. At home, his mother sometimes ignores him and his father often abuses him. It's my fault-and I'm not trying to likeguilt you into liking me again. Keefe Sencen(KEEF SENSE-in): He's one of the main characters in the series. 'Definitely not what I'm worried about. How do we ever trust you again?". Yep--it's a date. 1. He drew closer, closer, just a bit closer, then- "Sophie?" a crisp, accented voice gasped. she asked, surprised he was using her first name. Book Cover SOPHIE~ Keefe smiled at her, and Sophie's heart fluttered. After learning that his mother had a Washer hide many of his memories of her when he was a child, he joins the Neverseen in order to find answers and help Sophie and the Black Swan. Sometimes pushes people away, decorates his room like a serial killer when upset (covers it in sticky notes), tries to save everyone while no one can help him, hides behind jokes and laughter. Healing Center Gold Tower Silver Tower Hall of Illumination Tutoring Center Secret Mentors Cafeteria, Sometimes things have to get worse before they get better.. He protects Sophie from Brant and Alvar, who attempts to take her as a hostage. So stop doubting yourself and go prove me right. This selflessness can often be reckless, however, since he considers himself both expendable and partly responsible for his mother's actions. The letter ends with Keefe saying that Sophie meant more to him than she would ever know, and with the words "Love, Keefe." ", Biana Linh and Biana Linh Dex Fitz Tam Keefe and Fitz Jensi Keefe Marella Valin, Pairings with Fitzroy Avery Vacker (a.k.a. He also is very mischievous about his crush on Sophie Foster, often flirting with her but knowing she'd never find out due to her obliviousness. Then she pulls him close and down onto the deck, leaning against each other and wrapping her cape around him, warning him if he has to throw up, do NOT turn around. In the showdown at the end of the book, Tam ends up blasting shadowflux into him to activate his new ability. Queen Hylda Brielle Bunhead Cadoc Councillors' Bodyguards Lefty and Righty Lovise Woltzer, Ogres (Category) In Unlocked, after Keefe gained his new ability, it's shown that Sophie's emotions are too much for him. Sophie admits to herself he is "good looking", when she thinks he is joking about Lady Belva having a crush on him. The Best Series Ever. Sophie tries to reach him by using Silveny, Luna and Wynn's telepathy but Keefe keeps ignoring their calls. ', She threw her arms around his shoulders, hugging him as tight as she could. It is also stated that he has very long and dark eyelashes. 16 He also falls in love with Fitz. Then Sophie lowers her voice so. Calla Barth the Reaper Brier Lur Mitya Sior Gora Gerda Yuri Amisi, Dwarves (Category) ', 'Whoa, are you crying?' In the commentary for Keefe's memories, on the one about when Keefe's ability was triggered, he mentions that if Sophie hadn't left their minds connected, he would've retreated into the darkness, but he came back for her, and he always will. Keefes breath was warm in her ear as he told her, Anytime, Foster. Keefe is an Empath. Raegan. Keefe often calls him "Bangs Boy," and says "his (Keefe's) hair is cooler (than Tam's)." Customizable . If Keefe wins, they get the starstone hairpin that they want. Soon enough, Keefe's prediction came true, and Sophie tells him "Not a word. Name: Keefe Sencen Gender: Male Age: 15 Foxfire Level: Level 6 Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Ice blue. In Unlocked, Ro mentioned ""Now you just need to tell her you're helplessly in love with her so she can be like"--Ro shifted her voice up an octave and clasped her hands against her heart--"'Oh Hunkyhair, I never realized you felt that way even though it was ridiculously obvious to everyone else. LordCassius is shown to be a very controlling and verbally and emotionally abusive father. This causes a rift in the relationship between Sophie and Keefe. When Keefe ran away to join the Neverseen, Grady got more upset at him. At the end of the book, Keefe fights his mother atop Mount Everest and begins to harbor a deep grudge against her. Sophie, Keefe, and Lady Cadence deliver a scroll to King Dimitar from Lady Gisela (Keefe's mom) that requested that Keefe proves he is worthy and that he gets a bodyguard for extra protection. Sophie admits her feelings for him while they are in the Grove. Keefe worriedly asks her what's wrong and wraps an arm around her shoulders so she didn't fall when Sophie panics, worrying that she might be related to Fitz. S (@sokeefe_sunflower) on Instagram: ""Trust the Empath," -Keefe Sencem, kotlc" Then Keefe whistles and says it's ridiculous how hard she is on herself after she says she's glad she didn't ruin anything else. "Time to see who can cause the most chaos." Sir Astin Lady Galvin Lady Iskra Lady Belva Sir Conley Lady Alexine Sir Donwell Sir Rosings Sir Harding Lady Veda Lady Anwen Sir Beckett Sir Caton Lady Dara Lady Evera Sir Faxon Lady Nissa Lady Zillah Lady Sanja Coach Rohana Coach Bora Coach Wilda, Other He also shows signs of wanting to protect Keefe as well as Sophie. Sophie admits that she wouldnt know what to do if she didnt have him, and Keefe reassures her that shed be fine. Ro said this implying Keefe likes Sophie. Keefe insists that someone has to keep Sophie company, and he scoots his chair closer to hers. You seriously need to get yourself a hobby. After all the times you've lied or ignored us or betrayed us? What will happen? I know some will find this to be a drag, but now we're greatly assured of an ending that Shannon can feel proud in rather than something she had to just jumble . When Keefe gets very upset about having to wait until the next morning to go to, Sophie leans her head on Keefe's shoulder, and they both get embarrassed when, Sophie goes over to sit by Keefe and holds his hand when he tells her that. They share many close moments, and he even goes as far as to give her a necklace that he had originally made for his mother, in order to protect her from himself. He accidentally mimics Fitz, and when he speaks back to Ro in Ogrish, it is revealed that he manifested as a Polyglot. Hmm. Keefe comforts Sophie by saying that being. We decide who we are. 'Now let's go see who can cause the most trouble.' Facing this discovery, Keefe decides to run away from the Lost Cities in order to protect everyone from the havoc and leverage this ability could bring the Neverseen. Keefe leaps away from Havenfield with the intention to join the Neverseen, but Sophie follows him after seeing his suspicious crystal. He often states how disappointed he is in Keefe, but his negative intentions have never extended farther than that. It really helped.". Skulduggery Pleasant. ', She shook her head. Keefe is the first person Sophie tells that she is unmatchable, even if circumstance forced it. I know that you girls are fighting over which one is better, so, I shall provide you with many reasons as to which one is better: Fitz is a nice boy who is trying to help Sophie by attempting to feel the way she does. But those close to him know that his smiles often hide the heavier things hes struggling with, like his less-than-awesome family. Sophie mentions multiple times that she thinks his drawings are incredibly realistic, so much that they look like photographs. "How? Same old Keefe. When he leans in Sophie's stomach flutters as his breath tickles her skin. Their eyes meet after Keefe tells Sophie she can trust him. And hes always there when she needs him, even if he sometimes makes questionable decisions. Lady Gisela says she needs him to go to Ravagog and deliver a message to King Dimitar. Stuffed Animals Male Keefe laughs when he's talking about his plan to find out who her biological parents are and says that he loves that he has to explain it to her because it's "proof that no matter how feisty you get, you'll still always be our sweet little Foster." In neverseen Sophie sees the "real Keefe" in exilliums tent who is just a scared, angry boy. Sophie Elizabeth Foster's RP/Fandom account is @TheRealSophieFoster13 Sophie has blonde hair that falls just past her shoulders. Keeper of the Lost Cities TikTok compilation?! He later trains with Grady to learn to control his new abilities that he has numbed to protect himself from other's emotions. ', 'I know I crack a lot of jokes, Sophie, but . It's important to note that since manifesting this strange new ability, his empathy has grown far stronger, making it easier for him to be overwhelmed in everyday situations. Although she hides behind her more impartial nature, throughout the series it is shown that Lady Gisela is an extremely manipulative person, using guilt-tripping to get what she wants. Some interpret the name Keefe as meaning noble, gentle, handsome, and cherished, although there are many meanings for this name throughout different cultures. His middle name on his registry pendant record is redacted, although he dubs it "I'm-not-your-legacy-boy". In Unlocked, Keefe wakes up from his coma on the fourth day, feeling nauseous and achy. No matter how much he hated or feared his mother, some tiny, reluctant part of him was always going to care about her a little.. His father works for the Council. Sophie doesn't respond. Hoping that he would kiss her. Keefe managed to kick Fintan away, and ran to Sophie, grabbing her arm as his body started to sway. She hugged him as hard as she could--not caring who was watching., Keefe gave her another reassuring shoulder pat- but when she flung the pillow aside and buried her face in her hands she heard him growl something like, 'screw it.' King Dimitar Queen Gundula Cadfael, Gnomes (Category) Amy Rose Foster Emma Iris Foster William David Foster Connor, Kate, and Natalie Freeman Keefe and Sophie kiss each other after the talk and start a new relationship. It is implied motivations behind his reckless actions are guilt and protecting Sophie and his friends. He jokingly suggested toElwinto rename theHealing Center"The Foster Center" because of how many timesSophiehas been a patient there. Book Jokes. He is described to look like a K-pop star or straight out of anime. In Unlocked, Dex and Keefe grow closer when Keefe comes to Dex about the problem with his ability, and numbing thing. Because our family doesn't decide who we are. Portrait Keefe and Sophie share a heartfelt conversation about feelings, which helps them both fall asleep. "The problem is humans.". Keefe responded in turn by saying that he wished Alden was. ", Keefe gives his cape to Sophie insisting that they can't have her freeze and reminds Sophie that she didn't refuse, Sophie worries about the fact that she could have lost, Keefe almost face plants onto the deck of. Sandor Grizel Flori Romhilda Botros Nubiti Tarina, Other Keefe smiles at Sophie and jokes about her habit of always keeping secrets, claiming it's "how she keeps her sense of mystery". In Unlocked, it's shown that Grady had slightly changed his feelings toward him. she asked. 42 Likes, 1 Comments - Tam Song (@tam.dai.song) on Instagram: "Keefe is stupid. And her heart seemed to trip over itself as he leaned close and carefully pinned Krakie to the back of her hand, right in the center., 'No, Foster. 'Keefe, I will never hate you. Butit makes me a little sad. Keefe meets Dex through Sophie. Alden Dedrick Vacker Elwin Heslege Lady Cadence Talle Lord Cassius Sencen Edaline Kelia Ruewen Grady Howell Ruewen, Elves (Category) Dex and Keefe seem to become very good friends during Neverseen, sharing a Lufterator when fleeing to the Black Swan. This causes Grady to "study Keefe as if he'd never seen before in his life", hinting that Grady might be warming up to Keefe. Keefe Sencen. InNeverseen,Sophiementions that Keefe's father is verbally abusive. Additionally, he receives a note that states that Lady Gisela was "doing it for him". Hes Fitzs best friend, but he also feels a strong connection to Sophieand not just because he loves teasing her. Candleshade (formerly)Shores of Solace (currently) It is often used for the oldest child of a family. In Neverseen, it becomes quite obvious that Keefe likes Sophie, becoming jealous of Tam, who he believes is trying to join the "Foster Fan Club". He usually hangs out with theVackersand treats them like family, and vice versa. Dex, Kesler, and Elwin try to fix his ability with serums and devices, and having Lex, Bex, and Rex trigger it, but it all goes awry and leaves Keefe even more scared of his ability. Councillor Alina Councillor Bronte Councillor Clarette Councillor Darek Councillor Emery Councillor Liora Councillor Noland Councillor Oralie Councillor Ramira Councillor Terik Councillor Velia Councillor Zarina Councillor Kenric Elgar Fathdon Fintan Pyren Fallon Vacker, Teenagers Sophie scoots close to Keefe "Partially to shield herself behind him, but mostly because he was slumped over the railing like a piece of soggy laundry." Foster (Freeman) Family Sophie replies, "I'm never going to hate you, Keefe." Chapter 2 ( spoiler: SOME SERIOUS SO-KEEFE SNUGGLES) "Keefe!", Fitz and Sophie cried in unison. It shows that they care about each other deeply. [ VERY OLD DO NOT READ AHSKSJSJ ] What should I wear? When Sophie comes to talk to him, her emotions overwhelm him, and by using a certain tone of his voice, and shouting "Numb", he is able to freeze (or rip away the emotions of) Elwin, Fitz, Sophie, Sandor, and Ro. In Stellarlune, it is confirmed that Sophie likes Keefe too. After explaining Tams warning to Keefe, Sophie supports Keefe by taking his hand, which he tightly hangs onto. Ice Blue Keefe assures her that it's worth it and walks closer to her. Just so you know, chapter one is more like a prologue, since a lot happens between chapter one and chapter two. Keefe has often been interpreted to show his love for Sophie in many moments throughout the book series, though she doesn't appear to know it herself. He is a member of the Black Swan and a former member of the Neverseen. Keefe dubbed them 'Team Foster-Keefe' in Exile. It's possible that Keefe's "rivalry" with Tam is actually just a way of covering up his platonic/romantic affection towards Tam, and vice-versa. In Neverseen Keefe takes on a darker, more angry edge in some areas of the book, especially when it has to do with his mother. kotlc - Freeform keeper of the lost cities - Freeform Fex kotlc canon is irrelevant Humor Fluff No angst they're all happy alright there is actually so hurt and comfort but i swear that's it Fluff and Hurt/Comfort Detz - Freeform Dex forgets his own birthday and his friends throw him a suprise party. "He is HOTTY YUMALITIOUS. That's why I made sure I have the best hair.. She crashes into the wall and he stands in front of her, blocking her from moving, knowing that Sophie's being ridiculous when she said that he should stay away from her, but Keefe claims that he likes to take on a challenge. ', Sophie wasn't sure why her voice sounded so thick when she said, 'It's good to have backup.' Ro remarks that "he's got it bad" for her. He often makes snarky comments as a way to rebel against authoritative figures, or just as a way of expressing his disdain for Sophie and Fitzroy (stylized Fitzphie), and sometimes Tam. Sophie and Keefe met midway through Keeper of the Lost Cities and since that time the two have become good friends. They both have tense relationships with their biological mothers. Sophie tells Keefe that she likes him and asks him if he still likes her. When Sophie asks Keefe to stay after everyone else leaves he says, "Don't worry Foster, I'm not going anywhere. He may not have teal eyes, but he has a really cute--, Have you? From that point on, he only had one goal: To be whatever Sophie needed. Talent/Ability Who agrees? Gender His love interest is Sophie Foster, considering many gentle moments between the two and his constant teasing. N/A As shown in Unlocked). Countdown to KotLC book 9! But that doesn't mean I don't care. "Keefe!" She screamed, catching Keefe as he fell and laying him on her lap. Little Do You Know (music isn't mine) Sokeefe Edition by Sunshine3788. He joined theNeverseento be a double agent and give information back to theBlack Swan, although Keefe's plans sometimes don't work well, and he accidentally brought back fake caches. #kotlc #keeper #keeperofthelostcities #sophie #sophiefoster #tam" Keefe is an only child, and his best friend is Fitz Vacker. Keefe tells her she looks perfect, making her blush. Keefe is a factor in Sophie's decision to remain friends with Fitz. Artistic, funny, nice, caring, and flirty. Music Memes. Keefe Sencen and Blur[source]. Lost Cities Keeper Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. His most famous prank was the Great Gulon Incident (Details are highly classified, and have not been revealed in any of the books so far). In Legacy Tam tries to warn Sophie that Lady Gisela is trying to kill Keefe, but Keefe doesn't seem to listen. They briefly reconcile in the middle of the book, where Keefe calls Fitz his best friend and Fitz agrees. Sophie didn't know what to make of the last part, but her heart flipped into hummingbird mode., 'I know.' His ability as an Empath allows him to read her feelings, which makes him understand her in ways no one else can. when he gently pinned ". He is a member of the prestigious Vacker Family, a fact he takes pride in. It also is hinted that Edaline adores Sophie and Keefe's relationship often giving them "Goofy Smiles" when they are having their moments. In Lodestar, Fitz is obviously angry at Keefe for joining the enemy. His mother, however, has shown fake kindness to him multiple times in the books. As of Unlocked, At the end of the book, he is put into a coma after being affected by the elements, presumably to trigger a new ability. And she said, "Thanks for listening, Keefe. They go after him and Keefe decides to come back in the Lost Cities because he wanted to make sure that the stones at Elysian would be destroyed. Me too. Sophie says she is glad she met him too.Sophie and Keefe's minds were still connected, and it was like their minds were holding hands, which she said might have been the goofiest, sappiest thought she'd ever had, but it helped her feel happier. Tam refuses to talk to Keefe until Keefe submits to a shadow reading, which he has yet to do. Keefe was later allowed to rejoin his friends. Keefe tells her it helped a lot, and he stopped shaking. Biana is the sister of Keefe's best friend, Fitz. When Keefe is commenting on his memories, he says the reason he picked the second memories moment is because she is blushing. He adds that if she's trying to impress him it's working, even if he's always impressed by her. Keefe often relies on Alden, needs his support, and views him as a father figure. ', 'Keefe--' He took her hand, waiting for her to meet his eyes. Sophie gets worried about Keefe, because he used. . when Lady Cadence says they have three more river changes. Keefe smirked. when Sophie plunges her hand into a bucket of ice water to learn body temperature regulation. Books 2 and 3: They started to stay together more often, and more trust was build between them. Keefe guides her over and sets her down on the bed and brings her a bottle of, Keefe reassures her while she's worried about her, "Without caring that it might be awkward or what anyone would think, Sophie, pulled Keefe into the tightest hug possible, and whispered, 'Thank you.' Kotlc Keefe - Etsy Australia Check out our kotlc keefe selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. Keeper of the Lost Cities is a middle grade series. [6], Teenagers 'I can handle him. He also begins to think that his father is a part of the Neverseen, but to his dismay, finds out that it is actually his mother. Wings of Fire vs. Harry Potter by ABlikespasta. Sophie tells Keefe she's here and that she won't let him lose himself. Keefe often tries to do a lot to help his friends. Keefe goes to stay at Splendor Plains for the time being, and he reconciles with Sophie via a telepathic conversation. Keefe and Dex both like to tease Sophie and Fitz about being Cognates. But it makes me a little sad. He says that he forgives him but that doesn't stop him from teasing Keefe throughout the remainder of Nightfall. Aliases Keefe eventually told Sophie that he doesn't want to mess things up and to not let him mess things up, which Sophie agreed. When Keefe traces the crease between Sophie's eyebrows, she finds it incredibly hard to come up with an answer. She enjoys Keefe keeping Sophie company, unlike Grady. Sophiementions multiple times that she thinks his drawings are incredibly realistic, so much that they look like photographs. She then confesses her feelings to him when they are in the Grove and said, "I know you said you got over a bunch of things after you left the Lost Cities, and I'm sure that probably includes the stuff you told me in your note. Keefe gently lifted her by the shoulders to ease her into a sitting position and propped her up with extra pillows in her bed after her ability reset. When Keefe ran away, he left a letter for Sophie only, but we didn't know how Sophie reacted to it, as the book did not depict her reaction. Fandom Memes. . 'Uh, that one's a no-brainer. The book ends here. Keefe/KOTLC . #kotlc #keeperofthelostcities #exile #everblaze #neverseen #lodestar #nightfall #flashback #legacy #unlocked #blackswan #sophiefoster #keefe. At the end ofBook 4:Neverseen, he joined theNeverseen, stealing thecachesfromSophieafter he overheardthe password in a private conversation between her andFitz. He also tries to find the things that Lady Gisela might have hid in the void but he fails to find it. What I can't handle is any more of the Sophie Shell who's been wandering around for the last few weeks, scaring the snot out of all of us. At the end of Everblaze, it is revealed that she is part of the Neverseen. I've never been so proud., Ode to Keefe Sencen, that brave and lovable nut. Sophie, though, does state that Lord Cassius was verbally abusing Keefe, along with Lady Gisela. Keefe wraps his arm around Sophie saying that Sophie gets worked when she's trying to protect him, but Sophie shoves him away and says he might get killed if he does whatever he wants. Keefe was constantly and relentlessly teasing Sophie. Keeper of the Lost Cities. And for a second, Sophie's breath seemed to catch., 'If I thought there was even the slightest chance we could catch her, Foster and l would be having a slumber party tonight.' Member of the Black SwanStudent at FoxfireEx Neverseen member Sophie rolled her eyes as she smiled. Reality crashed back to Sophie and . Candleshade (Pre-Keeper to book 3), Alluveterre (in book 4), Neverseen Hideouts (in book 5), Alvar's house (in book 6), The Shores of Solace (from the end of book 6 to book 8), Splendor Plains (in book 8.5), London (in book 9), The Grove (currently) Right. Keefe wins by a hair, and he learns that his mother, in the message, told Dimitar to challenge Keefe to a fight to "prove that he's not worthless like the others." And hes always there when she needs him, even if he sometimes makes questionable decisions. A signature part of Keefe's personality is that he has no problem making clever and funny jokes and remarks. Book 1: Keeper of the Lost Cities in the halls of Foxfire - Keefe Sencen I'm trying to figure out how to go back to only seeing you as a friend, and it's not easy, since I'd just started realizing how much I care about you." Keefe's smile turned unbearably sweet, 'Me too, Foster. He has a very fragile and somewhat sad past, as his father was verbally abusive and his mother, a member of the Neverseen since before his birth, only used him as a pawn in her "game," although she has shown kindness to him multiple times in the books. As of Unlocked, they're shown to still be friends with one another, but Keefe can't be around Sophie due to his new ability. When she didn't answer, he took both of her hands, and she couldn't ignore the rush of warmth that tingled through her when she met his eyes. Lord Cassius wrote a book about Empaths called The Heart of the Matter. Tam repeatedly says that he's sorry, and Keefe seems to somewhat forgive him. 'I should be braver than this.' Sophie and Biana; Sophie and Dex; Dex and Keefe; Sophie and Fitz; Fitz and Keefe; Sophie and Marella; Marella and Keefe; Sophie, Linh, and Biana; Sophie and Jensi; Sophie and Tam; Keefe and Tam; Sophie and Linh; Keefe and Linh; Dex, Fitz, and Keefe; Sophie, Linh, and Biana; Keefe and Biana In Nightfall when Keefe is apologizing for betraying everyone, Tam tells Keefe he is not worthless but parents like theirs can make him feel that way. Online friends with the one and only Sophie Foster since the beginning, (Y/N) was a twelve-year old on her way to college. Tags:#shorts #kotlc #keeperofthelostcities #keefesencen#edit#funnyedit Lord Hunky-Hair Lord Funky-hair(according to Ro)That Boy (According to Grady). He has family issues (even claiming the role of troublemaker with Daddy Issues, also being grumpy about Tam Song's claim to the title as well), as his father was both verbally and emotionally abusive, while his mother, a member of the Neverseen before Keefe was even born, treats him as a pawn in her overarching plan after lying to him for years. You know, there's," but is interrupted. In Exile, he admits to Sophie that he often hides behind his jokes and teasing. You'll never lose me. Keefe often visits Havenfield, and they share some sweet moments which hint at more than what is said. ', She stared at her hands, trying not to think about the fury she'd seen in Fitz's eyes the day before. Later Sophie, Tam, and Fitz find one of the hideouts and find Keefe and three others (Brant, Ruy, and Alvar), ready to capture them. Skin Color During that time, Keefe takes off Sophie's gloves and crush cuffs, and entwines his fingers with hers to help calm her down by channeling her emotions. Sophie also noted his "rather impressive amount of muscle tone." Cassius Sencen remarks on how Fitz scored higher than Keefe on tests even without a photographic memory. Ro calls Keefe's and Sophie's fight a "lovers' quarrel, and Sophie tries to deny it, while Keefe whispers that Sophie isn't ready to face her feelings. He is best friends with Fitz Vacker and has shown that he's always wished he was a Vacker to the point of him seeing the Vackers as his family, and as such spends a lot of time with them. 'You're ridiculous, you know that?' Pale ', 'Thanks. Oh. Keefe Sencen (KEEF SEN-sin) is a member of the Black Swan and an ex-member of the Neverseen. I'm sorry I wasted so much time crushing on Captain Perfect--come here, let's do all the smooching ever!'" 'Sorry', she mumbled when the crying fit finally passed. 'Well, when you put it that way! He's the son of Lord Cassius and Lady Gisela. Then Keefe nudges Fitz over and places a hand on her shoulder to catch her if she falls, saying "I think this is a two-person job. The two have a very fun and dynamic relationship, both being very rebellious people who don't like to conform. In Lodestar, when Sophie asks why Grady is so hard on Keefe, Grady has a "talk" with Sophie about boys, and hints that he thinks Sophie and Keefe like each other, explaining why Grady is always so cautious when it comes to Keefe. He is a member of the Black Swan and a former member of the Neverseen. Fitz Vacker is his best friend, and he's always wished he was a Vacker. Sophie asks if he's okay. Sophie blushes when Keefe jokes that she "always knows how to clear a path"; he smirks and compliments the. In Legacy, she forces Keefe to fulfill his Legacy, using a combination of the elements that cause him to be put in a coma. After his legacy is carried out, he is left in a state that is like a coma. I'm trying to figure out how tto go back to only seeing you as a friend, and it's not easy, since I'd just started realising how much I care about you. (Though this could also be his overall protectiveness toward his friends). The ability seems to be triggered whenever he's feeling overwhelmed. Around the end of Stellarlune, Keefe was found to be hiding at a expensive looking hotel in London, after stealing jewlery from his mother, and Sophie and her friends were able to find him by the shadowflux Umber slipped into his food during the time he spent with the Neverseen. He had later found out that it wasn't only his mother who was part of the Neverseen, it was also Alvar Vacker, whom Keefe looked up to and previously called his "hero." keefex kotlc dex keeperofthelostcities keefe dexdizznee keefesencen sophiana fedex deefe sokeefe marellinh fitz biana kam sophie sophiefoster kex tam linh 53 Stories Sort by: Hot Then his arms wrapped around her and she sank into the hug not realizing she was crying until she felt her tears soak into his tunic., And Keefe was right where she'd left him - right where he'd said he'd be - his arms stretched out and ready to catch her, like he'd known she'd be dizzy and heaving by the time she finally fled., 'Tonight would've been . 'Just promise, okay?' Keefe grins and tells Sophie "I have a feeling you can do pretty much anything you put your mind to. She replies, saying that's way more than she's willing to lose. Mr. Sweeney Bethany Lopez Eleanor Wright Ethan Benedict Wright II Garwin Chang, Goblins (Category) Alden is like a father to Keefe, always allowing him to stay over and making sure everything is working out for Keefe. And while she may not have manifested her special ability when we first meet her, that never stops her from taking on Fitz and Keefe in a game of base quest, (and no, it's not just because she thinks Keefe is cutethough that definitely *does* help). So where's my perfect fix? Keefe reaches for Sophie's shaking hand when she worries about her parents and promises her, Well get them back safe. Sophie sees Keefe playing with the Alicorns and says there is a lot of cuteness and Keefe perks up. Just a guy ready to listen and help and be there for her. He was later allowed to rejoin his friends. Nonetheless, the two are great friends. Blonde Foxfire Foxfire Entrance Exam, Campus 'Please don't hate me, okay?' Family In Legacy, Sophie and Keefe spend a lot of time together, even though she was "dating" Fitz. Keefe becomes very flustered after Sophie catches him off-guard and shirtless. When Sophie asks if he wants to risk everything on a 'pretty sure,' he says that the only thing they're risking is him. As Sophie disagrees, begging Keefe to leave the Neverseen and come back with them, but Keefe steals their leaping crystal to Alluveterre and escapes, bringing himself and Alvar back to the Neverseen. He says he is happy for them and congratulates Sophie, but his behaviour reveals that he may be upset. Eye Color Keefe also uses his art to create his memories, upon Sophie's request. Fitz seems suspicious about Sophie and Keefe's intentions, despite Keefe's best efforts to keep himself from interfering in Sophie and Fitz's relationship. I'm 5' 6 1/2 (or 5' 7, it's been a debate amongst my peers) so I'm gonna tell you my opinion. When I hear the honking of Fitz car outside, I carefully grab my cane and walk out the doors, tapping my way yard and to the street. Sophie and Keefe continue to help each other throughout the whole book. Keefe grabs Sophie's hand and tells her not to let them get into her head, and that she knows what needs to be done. Physical Description Keefe has a crush on Sophie and as of Book 9: Stellarlune she has confirmed to return his feelings and the two are currently in an in-between stage of friends and more-than-friends. Making jokes and teasing is just his coping mechanism. Hope you like! Eleya . You see his sensitivity and struggle to hold himself together while trying to hide the "scared, broken boy" he had managed to conceal throughout his life. Elwin says he is fine, but the use of Stellarlune is most likely making him manifest a new ability. They grow further apart, with Fitz feeling unable to trust Keefe and Keefe in turn mostly communicating with Sophie. I doubt they'd eat youbut maybe we'll get lucky!. ." Empath, Polyglot, 2 Unnamed Abilities/Merged Abilities Other 'And you love it.' Its better when you are around. They lock eyes across the room and Sophies heart aches. Funny Quotes. They made a person. After that, every night and later on in the book, every morning in his Neverseen hideout, he has a telepathic conversation with Sophie. In the commentary for Keefe's memories, on the one for when it was revealed that Mr. Forkle had a secret twin, and was alive, Keefe remembers that he made a promise to Mr. Forkle to "protect the moonlark". First Met Contents 1 Synopsis 2 Preface 3 Playlist 4 References Synopsis In Nightfall though, after Keefe returns from his bed rest, Keefe talks with Sophie and makes her feel better. In Everblaze, he does a great deal of aiding Sophie with whatever mysteries she has to solve involving the Black Swan. He joined the Neverseen as an attempt to infiltrate their organization and tear it down from the inside as well as to sneak information to the Black Swan. So many, in fact, that when they are looking through his bedroom in Lodestar, Tam says, "Dude - this guy uses more hair products than I do!" Keefe is an amazing artist. Keefe watches as Sophie reaches for his hand when he said that he hasn't believed that his 'mommy loves him and misses him' for years and as they talk about his mom Sophie comforts him. Sophie felt like he wasn't kidding because of how soaked and shaky and pale he was, and because she couldn't stop shivering, she moved behind him and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Foxfire student, Black Swan Member, former Neverseen Member/Double Agent, spying in the Neverseen Brand: Generic. Lady Gisela was once referred to as the better parent, due to her more distant nature compared to his dad's abuse. This book gives readers a glimpse into what it's like to be in Keefe's world. Just pure determination when he told her, 'Because Team Foster-Keefe is going to win. Keefe teases Sophie when he finds a card from Valin in her thinking cap, and Sophie is glad he is back to his old self without his father around. I could be your hero any day. 'You're supposed to cry when bad things happen, Foster, not good things.' Sophie brings Keefe human cookies and Keefe describes it as "something no one has ever done for him before", and Sophie comes to him for advice about resetting her abilities. 'Don't make me beg, Sophie. and Sophie?' fanfiction, cheesy, sophiefoster. Male They are childhood friends, and they have hung out with each other for many years. (Keefe noticed that Lex's hand was cold, and he manifested as a Froster, that Bex's hand was squishy, and she manifested as a Phaser, and that Rex's hand felt "empty", not unlike Kesler's).This causes Dex and Keefe to assume Rex will be Talentless. Lord Hunkyhair[2]That Boy[3]King of Good-Hair Land[4]President of the Foster Fan ClubNew Kid in the Evil RebellionCaptain CommittedLord of EverythingLord of the UniverseMost Frequent Patient (runner up)Desperate RunawayEmoSmirking BoyScrawny BoyGift MasterBerry Boy[5]Master Mischief-MakerTormenter of PrincipalsFrequenter of DetentionCookie BoyLord FunkyhairMost Miserable Boy in the UniverseTorturer of Teachers/principalsLegacy BoyKeefe (I'm Not Your Legacy Boy) Sencen (unlocked)KeeferinaThe KeefesterLord of the Feels, Members This impressed Keefe's father becauseSilvenyis the key to the people's faith in theCouncil, and saving theTimeline to Extinction. Keefe stays there after he wakes up so Elwin could provide him with treatments for his new ability. She picked up a pink and mostly purple dress with sequins at the top part. Sophie doesn't know how she is going to live if something happens to Keefe. (HP DRAMIONE) (Not a chapter) Some years later. When Mr. Forkle passes away in Lumenaria, Keefe was there to hold Sophie in his arms, keeping her together. He often uses jokes and teasing to pretend like everything is okay, even though deep down it may not be. Not the one taking charge of everything. It was released on October 2, 2012. I have brown eyes, and blonde hair. 'What about Dex?' I) Lodestar: Fintan's eyes focused on Sophie, his lips curling into a smile that gave her prickles. Keefe claims he's the "President of the Sophie Foster Fan Club, and that he'll take care of her", and winks. This isn't all going to be texting, some parts are in normal writing. Fitz), Dex Keefe Linh Sophie Marella Keefe and Sophie Dex and Keefe Tam, Sophie Dex Tam Marella Jensi Keefe Linh Linh and Sophie Linh and Marella, Pairings with Dexter Alvin Dizznee (a.k.a Dex), Sophie Biana Tam Keefe Linh Fitz Marella Stina Fitz and Keefe, Sophie Tam Biana Keefe Linh Dex Fitz Stina Linh and Biana, Sophie Tam Marella Dex Biana Fitz Linh Sophie and Fitz Dex and Fitz, Sophie Keefe Marella Dex Biana Glimmer Fitz, Sophie Marella Dex Biana Fitz Sophie and Biana Keefe Biana and Marella, Alden and Alina Alden and Della Brant and Jolie Elwin and Physic Grady and Edaline Cassius and Gisela Oralie and Kenric Quinlin and Physic Tiergan and Prentice Della and Alina Della and Livvy Tiergan and Prentice Forkle and Tiergan , Bo and Ro Cad and Ro Lur and Mitya Sandor and Grizel Silveny and Greyfell, Sokeefe, Team Foster-Keefe, Keephie, Keefoster. When Keefe is about to go to Ravagog alone, Sophie talks him out of it, this shows how he feels for Sophie, and how he will listen to her more than his other friends. Sophie thanks Keefe for being there for her. Some interpret the name Keefe as meaning noble, gentle, handsome, and cherished, although there are many meanings for this name throughout different cultures. Get dressed, brush teeth, message Fitz, eat. Hi! When Alden's mind is broken, the grief is agonizing for Keefe. Keefe Sencen (KEEF SEN-sin) is a member of the Black Swan and an ex-member of the Neverseen. GUESS WHO CAM. On the popular fanfiction site Archive of Our Own, the romantic pairing (Sophie Foster/Keefe Sencen) is the most popular overall relationship tag with over 22% of all KOTLC stories on the site featuring the tag. Afterward, there was a lack of trust between them. This is mainly to jealousy in some of the previous books concerning Sophie and to Keefe running off to the Neverseen. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or most of the storyline. Gender His most famous prank was theGreat Gulon Incident. In mid-Flashback, Sophie and Fitz admit their feelings for each other and become a couple. Unfortunately, his Empathy also tells him that Sophie doesn't feel the same way around him. He enjoys teasing people, especiallySophie and has a crush on her. Later in Lodestar, Mr Forkle says. KotLC VOICE MATCH! Keefe always seemed to find ways to annoy Councillor Alina (while she was principal of Foxfire) and many other people. It is implied that he uses jokes and pranks as a mask, partly to hide the emotional abuse he has suffered, and also rebels to take back the control he desires from his life. Tell your boyfriends not to be jealous. Oooh, or you could try swimming with the krakens! watermelon shot by mrscratcher24_. Due to her DNA being modeled after alicorns, her eyes are brown with gold flecks, unlike the other blue eyed elves. Not the one taking charge of everything. He has to have broad shoulders and a lean frame. Pronunciation: Keefe Sen-sin Aliases: Keefster, Lord Hunkyhair, That Boy Quick Relation to Sophie: Friend/Love Interest Gender: Male Eye Color: Ice Blue Hair Color: Blonde Bio: Keefe is Foxfire Academy's ultimate troublemakerthough of course he claims he had nothing to do with "The Great Gulon Incident." Confident and cute, with infamously awesome hair, he's always . Every time he pranks someone, he uses something unique, includingGulons,reekrod, andmuskog. When Tam and Fitz get trapped behind a force field, Sophie decides she has no choice but to inflict on them. He jokingly suggested to Elwin Heslege to rename the Healing Center "The Foster Center" because of how many times Sophie has been a patient there. Keefe hugs Sophie and admits that he was worried about her. 'Why would I hate you?' Appetite Suppression Blinking Body Temperature Regulation Breath Control Darkness Vision Levitating Outward Channeling Telekinesis, Staff King Dimitar challenges Keefe to a sparring match where the first person to draw blood from the opponent three times wins. For example, in Gaelic, the name translates as "male descendant" or "related by blood." '", Keefe tells Sophie (again) that no one will care if she is. ', I don't know if I'm going to make it, Foster. I don't know what's wrong with me.' "How goes it?" Fitz' voice calls, and a smile splits across my face at the inside joke. Sophie states that the intensity of Keefe's stare turned everything floaty and fluttery. But those close to him know that his smiles often hide the heavier things hes struggling with, like his less-than-awesome family. Mr. Forkle Blur Coiffe Della Adara Vacker Granite Juline Kalea Dizznee Livvy Lur Magnate Leto Kerlof Mitya Prentice Endal Sior Sir Tiergan Andrin Alenefar Sir Astin Squall Timkin Heks Tinker Wraith Jolie Lucine Ruewen, Known Neverseen Members Tiergan and Keefe also recovered some blurry memories of a sunset, a couple of trees, a bunch of black fabric, empty glass vials, and a pair of green eyes, possibly Ethan Benedict Wright II's or Amy's, meaning that he has met a human before. A friend. His mouth curves with one word until it changes. When Sophie learns about what happened with, When Sophie comes out of the hive after seeing. Cassius Sencen Gisela Minette Sencen Keefe Sencen, Residence(s) Keefe is tall with messy, artfully, and carefully disheveled blonde hair and ice blue eyes with flecks of dark blue. Sophie Elizabeth Foster Fitzroy Avery Vacker Biana Amberly Vacker Dexter Alvin Dizznee Marella Adene Redek Keefe Sencen Tam Dai Song Linh Hai Song Wylie Zoran Endal, Adults Mostly because it means I missed my chance to be with this really incredible guy who makes me laugh and always finds ways to be there for me when I need him. From the little information that his parents had given him, all he knew to do was get to . One of 6 siblings in a high-energy, close-knit family, she always seemed destined for the stage. Keefe tells her that it's nice having someone look out for him and when Sophie tells him he doesn't make it easy, he says it's just another thing they have in common. Basic Information Even when Keefe flashes a smug smirk, Sophie can sense his sadness behind it and pulls him back into a hug. As the series has progressed, Sophie has grown closer to Keefe. Maybe at first Keefe is held captive, but will it end up being something more? Despite his father's seriousness, Keefe is fun-loving and humorous, even giving the nickname Glitter Butt to Silveny despite her disliking the nickname. His father is the complete opposite of him, and always wants him to present himself neatly. He is also kind toSophiewhen she is at her weakest. Keefe says that Sophie could never look bad. In Nightfall, Lady Gisela says that Keefe inherited it from her. Self-described great hair, ice blue eyes, and according to Sophie: attractive. Keefe never wants to use the ability, but it's said that when the ability is triggered it feels as if his throat is closing off and all he can think about is whatever word will help him stop the overwhelming feeling. Keefe Sencen?' Keefster[1]Lord Hunkyhair[2]That Boy[3]King of Good-Hair Land[4]President of the Foster Fan ClubNew Kid in the Evil RebellionCaptain CommittedLord of EverythingLord of the UniverseMost Frequent Patient (runner up)Desperate RunawayEmoSmirking BoyScrawny BoyGift MasterBerry Boy[5]Master Mischief-MakerTormenter of PrincipalsFrequenter of DetentionCookie BoyLord FunkyhairMost Miserable Boy in the UniverseTorturer of Teachers/principalsLegacy BoyKeefe (I'm Not Your Legacy Boy) Sencen (unlocked)KeeferinaThe KeefesterLord of the Feels He still seems to love his mother deep down but doesn't want to admit it. BETTER, Keefe puts his forehead on hers and tells her he doesnt want to mess up, Sophie tilts her chin up to 'steal another quick kiss' and seconds later Flori interupts, They both have stuffed animals (Sophie has. I just felt like you should know why I might get a little awkward around you right now. 'What about Dex? Bun-Bun Ella the Elephant Harry the Jackalope Lady Sassyfur Mr. Snuggles Mrs. Stinkbottom Stinky the Stegosaurus, One of the paintings Keefe made for Sophie. Sokeefe, Team Foster-Keefe, Keephie, Keefoster Fox%fire Academy Sweatshirt, Keeper Of The Lost Cities Sweatshirt, Kotlc Hoodie, Shan%non% Messenger, Sophie Foster, Book Lover Fan Gifts. They always try to keep each other safe and care for each other. Afterwards, Sophie consistently checks up on him by having regular telepathic conversations. During Nightfall, Keefe gives Sophie a painting of her with Grady Howell Ruewen and Edaline Kelia Ruewen, and one of her, him, Fitzroy Avery Vacker, Dexter Alvin Dizznee, Biana Amberly Vacker, Tam Dai Song, Linh Hai Song, and Wylie Zoran Endal, and during Legacy, Keefe paints a picture of Fitz and Sophie together by the Panakes tree upon Fitz's request to do so. "No worries Foster. Near the end of the book, he also flies to the High Seas facility with Sophie on Silveny's back in order for the Black Swan to reset her abilities with limbium. In Stellarlune, Keefe admits that he is becoming numb, and cant feel Sophies emotions as well anymore. 'I'm glad you're back,' Sophie told him, keeping her voice low--just for the two of them. He takes his stuff, and stops at Shores of Solace to gather the rest, and heads to Havenfield. Browse through and read kotlc sokeefe stories and books. Choralmere (from ages 0-11), Wildwood Colony (from ages 11-15), Ermete's former residence (from mid-Book-4 to end of Book 4 ), Alluveterre (as of Book 5 ), Tiergan 's residence Solreef (as of Book 6) Important Information Tam is Linh 's twin brother. In the end of Unlocked, Keefe ran away to places unknown to protect others from him. In Flashback, Fitz and Sophie confess their feelings for each other, leading to them beginning a relationship. Keefe takes both of her hands and Sophie's mind "can't ignore the rush of warmth that tingled through her when she met his eyes" when Keefe replies to her that Team Foster-Keefe is going to win. As if. 'I know, I'm sorry. He also sent her green breezes during the reset to calm her down. Browse through and read reader x keefe fanfiction stories and books . Sophie Grace is an American television and film actress originally from Philadelphia and based in Jacksonville and Los Angeles. However due to the strange nature of his new (unnamed) ability, it's unclear whether or not he manifested this as a stand alone ability or if it merged with his Empathy to create something else. Keefe sends Sophie blue mental breezes while reminding her to breathe and tells her, "You've got this". And I know you said you're not looking for a relationship right now-and I get it. Their friendship began in Level Two at Foxfire when Keefe was the weird guy who skipped a level, and Fitz was the guy who kept disappearing all the time. . Keefe takes Sophie to The Grove and Sophie says Flori told Sandor and Grizel it was a romantic place. He uses the necklace he gave her with a temporary leaping crystal to send her back home to escape. Keefe Sencen (pronounced Keef Sense-in) is the deuteragonist in the Keeper of the Lost Cities series. Keefe always wants to join Sophie on her adventures and is there for her various times throughout the series. Lost City. In Nightfall, Keefe is no longer associated with the Neverseen. Dating Sophie doesn't want Keefe to go. Keefe ends up sacrificing Sophie's cache, given to her by Councillor Oralie at Councillor Kenric's request, and steals it by mimicking her voice because he overheard her and Fitz talking about the cache's password, "221B Baker Street." This is why he has skipped a Foxfire level (Level One), and can get away with ditching sessions without falling too much behind. Keefe starts to say, "Speechless again? He assures her that they'll get the starstone back the next day and he asks if she knows why. And sometimes that's the only thought that gets me through the day.. Sign up Log in. Status Please don't hate me." KOTLC Keefe x (Abused) Reader. Hes Fitzs best friend, but he also feels a strong connection to Sophieand not just because he loves teasing her. The train station was a lot different than 14 year old Keefe Sencen would have imagined. Fitz is Keefe's best friend. Keefe gave Sophie two paintings he made for her, one of Sophie. Until she was ready for more., Our little girl [Sophie] is growing up and getting so snarky! Keefe often tries to do a lot to help his friends, and, by nature, often puts others' safety before his own. Mostly because it means I missed my chance to be with this really incredible guy who makes me laugh and always finds ways to be there when I need him. Keefe says the thing he missed most about Sophie is her whole adorable-when-angry thing and she replies by saying she misses him too. You can ignore it all you want, Foster, but sooner or later you're going to have to solve the triangle. He whispers and asks if she's okay, and Sophie is reluctant to let go of his hand. 'That no matter what you learn . Home Stories Quizzes Create . The platonic pairing of the two (Sophie Foster and Keefe Sencen) is the 7th most popular relationship tag overall and the most popular platonic relationship tag. Hermione's POV. Broken, hurt, remorseful, and overcome by guilt, he joins the Neverseen as a double agent in an attempt to stop them, as he feels responsible for all they have done. Keefe's smile "softened into something that made Sophie's cheeks warm. After a while, Fitz and Keefe's relationship died down because of their mutual crushes on Sophie. It's how I deal. Alden loves Keefe like his child, and Keefe loves Alden like a father. Keefe said he trusts Sophie and is really glad he met her. 'So . Book Annotation. Official Art for Keefe Sencen He uses his ability to "Sleep" command Ro, and wakes her as he leaps away. Its one of the things I like about you. Her stomach filled with fluttering things, which flitted around even more when she noticed how close they were now standing. Keefe wraps his arm around Sophie to keep her steady. Keefe Kotlc - Etsy Check out our keefe kotlc selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. In the fourth book, Keefe admits that he has kissed Biana before in a dare, describing it as "mostly on the cheek." see review Dec 03, 2020 tappkalina rated it really liked it Shelves: 4-star But anyway, read on! This way she isn't rushed in book 9. Eye Color He ends up being assigned Ro, King Dimitar's daughter. Sophie could help but lunge forward and hug him, almost knocking him off the cot. Keefe says that Sophie has a cute crease in-between her eyebrows and then points out that her feelings seem fluttery around him. Pairing Name 'I care about Keefe. Every time he pranks someone, he uses something unique, including Gulons, reekrod, and muskogs. Keefe stops Fitz and Sophie from having secret telepathic conversations, and claims he can "feel Foster's secrets", and that he felt some "pretty intense emotions right now". Sophie holds onto Keefe when she realizes that her human family was not found when she looked for them on her. "Well when you put it that way!" When he's not helping to save the Elvin world or teasing Sophie, Keefe plays Base Quest with Fitz, Biana, and Sophie. He tries to explain why he's been there for three days while making it sound like it was just logical but just ends up rambling. He's the son of Lord Cassius and Lady Gisela. Fitzroy Avery Vacker (pronounced Fits-roy Ay-ver-ee Vack-er), also referred to as "Wonderboy" by Dex and "Fitzy/Fitzter/Lord Of The Snuggles" by Keefe, is a seventeen-year-old elf (as of Flashback). He also challenged King Dimitar to a fight, although this was not strictly necessary. You even fixed Exillium. Book 2: ExileBook 4: Neverseen Book 6: Nightfall Book 8: Legacy. He also challengedKing Dimitarto a fight, although this was not strictly necessary. You look perfect.' Book 10 is this year. and Sophie blushes. She realizes that her feelings, which flitted around even more when she realizes that her for! Does a great deal of aiding Sophie with whatever mysteries she has choice... The Foster Center '' the Foster Center '' because of how many timesSophiehas been a patient.! Sophiementions multiple times in the middle of the hive after seeing misses him too seemed to find the that... 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