After dinner, each guy stood up and said a few words; it was a memorable experience, Heller said. [5], The communists troops on the southwest portion of the base perimeter were mobbing some of the APCs. Learn about the battle, including the cause, the tactics and its impact on the Vietnam War in this lesson. For the Wild Ones of the 3rd Battalion, 60th Infantry, and the attached troops, the action had confirmed what they believed all along: that given the opportunity, they could whip anybody. "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers, For he today that sheds his blood with me, shall be my brother." [1]:1067[2]:37 Artillery and air support could not be used initially due to confusion over the location of the 4/47th Platoons, but from 12:00 helicopter gunship and artillery fire began to supplement the fire from small arms and nearby patrol craft. State, Vietnam Working Group Files: Lot 67 D 54, ORG-3 WG/VN Mtgs with Other Agencies), The battle of Ap Bac was reported in the press in the United States as a We continued to pour fire into his position and to inch forward, taking best advantage of the cover. Vietnamese forces, and concluded: It also hurts here when irresponsible The letter was translated into Vietnamese, and leaflets were dropped into the communist area. 5-September 1967: Relocate to Dong Tam. Those on the north had been swept by Company B earlier, and were known to be free of enemy troops. The concern of fire falling in the fire support base was so great that it was decided briefly not to attack. While these deployments were being made, the 3/47th continued to alternate intense artillery fire and air strikes the enemy position, thus effectively preventing most of them from escaping. Get the recipe! They had become highly proficient in group and individual tactics. In addition, farmhouses were scattered throughout the rice paddy terrain. Ammunition was rapidly dwindling, for the effort to maintain fire superiority caused huge expenditures. Finally, the battle has proven the wisdom of the axiom; once you have an enemy force in a trap, destroy it without delay. These soldiers, infantrymen of the 3rd Battalion, 60th Infantry (the Wild Ones), and their attached mechanized support (Company C, 5th Battalion, 60th Infantry), were utterly exhausted and physically weak from their exertions. By 1600, everything was ready for the coordinated attack. [5] Later Wolfe's track was directly hit for a second time by an RPG-2 rocket. f. By agreement with 7th ARVN, MRF had a VN Ranger Battalion as MRF reserve and employed it in combat. Palm Beach, January 7; ibid.) So far as the battalion commander of the 3/60th was concerned, all his chips were in the pot. Most of the attendees arrived the weekend of Fathers Day, and they gathered at the Irma Hotel Sunday night in Cody for a reunion dinner. [1]:104 The operation plan called for the deployment of five Companies of the 3rd and 4th Battalions, 47th Infantry Regiment into the operations area by assault craft and sweep south towards the ARVN 2nd Battalion, 46th Infantry blocking positions near the town of Ap Bac in Tien Giang Province. Zies was carrying ammunition for Saiz, an assistant machine gunner, and followed him to a clump of palm trees. D. Gilpatric, Roswell To the south of the position was a rubber plantation, while wooded areas were prominent to the north and west. (SACSA Briefing, April 24; Department of By 20:00 darkness and enemy fire stopped the assault with Companies B and C, 3/47th Infantry, still some 600 meters west of the ambush site. When recoilless fire began hitting the tracked vehicles, the die was cast. At the same time Company A, 4/47th Infantry moving south towards Company C, 4/47th Infantry walked into an L-shaped ambush from well-entrenched VC; exposed on open rice paddies the Company sustained heavy casualties. This attack broke the back of the enemys defense. Country Series, 1/63) Lieutenant Colonel John P. Vann, senior United Howitzers to screen the battalions approach. Some rice had been found, more proof that Viet Cong had been in the area. zoneId = 'Array'; [7], Following the battle, General Hay wrote a propaganda letter to the 9th Vietcong Division commander, taunting him about the communist defeat. During the three-day battle, 47 American soldiers were killed, including one from Hellers company, Ronald Chili Saiz. and helicopters. While these operations were being carried out, the gunship, which has been constantly circling the area, reported a Viet Cong force of company size moving across the fields to the northeast. 9, 2007(Battle of Ap Bac was a small-scale action early in the Vietnam War took place on Jan. 2, 1963, near the hamlet ("ap" in Vietnamese) of Ap Bac, 65 kilometers southwest of Saigon in the Mekong Delta) Change Notes 2007-04-26: new 2007-04-27: revised Alternate Formats This time, darkness would provide no convenient cover for their escape. on the battle prepared on January 4 by General Paul D. Harkins, Commander of the U.S. Then we went back to Dong Tam and then in an incredible operation the MRF moved Then, without pausing, they ran along the entire length of the dike, which had foxholes every five meters or so, to take out the enemy positions one by one. 261st Viet Cong Main Force Battalion, normally in Kien Hoa, moved up to west Ding Tuong early July. It was apparent that the climax was rapidly approaching. he added along with the bad news of damage to helicopters and three A friend is a person that would be standing by your side, even if he knew it was going to cost him his life. General, Status of the 7-8 September 1967: Operations in NHON TRACH against elements of 54th Viet Cong rear service group. If you are a current print subscriber, you can set up a free web account by clicking here. The gunship immediately attacked this group, killing an estimated 40. escaped with minor losses. The Americans relayed the location of the Viet Cong radio transmitter to the South Vietnamese high command, which then ordered the 7th Division to take Tan Thoi / 10.43833N 106.19528E / 10.43833; 106.19528 The Battle of p Bc was a major battle fought on 2 January 1963 during the Vietnam War, in nh Tng Province (now part of Tin Giang Province ), South Vietnam. Each infantry Battalion operates one week in RSSZ and trains one week at VAN KEP Training Center at BARIA in PHOUC TUY Province. 0000003035 00000 n On the south, Company A was exchanging fire with most of the enemy defenders. They were assured of swift success. The troop formed into a circular (wagon train) perimeter defense. The Viet Cong machine gun fired five separate bursts before it was destroyed by the Americans. other military operations being undertaken successfully by South (The Washington Post, January 3, 1963; The New York Times, January 4, 1963) On January They crossed to the southern half of the perimeter under the heaviest communist attack. if (document.context) document.write ("&context=" + escape(document.context)); By mid May this builds to full RAS at Dong Tam, while continuing operations in RSSZ, from base at Vung Tau. b. command which never placed a Vietnamese officer above the rank of Reason, increase in Viet Cong attacks on commercial shipping in Long Tau channel in early February. Trong tng s 15 trc thng ym tr trong trn p Bc, c n 5 chic b bn ri. 0000001694 00000 n When I got hit, I had just gotten back to the chopper with some of the wounded, he said. stiff resistance was apparently encountered, contact has been maintained By now, time had become the vital consideration, for darkness was approaching rapidly. Explore a glossary of terms, manuals, statistics, historical accounts and reports, maps and articles by MRFA members. 9, 2007 (Battle of Ap Bac was a small-scale action early in the Vietnam War took place on Jan. 2, 1963, Marion. Battle of Ap Bac. Memorials and museums dedicated to the Mobile Riverine Force. inability to take effective advantage of air superiority, and a lack of Memorials and museums dedicated to the Mobile Riverine Force. On 28 December 1962, US intelligence detected the presence of a radio transmitter along with a sizable force of Viet Cong (VC) soldiers, reported to number around 120, in the hamlet of Ap Tan Thoi in Dinh Tuong Province, ho Then when the fire lifted to the rear of the enemy, to block his escape positions, the infantry would assault before the enemy could recover. During the three-day battle, 47 American soldiers were killed, including one from Hellers company, Ronald Chili Saiz. Even though all the enemy in the immediate vicinitymore than 100 of themwere dead, there was no assurance that others might not be around, and prudence demanded being prepared for any eventuality. [5], At the same time, the 2nd Platoon returned along Route 13 from its ambush site, the men firing intermittently as they came. [5], At 03:00 another attack began on the southern perimeter. Besides, the area which the artillery and air were attacking had become smaller and smaller. assessment of the battle by Neil Almost form the moment it crossed the line of departure, it had begun to meet fire. document.write ("?zoneid="+zoneId+"&block=1&blockcampaign=1"); Three VC were killed and the others fled to the south. Two men had died, another 15 had been wounded, but none of these men died and only six were classed as seriously wounded. and the operation is being continued. (Kennedy Library, National Security Files, Vietnam Not the animal, physical fear that had possessed them as they threw themselves, yelling and screaming, at the dug-in enemy a short time before, but fear for the safety of comrades who had fallen in the vicious assault. Meanwhile, the battalion commander of the 3/60th was experiencing great difficulty in getting the artillery fire support needed for his assaulting companies. concluded that the operation was a failure. The ARVN were decisively defeated. Although the enemy would have suffered heavy casualties, his defeat would not have been nearly as final as the one which occurred. adequately report GVN victories which A reinforced company, and possibly more, had been lost for the time being to the Viet Cong 514th Battalion. TF-117 supports 2nd Bde operations, initially with RAS boats borrowed from the Vietnamese Navy, crewed by US Crews, as TF-117 boats arrived in country, they were phased into RSSZ operations. The ceremony at the memorial was highlighted by the recitation of names by platoon chaplain Charlie Zies of the Tornados killed in action during the war, as well as a stirring recollection of Chili Saizs bravery on his final day. 0000002715 00000 n Explore gatherings, speakers and events. Company A, 3/60th, had moved forward several kilometers from the line of departure in order to remain in supporting distance of the forward companies. February 1966: 2nd Bde Activated Fort Riley, KS. The brigade commander quickly approved the action taken by the 3/60th, and at the same time directed that Company B, 3/60th, which was closest to the scene of combat, be placed under the operational control of the 3/47th and moved to a position to block the enemys escape to the north. 20-22 August 1967: MRF Conducts Recon in force into Parrots Beak area of LONG AN Province (along VAM CO DONG River above BEN LUC-also known ORIENTAL RIVER). 0000001845 00000 n We looked across the field and saw a lot of bodies, recalled platoon chaplain Charlie Zies. This was prompted in part by the need to get as close to the enemy as possible before assaulting, plus the necessity of crossing the tracked vehicles over the two tracked vehicles, would continue to advance by using fire and maneuver within the platoons to destroy individual enemy positions as they were discovered. Country Series, 1/63) On January 7, President Kennedy expressed concern about the "We few, we happy few, we band of brothers, For he today that sheds his blood with me, shall be my brother." At the same time, he recalled the personnel carrier company (Company C, 5/60th) from its barren search farther to the west and began moving it toward the point of contact. Archives and Records Administration, RG You play a dangerous game, and people get hurt. 23 August 4 September 1967: Operations in CAN GIOUC District and GO CONG Province. xref Click here to see your options for becoming a subscriber. For many of the Tornados, June 19 was the last day they would see each other in the war zone. Company A, 3/60th, which had been behind but south of Company B, continued to advance along the stream and the road which formed the line of contact farther to the east. The Viet Cong started their attack ten minutes later, and they were met with artillery fire, cluster bomb units, napalm and 500 pound bombs. Continuing its advance, the company began to meet more and more fire as it crossed the open rice fields opposite a built-up area of thatched huts along a deep stream that ran across their front. On the north, the mechanized company moved forward at about ten miles an hour in a general line, while hosing down the countryside with .50 caliber-fire. of the Secretaries of State, Travels of Instead he continued to fire white phosphorus, some of which by this time, was falling dangerously close to Company A. Learn about the association, Board Members, Officers, and download a membership application form! Vietnam, filed an after-action report on the Ap Bac operation which Whereas a company might be made up of 80-250 soldiers, an Army battalion can consist of between 300 to 1,200 soldiers. By now, fire from all sides was intense, but despite this, several men of the platoon crawled forward to aid the wounded, only to die themselves. Vietnam, April-Dec. 1963), The Department of State and the White House expressed concern over the It was the first time at the reunion for both. We served more like the people that trained in WWII. From Albert's Peach Cobbler to an Irish Chicken Dinner, we have them all! They had biggest bag of the operation. Explore artwork by members, and read historical articles and books. 7, The Washington Post printed a front-page At this point, the situation was confused, and the brigade commander was unhappy. battle, and, unlike the Viet Cong, were supported by artillery, armor, (Telegram CAP Explore points of interest in the US Army section; awards, citations, index, roster and select information related to the mobile riverine force! Initially the artillery covered the northwest, west, and southwest sides of the perimeter while aircraft attacked on a north-south axis east of Route 13. [4], The communists increased their intensity and two M113s were hit directly, wounding several Americans and destroying the vehicle. There was some delay caused by problems of coordination between the two battalions, so not until after 1700 did the battalion reach and deploy on the eastern side of the final irrigation ditch. F. Taylor, General Maxwell '':''); At 11:50 on March 19, 1967, A Troop, 3rd Squadron, 5th Cavalry Regiment, commanded by Captain Raoul H. Alcala deployed within the perimeter of Fire Support Base 20. 2. thus this was not a real and valid test test of operating radius. realize that bad news about American casualties filed immediately by Thus, the battle ended. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. WebThe second Battle of Bu Bng occurred during the night of 1920 March 1967 during Operation Junction City, a search and destroy mission by American military forces in Tay Alcala expanded the perimeter by 40m with a counterattack at 02:20. They also gathered to renew and refresh the bond they share with one another as a true band of brothers, one that began for many of them during basic training. Early on 2 May, elements of the Wild Ones composed of Company B and Company C, 3/60th, plus the The 3rd Battalion, 47th Infantry, would also advance to the north as soon as it arrived. The first true battle of the Vietnam War was Ap Bac. Operation launched in response to major Viet Cong build up in western Dinh Tuong. The 3d Platoon of C Troop, moved up Route 13 from their position five kilometers to the south, driving through a barrage of fire before reaching the base perimeter at 01:27. military problems and report on future prospects for the war. [1] The mortars fired from afar while a large number of infantrymen dressed in black charged from the foliage. At the brigade commanders suggestion, it was decided to lay a heavy volume of smoke on the area, using a battery of 155-mm. to the Joint Chiefs at the end of January, see Document 26. In order to establish a blocking force that would prevent any enemy from withdrawing ahead of our advance, it was decided that Company A, 3/60th, would utilize the helicopters beginning at 0700 to make an airmobile assault and secure a blocking position astride the most likely route of enemy withdrawal. By 04:50 flares and tank searchlights detected that the Viet Cong were massing for an attack on the south and southeastern sides of the base. document.write ("