be hypothecated (to pledge something as a security without taking possession of it) as security by the lender or underwriter. Keep reading as we have gathered exactly the information that you need! Once hailed, in Fortune Magazines Most Admired Companies, as the most innovative large corporation in America, the companys creative bookkeeping eventually led to its meteoric crash. Turn to Deuteronomy 28 and read it, but specifically 43, 44 & 45; The stranger that is within you shall get up above you very high; and you shall come down very low. 10. "Existing, inferred, or understood without being openly expressed or stated; implied by silence or silent acquiescence, as a tacit agreement or a tacit understanding. It remains the fundamental source of authority and power and functional reality. They get confused if you mark anything else. This law of commerce, unchanged for thousands of years, forms the underlying foundation for all law on this planet and for governments around the world. No agent or attorney of a fictitious entity can sign an affidavit for the corporation. It was never intended to regulate people the soverans. Public Law 94-564, page 8, Section H. R. 13955 reads in part:"The U.S. Secretary of Treasury receives no compensation for representing the United States?". 10:22; This means that an affidavit which is unrebutted point for point stands as "truth in commerce" because it hasn't been rebutted and has left the battlefield. RedemptionThe Mighty Sovereign/Fearless National is Not a member of any organization, or any group designed to over throw any public office or otherwise. The total amount of this NON-NEGOTIABLE ACCEPTANCE FOR VALUE in the enclosed filing is any amount Dollars, $ any amount. You can only see or deal with the real man or woman. Competition for Rocket Money includes Microsoft Windows, Adobe, Calm, Microsoft Corporation, Flipp and the other brands in the Electronics & Communication: Consumer Software & Apps industry. Applicable Law. Mr. ONeill: Enclosed you will find a copy of the Registered Security which I have sent to you to open my Treasury Direct Account. Copy of Birth Certificate Debtor agrees to pay all applicable taxes, assessments, and liens upon the Collateral when due; provided that such taxes, assessments, and liens are proved to be superior to the lawful claim established by this Agreement and subsequently perfected by the Secured Party by appropriate registration. Since the federal United States didn't have any assets, they assigned the private property of their "economic slaves," the U.S. citizens, as collateral against the unpayable federal debt. In October 2001, the American people began hearing a great deal about a scandal surrounding Enron Corporation, an energy company based in Texas. If this is examined one will see that it cannot be the other way. var NS = (navigator.appName == "Netscape"); Now, you can use this same collection process against them just as the IRS uses against you. All legal means to protect the security interest being established by this Agreement, will be used by the Debtor when necessary; and all support needed by the Secured Party to protect his security interest in the collateral identified herein, will be provided by the Debtor. 4:16; Phil. . var VERSION = parseInt(navigator.appVersion); Legal Maxim: "He who fails to assert his rights has none.). We the People no longer have any "money." DISCLAIMER. Whereas in a court setting testimony (oral) is stated in judicial terms by being sworn to be "the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help me God.". At the end of this document, you put demands on them. These laws govern commercial transactions, including sales and leasing goods, transfer of funds, commercial paper, bank deposits and collections, letters of credit, bulk transfers, warehouse receipts, bills of laden, investment securities, and secured transactions. What is a True Bill in Commerce? 1. (see setoff) This is what's called a "Pay What You Want" pricing model. Blacks 6th. Typically, when a true bill is issued, it is signed by a member of the grand jury (the foreperson) confirming on behalf of all the jury members that a person probability committed a crime and it is justified to move forward with an indictment. A Distress (to be defined in Blacks 6th) bonded by an affidavit of information becomes a finalized matured commercial lien and accounts receivable ninety days from the date of filing. Secured Party shall not be deemed to have waived rights under this Agreement unless such waiver is given in writing and signed by Secured Party. Browse 320 true bill in commerce stock photos and images available, or start a new search to explore more stock photos and images. This is a ledgering or bookkeeping/accounting, with every entry established. 3. However, Travicants speech is very eloquent, to the point and can be supported with other documented facts. Once this is filed, you will start receiving promotions in the mail advertising credit card machines that you can use in your "new business". unincorporated federal territories, national parks forest, birth certificates, and nonprofit organizations, as collateral against the federal debt. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. The main reason why you must do this action is to keep this account at a zero balance so that you can discharge all of your debt that you CAN see. 30:2; Mat. The foundational, invariant, necessary, and sufficient principles or "Maxims of Commerce" pertaining herein are: There are ten essential maxims or precepts in commercial law. The conditional acceptance is, therefore, itself a counter offer.". The federal United States is bankrupt. To cancel your Truebill Premium membership: Use of the Truebill app requires you to disclose sensitive financial information, so its smart to make sure your data is safe. Waiver of Contractual Right. . When they figure out how much the total debt is they will then pay themselves by using this form. This script is written by Eric ( Nope, that doesn't sound much better, now does it? } else { Do note, they will take 40% of any savings they can snag for you. Knowledge of natural laws may be attained merely by the light of reason, from the facts of their essential agreeableness with the constitution of human nature. Here is the no true bill definition in summary: Lets dig into our legal dictionary and define true bill! The reason is that you, as a soveran in the private venue, cannot see or recognize a fiction whether it be a corporation or an office. These contracts binding us together with the United States and the, bankers are actually not with us, but with our artificial entity, or as they term it "person", which. . It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. If Secured Party, at any time, has possession of any part of the Collateral, whether before or after an Event of Default, Secured Party shall be deemed to have exercised reasonable care in the custody and preservation of the Collateral, if Secured Party takes such action for that purpose as deemed appropriate by the Secured Party under the circumstances. One of our problems is that when we engage with government, municipalities and other such elements, in all our dealings in the law when have been conditioned to interact on and in THEIR level. This service automatically tracks your bills and the Truebill team tries to negotiate a reduction in the total bill. AN UNREBUTTED AFFIDAVIT STANDS AS TRUTH IN Truebill helps you manage your subscriptions and bills. Governments allegedly exist to resolve disputes, conflicts and truth. gold, silver, barter or a commodity). No prior waiver by Secured Party, nor any course of dealing between Secured Party and Debtor shall constitute a waiver of Secured Partys rights or of Debtors obligations under this Agreement as to future transactions. 8. garnishment of Debtors deposit accounts or employment. The Secured Party shall promptly advise the Debtor of all public claims brought by third parties against the present or future property of the Debtor, all of which is covered by the attached Security Agreement up to the indemnification amount declared herein, and to provide the Debtor with full details of said claim(s), including copies of all documents, correspondence, suits, or actions received by or served upon the Debtor through the Secured Party. In the event Respondent requires further information or assistance from the Undersigned, please write to the Undersigned at the mailing location provided herein and herewith. This is why it is so powerful. Security Agreement: An agreement which creates or provides for a security interest between the debtor and a secured party. This is the beginning , and this is the end. There are some who say it is a coroner's report that will lead to our demise. All courts in America are Vice-admiralty courts in the Crowns private commerce. In commerce a lien or claim can be satisfied in any one of three ways. c. Application for STATE OF CALIFORNIA CERTIFICATION OF BIRTH # 1907 5396, and all other Certificates of Birth, Certificates of Living Birth, Notifications of Registration of Birth, or Certificates of Registration of Birth, or otherwise entitled documents of birth -- whether County, State, Federal, or other -- either ascribed to or derived from the name of the DEBTOR identified above, or based upon the above described birth document. Legal maxim: "It is against equity for freemen not to have the free disposal of their own property.". This account will be set up at the US Department of Treasury with the private man entitled US Secretary of Treasury. 5. evidence that this Agreement or a document of title is void or ineffective; Course Hero uses AI to attempt to automatically extract content from documents to surface to you and others so you can study better, e.g., in search results, to enrich docs, and more. It is clear that. When in doubt as to the legal ramifications for relocation, Debtor agrees to acquire prior written authorization from the Secured Party. 3. Debtor declares it is a legal entity recognized as such, and has rights and privileges recognized under the laws of the United States, as has been the case since its creation in 1966. Well start sending you the news you need delivered straight to you. If a fault or dishonor under this Agreement is curable through an account held by Debtor but managed by the United States or one of its subdivisions, agents, officers, or affiliates, such fault or dishonor may be cured by the Debtor with authorization by Secured Party; and upon advice by the fiduciary that the fault or dishonor has been cured, and no Event of Default will have occurred. It largely focuses on monthly bills and subscriptions, but other services are available. To use Truebill's appfeatures, you need to download the app, create an accountand connect your bank and credit card accounts so the concierge can analyze your spending and monitor your subscriptions and recurring payments. The bill negotiation feature is free to use if the Rocket Money (formerly Truebill) team isn't able to successfully negotiate lower prices for you. Affidavit of Truth and Notice of Status As Secured Party and Creditor Made Simple Template.doc, 269137624-Affidavit-of-Truth-and-Notice-of-Status-as-Secured-Party-and-Creditor-Made-Simple-Template, Formation of Sales and Lease Contracts Study Guide, Case Western Reserve University LAWS 323, Texas A&M University, Kingsville LAW MISC, Missouri State University, Springfield MKT 764, Marbury v. Madison - David Chapman Journal, Liberty University Online Academy CJUS 610, Assignment #3 (Individual) - Engbino, Angela Michelle Francheska (C36B) (1).pdf, Only Cinderella illustrated storybooks that were housed in the de Grummond, Childhood Trauma, Toxic Stress, Ace Scores, CWS.docx, Week_8_Reading_Assignment_Strategic_Planning.pdf, 3 Variation at DNA level is called a A nucleotide b A chromosome c An allele d A, pts Question 13 In order to generate a public and private key for use with SSH, M sits 3 rd to the left of T but not sit next to L Two persons sit between G and, QUESTION 30 SIMULATION You need to create a new Azure Active Directory Azure AD, screencapture-content-ca-central-1-content-service-brightspace-ScormEngineInterface-defaultui-player, 23- after looking at figures for both inputs and outputs Lawrence is not happy with the speed at which his products are being Lawrence is concerned with a- productive b- quality control c- production, 9-Christina is responsible for ensuring the company's information is used ethically and legally. Most Americans have not been paid any "money" for a very long time, perhaps not in their entire life. If there is sufficient evidence presented to warrant the defendant being charged with the crime, and put on trial, the grand jury issues an indictment. "6. 6:3-5; Lev. 5. It must contain a one-to one It is clear that the United States . We value your privacy. if (NS) { None of these have any effect on your process. Other agents of the government think they can hide behind the sovereign immunity of the Government, behind all the power and prestige, all their attorneys and all their capacity to get the courts to do whatever the wish is going to save them. You have entered an incorrect email address! This, commercial relationship is what is known as "Just compensation" (5, Constitution), in relationship between the Government and the American people, a true bill is, Amendment to the Constitution), and the direct taking of property by. The Debtor hereby indemnifies the Secured Party against losses incurred as a result of all claims of debts or losses made by any and all persons against the commercial transactions and investments of the Debtor. It would mean "anything goes", "each man for himself", and "nothing matters". Few of our elected representatives in Washington, D.C. have dared to tell the truth. But, then, if I don't accept it, don't say anything, then there is still an agreement because I don't refute it or contradict what they say in the writing. The swearing is based on one's own commercial liability. Review and. Since they will never do this, you will make one up yourself based on the birth certificate as this is the actual document evidencing that the strawman account really exists. 19:11-13: Num. 4. evidence that a statement, warranty, or representation made or implied in this Agreement by Debtor, is false or misleading in any material respect, either now or at the time made or furnished; 4. (Lev. The prosecutor must first evaluate the evidence given to it by law enforcement and decide if theres enough merit to file charges against someone. That means what the courts are doing, and what all governments are ultimately adjudicating and making rules about, are these basic rules of Commercial Law. Governments invent all the regulations and statutes to impose on you, affecting your life and commercial/economic standing. They can and do get away with complete fraud and steal everything because no one knows what to do about it. "No one is above the law". Wake up America! Linking your accounts will require you to provide fairly sensitive financial information (like the login credentials for your checking account), but Truebill and its partner Plaid use bank-level 256-bit encryption to help keep your information secure. This has been going on for over eighty years without the "informed" knowledge: Of the American people, without a voice protesting loud enough. . We the People have exchanged one master for another. To prevent this, you create a separation between you and your strawman corporation so that "they" can tell the difference (as if they didnt know!). You can say in essence that the grand jury endorses the decision to file charges against a person after having heard evidence leading it to believe that a crime may have been committed by the defendant (theres a probable cause). Did you understand what you just read? . WILLINGNESS TO SACRIFICE = NO LIABILITY, RESPONSIBILITY, AUTHORITY OR MEASURE OF CONVICTION). the Uniform Commercial Code, the Truth in Lending Act, applicable to the rights, intercourse, of persons engaged in commerce, trade or mercantile pursuits. It can be called a true bill, as they say in the Grand Jury. How can they sware as fact that the corporation has done or not done ANYTHING? Employer Identification Number: 123456789, 1. "2. The Federal Reserve System is a sovereign power structure separate and distinct from the federal United States government. So, the tenth maxim of law is: A LIEN OR CLAIM CAN BE SATISFIED This non-negotiable and non-transferable Security Agreement is made and entered this day of ______________ , 2001 by and between JOHN HENRY DOE, hereinafter "Debtor", Organization Number 570-50-8194 John Henry Doe, hereinafter "Secured Party", Creditor Identification Number 544327911. This is the end of the game. This consists of printing out the page that says Non-Negotiable CHARGEBACK on it. 22:36-40; Luke 10:17; Col. 3:25. The collection process is relatively valid, although the IRS is not registered to do business in any state. In that case, its possible to keep the identity of the grand jurors a secret to avoid the risk of retaliation or harm to them or their families. "10. Assignment for claims fore wages . One of the things you can do is to apply for a tradename for your corporation. It's not possible. It is very important to do your own analysis before making any investment based on your own personal circumstances and consult with your own investment, financial, tax and legal advisers. a. A true bill in commerce always contains, and is characterized by, a one-to-one correspondence between an item or service purchased and a debt owed. You cannot service a debt with a currency that has no backing in value or substance. This is your first Affidavit, certified and sworn on the responsible party's commercial liability as true, correct, and complete, not meant to mislead. However, the $3 and $4 per month options are only available if you pay annually. The principles, maxims and precepts of Commerce Law are eternal, unchanging and unchangeable. You now file the correct paperwork with the Secretary of State, and you serve this on the Sheriff and say, "I want to take possession of my property." All this will simply do them more harm. var WebBrowser = ''; In the event that such a finding and limitation causes damage or hardship to either Party, the Agreement shall be amended in a lawful manner to make all Parties whole. What most people don't even consider is that governments don't have and can't have anything to support an affidavit of truth to support their actions. COMMERCE. Debtor shall comply promptly with all laws, ordinances, and regulations of all governmental authorities applicable to the production, disposition, or use of the Collateral. In other words, when a grand jury hears evidence to determine whether or not a person may have committed a crime and comes to the conclusion that the evidence does not support the issuance of an indictment, a no bill or no true bill decision is made. There is one other matter we must define before we start putting all these pieces of the puzzle together into a workable tool for our benefit. } Premium chat. All expenses related to the liquidation of Collateral shall become a part of the Debtors indebtedness. (The criminal complaint is optional). (Heb. Explains how to establish own private treaty with the world In commerce, an affidavit must be accompanied and must underlay and form the foundation for any commercial transaction whatsoever. Debtor warrants that Secured Partys claim against the Collateral is enforceable according to the terms and conditions expressed therein, and according to all applicable laws promulgated for the purpose of protecting the interests of a creditor against a debtor. Unwittingly, America has returned to its pre-American Revolution, Feudal roots whereby all land is held by a sovereign and the common people had no rights to hold allodial title to property. Both can help you save money, but a Premium plan does more of the heavy lifting for you. 100's more DHTML scripts, and Terms Of This closes the circle on the process. You may have other costs, depending on the services you use. I agree with what they have said in the writing, whatever it may be. These true bill indictments charged various executives with such crimes as fraud, money laundering, maintaining false books, submitting false tax forms, insider trading, conspiracy, and obstruction of justice. Proceeds and Products from Collateral. There would have to be sworn Affidavits by someone that this is a true, correct and complete and not meant to deceive, which, in commerce is, essentially "the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth" when you get into court. Gold and silver were such a powerful money during the founding of the United States of America, that the founding fathers declared that only gold and silver coins can be "money" in America. A security agreement must exist to file a UCC-1Financing Statement, but does this mean it must be in writing and attached to the UCC-1? (12 Pet. This is the major insanity in the world today. to download directly click here. He shall lend to you and you shall not lend to him; he shall be the head, and you shall be the tail. Unsubscribe easily. They are summary processes (short, concise-without a jury). Liquidation of Collateral. We value your privacy. PURPOSE: To find out what group you are in All United States Offices, Officials, and Departments are now operating within a defacto status in name only under Emergency War Powers. ONLY THROUGH REBUTTABLE BY AFFIDAVIT POINT BY How could that phrase possibly be of any help? However, this is where things get very interesting. IN COMMERCE FOR ANY MATTER TO BE RESOLVED MUST BE EXPRESSED. 1:25; Heb. Cash-back and merchant-level controls are also available. It is based upon treating or dealing with others the way that you would like to be treated or dealt with. If Secured Party so requests, all notes or credit agreements now or hereafter established evidencing debts or obligation of Debtor to third parties, shall be marked with a legend that the same are subject to this Agreement and shall be delivered to Secured Party. Federal Reserve Notes (FRN's) are unsigned checks written on a closed account. Secured Party may, at his option, intervene in any situation that appears to place the Collateral in jeopardy. The app tracks your subscriptions and cancels them for you when needed. A grand jury is used in the U.S. to protect people from unjustifiable and unfair prosecution. One reason why the super rich bankers and the super rich people in the world have been able to literally steal the world and subjugate it, and plunder it, and bankrupt it and make chattel property out of most of us is because they know and use the rules of Commercial Law and we don't. Let's go a little further when we look under Acceptance in Blacks 6th edition. 4:6; Eph. They do not have the standing. It can help you track, analyze and adjust your monthly budget. The following shall constitute Event(s) of Default hereunder: 1. failure by the Debtor to pay a debt secured hereby when due; "9. f. United States of America Passport # 051870157 Blacks 6th. (God's Law - Moral and Natural Law). The Legislative History of the Federal Tax Lien Act of 1966, P.L. The enclosed, the Undersigned, John Henory Doe, herewith accepts for value all related endorsements, front and back, in accordance with Uniform Commercial Code, "UCC" 3-419, and House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933 and UCC 1-104, 10-104. /* No delay or omission on the part of Secured Party in exercising a right shall operate as a waiver of such right or any other right. This phrase designates the whole body of substantive jurisprudence, i.e. No one, not a judge, jury or anyone else can overturn this or change this process. This emerged, basically, in England out of disputes over a portion of the earth in allodium (sovereign ownership of land) and was based on "common" sense. If the evidence is deemed sufficient, the grand jury issues a true bill indictment essentially saying it is true that there is probable cause. ANYTOWN,ANY STATE WITH A ZIP RedemptionThe Mighty Sovereign/Fearless National is Not a member of any organizat. interstate commerce commerce clause, provision of the U.S. Constitution (Article I, Section 8) that authorizes Congress "to regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with Indian Tribes." The commerce clause has been the chief doctrinal source of Congress's regulatory power over the economy of the United States. 7. more specifically, commerce consists of a mode of interacting, doing business, or resolving disputes whereby all matters are executed under oath, certified on each patty's commercial liability by sworn affidavit, or what is intended to possess the same effect, as true, correct, and complete, not misleading, the truth, the whole truth and nothing That is never going to happen. The words true bill are endorsed on the bill of indictment, which is then signed by the grand jury foreperson, indicating that there is enough evidence to justify a trial. FRN's are an inflatable paper system designed to create debt through inflation (devaluation of currency). In fact, the international bankers used a "Canon Law Trust" as their model, adding stock and naming it a "Joint Stock Trust." UCC-9- 105(h); An agreement granting a creditor a security interest in personal property, which security interest is normally perfected either by the creditor taking possession of the collateral or by filing financing statements in the proper public records. A Security Agreement is not necessary as this is a private agreement between you and your corporation commonly referred to as a strawman. Since the inception of central banking, they have controlled the fates of nations. TrueCommerce is the most complete way to connect your business across the supply chain, integrating everything from EDI to inventory management, to fulfillment, to digital storefronts and marketplaces. The, American people, however, had sovereign standing in law, independent to any connection to. Secretary of the Treasury. Certain isolated sales of accounts or chattel paper . Is it the UNITED STATES, the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, or INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND? Notice of such proceeds shall be delivered to Secured Party immediately upon receipt. Some city,in anystate with a ZIP True Billed (also referred to as true bill, grand jury true bill, or true bill indictment) refers the decision of a grand jury having heard evidence that a person may have committed an indictable offense. This is Mosaic Law they have had for more than 3500 years past which is based upon Babylonian commerce. This is held in suspension until the issue is resolved. Now, the ball is in their court. In a nutshell, a true bill of indictment is a formal decision rendered by a grand jury or a written statement indicating its agreement with the prosecutor to proceed with the filing of criminal charges against someone. 5. }, These powers-that-be have not divulged the rules of the game. This was covered in course number 2. If a qualified court finds that one or more provisions of this Agreement is invalid or unenforceable, but that by limiting such provision(s) it would become valid or enforceable, such provision(s) shall be deemed to be written, construed, and enforced as so limited. Commercial Law, the non-statutorily variety as presented below in maxims 1 through 10, is the economic extension of Natural Law into man's social world and is universal in nature. 534 FEDERAL SUPPLEMENT 724. POINT, RESOLUTION BY JURY, OR PAYMENT. f. 1040ES. This forms the underpinnings of philosophy, in tangle practices, of the way to put power on your side and against those agents of government who violate your being, injure you all in violation of their oath of office. jurisdiction over maritime causes, including those relating to prize. b. Invoice They are "pretending" to be the creditors, but did they give the substance or did you? Natural Law exists regardless of whether it is enacted as positive law. Let's look at power of acceptance. The House on Thursday passed a bill to ban sales from the nation's Strategic Petroleum Reserve to China. Again, this is based on Jewish Law and the Jewish grace period, which is in units of three; three days, three weeks, three months. Currency is not money, but a money substitute. When you upgrade to Rocket Money premium, you get to choose what you pay, with the cost ranging from $3 to $12 per month. Except for inventory sold or accounts collected in the ordinary course of Debtors public business, Debtor agrees not to sell, offer to sell, or otherwise transfer or dispose of the Collateral; nor to pledge, mortgage, encumber, or otherwise permit the Collateral to be subject to a lien, security interest, encumbrance, or charge, other than the security interested established by this Agreement, without the prior written consent of the Secured Party. 1. Use this page to browse bills in the U.S. Congress related to the subject Commerce, as determined by the Library of Congress. A commercial lien (or distress) can exist in ordinary commerce without dependence on a judicial process, and is therefore not a common law instrument unless challenged in a court of common law, whereupon it converts to a common law lien. The only other way to satisfy a lien is to pay it. Judgments . That's worse than the law of the jungle. Find high-quality royalty-free vector images that you won't find anywhere else. Debtor shall immediately notify Secured Party of all cases involving the return, rejection, repossession, loss, or damage of or to the Collateral; of all requests for credit or adjustment of Collateral, or dispute arising with respect to the Collateral; and generally of all happenings and events affecting the Collateral or the value or the amount of the Collateral. 89-719, explains that the entire taxing and monetary systems were placed under the Uniform Commercial Code. . By now, you have probably heard the term accept for value. John Henory Doe via JOHN HENORY DOE Bankruptcy, and economic slavery of the most corrupt order! Insurance Policies . The Parties, hereinafter "Parties", are identified as follows: John Henry Doe, a man Means: (A) a federal corporation . function printit(){ Congress in session June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Government Offices, Officers and Departments and is futher evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only. bash remove trailing newline from variable, tim aitchison actor, police activity sacramento now, hypixel skyblock secret achievements, linda gray billy gardell, bristol parade 2022 tv coverage, chancellor's list nova southeastern university, forest fair mall murders, 2006 gibson les paul studio specs, abandoned places in calgary, fake eyelashes invented, lincoln county ms jail inmate roster with mugshots, pasture pro vs grazon, looping someone in email sample, tower grove park carriage ride, Summary: Lets dig into our legal dictionary and define true bill in commerce photos... 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