They all came from outdoor homes and the weather hasn't much changed in the last week. Baby rabbits should not be kept in cold weather. This guide will tell you all about nine reasons why rabbits die suddenly with eyes wide open. For relief of swelling behind his eyes, the vet prescribed subcutaneous injections of Salix (furosemide, same as Lasix) to help expel the excess fluid through urination. Miss her very much. However, there are some times when rabbits cant close their eyes and this could be a major cause of sudden death. Surgical treatment is available for rabbits with moderate or severe cases. Found him laying in his pee. Tags: is my rabbit dying rabbit died stretched out rabbit died stretched out with eyes open the rabbit dies See some more details on the topic my rabbit died with eyes open here: Rabbit Died Suddenly With Eyes Open! Second if they are not spade by 2 years they are 85% susceptible to cervical cancer. A similar story to whats happened to our baby. Gastrointestinal Stasis. Even if its advantageous in the wild, their foraging capabilities can also have downsides. Feeling guilty . We thought he was sleeping because he had his eyes closed. A final thought.., ANYTIME a rabbit dies and there is bleeding from the nose and/or mouth they need to be necropsied for RHDV!! So even if your rabbit wasn't displaying any of the above signs, it's still possible that it was in pain. If the rabbit was in pain, it might have died with its eyes open in an effort to see what was causing the pain. I then bought another rabbit from a different breeder We have had this rabbit 2 days and the other one was found dead in the hutch this morning. I feel so guilty so so guilty. Pale and lifeless fur Rabbits are prone to death by shock and fright. She was quickly getting more and more lethargic and I was growing more upset because I was helpless. She was dead 12 hours later. Sudden death in baby rabbits is generally caused by a few main conditions. A decreased appetite or weight loss However, death with eyes wide open is normal and expected. Gardening products including pesticides can be fatal to a domestic rabbit. My rabbit was completely fine the night before she died. Hi I was searching this website in search of something that might help me with why my rabbit suddenly died, Im so confused as she seemed absolutely fine the night before, the following morning I found her lay in her litter tray on her side dead, she only 2 years old. also very cute. Was it this fungi or could it have been something else?! The best way to prevent this fatal condition is to regularly check your rabbit's bottom and keep it clean. Many creatures die with their eyes open. Now she cant. This can cause the heart to stop and the body to go into shock, leading to death. On our way to the vet he had one more episode. Having Pre-Existing Medical Problem What Are Signs Of A Baby Bunny Dying? It may been old age. Any action you take based on the information found on is strictly at your discretion. And on Thursday morning he was laying on the bottom of his cage. I went out to her cage and she was lying on her side and couldnt move half her body, she then had a seizure. Were a bit devastated and unsure where we went wrong. They both had discharge and the hamster smelt the worst so she was the carrier but what was the disease? I cannot believe this article doesn't mention Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease Virus, aka RHDV, which was released in 1996 to control wild rabbit populations and has been wiping out domestic rabbits worldwide. It mustve been a virus. Rabbits die with their eyes open. They eat fine but just don't thrive and soon stop eating altogether and die. Also by his litter box. you should not be advising people to leave their female rabbits intact as this will lead to a very increased chance of reproductive cancer and urinary infections. Next thing I know theyre dead. My wife is a retired small animal vet. After bath he was jumping in home, he sit on the carpet and some hours later we went sleep. Lion Head was breathing and suddenly is slightly breathing or slightly moving she want drink anything hurry what should I do no vet available, my baby rabbit was only 1 month old he was good and fine at that morning and afternoon he became unhealthy and unhappy !! Faders are weanlings that just don't seem to thrive. Tell (8am) one the hospitals open, in Louisville would see him. On this day I woke up to my mom freaking me out. I place the young males in a kennel with other young males around the same age, seven weeks old. Haih I'm so dissapointed and confused as well since I couldn't figure out the reason behind his death. Mother rabbits can also give parasites to their kit as soon as they are born. And passed it was horrible. No bleeding or obvious signs of injury. If you feel that your rabbit is dying, it is important to take a step back and consider your options. Signs of pain in rabbits can include Hunched posture Crouching position Restlessness Excessive grooming Unusual vocalizations Loss of appetite Weight loss This could give the rabbit enough time to\. I miss him dearly, and think about him every day. They also love to come outside in the sun and feel the grass under their feet, run, jump, dig and do all the things that is natural for a rabbit. Once a rabbit is past three, it can be very hard to precisely identify the age. You can also choose to have your pet cremated. I found my rabbit dead this morning. Changes In Vital Signs 4. I hold him and he tried to escape many times. In the end, we made the decision to euthanize her. Whether its poisoning or old age, many rabbits will die stretched out. It can day several . However, it is possible that your rabbit is simply suffering from old age or a disease, and screams may be a result of these conditions. There are a few theories as to why this happens, but the most likely explanation is that it is simply a result of the muscles not being strong enough to close the eyes. Sadly, we couldn't take her to the vet to know what happened, but it seems to me she had a heart arrest because it was unexpected. Im really sorry for your loss. It was fine this afternoon when I left for work and dead 8 hours later. Noises made by other animals could also cause a heart attack in rabbits, which is a common cause for sudden death. . When my wife fed him at 715 AM he was again fine and ate. This has been very upsetting. He was moving , eating , drinking water just acting like normal. If they dont make it at least they died there in your arms and not panicked in the back of car. When a rabbit shows signs of GI stasis, it will often cease eating completely. Rabbits that die suddenly during sleep may also have an infection called calicivirus. The owner finds their rabbit usually flat out appearing dead until picked up and further checking show the rabbit breathing but not able to move. Everyday I miss my baby since she brought so much joy to all of my family. I raise Dwarf Netherlands and Dwarf Hotots, I was separating the does from her male babies. However, not knowing what the reason it can be heartbreaking. There are a few different things that could potentially be causing your baby rabbit to die in the winter, such as being kept too cold, not getting enough food or water, or having an underlying illness. (Solved!) I turned off the oxygen machine, and then removed the bunny. Some rabbit sellers may pass an older rabbit as younger. My rabbit gave birth to four litres and they all die at once. Then he would go forward. "I had gone off to work, I . And she did just that and ate breakfast like normal. This is because rabbits have very weak muscles in their eyelids, which can cause their eyes to remain open even after they have passed away. Rabbits are curious animals. Her poor mate is also grieving. I read about purebreds being inbreds and many health problems but we thought hed last a few years. Many plants and flowers, such as onion, potato, and tulips, are unsuitable for rabbit consumption. As heartbreaking as it is, the bunny must have suffered from some illness, stress, or injury. From what I have been able to find out, there is no known cause. In some cases, they may become more aggressive or fearful, show signs of pain, diarrhea, or experience muscle spasms. Were lost, Friday our 18 month old Dutch died suddenly today. A change in urine or feces can be a warning sign for a dying rabbit. Some of the major causes are fear-related heart attacks, not being able to live outdoor, swallowing a sharp object, Pre-existing health condition, etc. I have taken over inside rabbits that were kept in cages in a basement. This happens when a germ-infested fly lands on a rabbit and lays eggs on them. That day there was a big hail storm that was extremely loud. Our other bunny is much older and fine, they were in separate cages ( the one's that died cage was on top of the other one's), my one daughter has been staying with us for a while and sleeps in the basement(it's finished and is also where our bunnies live) with her 2yr old & 1 month old and is known for yelling and screaming and the 2yr old is the typical 2yr old( I asked if her 2yr old could have put something in the cage before they left on Friday(as we all needed a break from each other)and she stated that she had not. Some say they are animals, news for you, so are we. The stress of moving to a new home might cause a very old rabbit to die sooner rather than later. A rabbit may have a history of health problems that the seller does not disclose. Neither of these methods does much for GI stasis. If you notice blood around the anus, this may be a sign of internal bleeding. Parasite infestation is not only passed from adult rabbits to one another. A few moments later he stopped breathing. There are many possible reasons why a rabbit might die with its eyes open. If the tear duct is blocked, the vet can flush the tear ducts with saline solution to remove the pus. Dehydration is pretty common with rabbits. Swallowing a sharp or large object can literally tear a rabbit's insides, causing severe internal bleeding. No doubt about it. One of the causes of cloudy eye in a rabbit is that the tear ducts in his or her eyes can become inflamed and produce watery discharge that gathers around the eye. I grabbed him and rubbed him and talked to him and he recovered . So, my mum got my sister and they went to the vet. If its left untreated, the condition may progress quickly to become chronic, and your rabbit may even lose their vision altogether. She was two months old when she was given to me. 1 - goo on January 16, 2020: On Monday I came downstairs before going to school and I pick her up and she dosnt move at all she wont eat or drink anything, My mom comes to school 2 hours later picking me up early saying that my bunny died I was so devastated I cried for hours but we think she got out of her cage but we dont know from reading this article it helped me I got a new bunny the same day named coco she is now my baby but we still dont know what happend to my bunny we think migh have to shocked from my brother being to loud. Can anyone please tell us what might have happened??? Needless to say not something we caused. If your rabbit is urinating excessively, has stopped eating, or appears very ill, then it is time to take him to the vet. At only the age of 1 years old! But suddenly she died yesterday. Rabbits become senior citizens at 78 years of age. Came home from work tonight and found one of our two bunnies dead in it's cage? Sadly she didnt make it. 00:01. He lived with us for 1 1/2 years and I dont think he grew so maybe he was older? You may notice unusual lethargy, tremors, or stiffness. We knew she was pregnant and due to give birth, but we hadn't kept track of the days as her pregnancy was unexpected - she was 3 months old. Rabbits have a third eyelid and this means that they do not need to blink very often. My daughter found him laying on his side and we tried to nurture him back. My rabbit died today with no reason I didnt get to see him before he passed Im sorry for all with the same problem. I thought it was a bit odd, because Ive never seen her that sleepy. Stray cats and dogs can also carry the virus. Our 6 month old baby girl Holland lop "Lucky" died shortly after being spayed. Floppy rabbit syndrome is can be but is rarely fatal. It has become a vital part of their behavior as herbivores and grazing animals. Be very careful to check a rabbit over before purchasing or adopting. While cold is the main struggle for baby rabbits, extreme heat should be avoided as well. If the temperature in their environment changes suddenly or there is a sudden loud noise, it can cause their heart to stop. Inability to move or resist effort to move Therefore, it is important to talk with your vet about medication options for your rabbit. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. She continued to be like this, not doing anything and staying still, only blinking. I miss my baby. When I awoke this morning to feed her she was dead and very stiff. Now Im scared I missed something and didnt catch it. This can happen if the rabbit was scared or panicked when it died. He was fully grown when we took him in so I would guess he was 7 1/2 years old when he died. ; Rhinitis or Coryza: A common rabbit disease that causes inflammation of the nose. Signs of poisoning are loss of appetite and discharge from the eyes, mouth, or anus. I'm thankful that he had a happy survival for so long after his diagnosis. I cant tell you how old she was due to the fact I dont know. This is a good age to have your male neutered. It's hard to lose a pet. Unfortunately, it is impossible to know why a rabbit would suddenly die from a general description. The injection induces sleep, triggering the muscles in the eyelids to close. It means the rabbit is in distress and may not have much time left. 1. I dont know what caused this but he didnt show any symptoms be for this. Bacteria from the food can cling to the gut and cause bloating and lethargy. With pet rabbits, it is best to only sterilize the males. The left-over nitrogen is then vented downward, out the rear of the machine, and back into the room. It may be helpful to speak with an animal care specialist or veterinarian to get more information about the dying process and what may be best for your rabbit. They are fine as babies until they are weaned. Deterioration over the weekend, extreme lethargy, admitted to vets yesterday. She was fine last night after i gave her dinner, and then morning she was bleeding from her bottom and laying flat on the floor. You're encouraging early pet death and unwanted babies. Whatever the case may be, it is not uncommon for a rabbit's eyes to stay open after death. They are generally fatal as a rabbit savvy vet is usually too far away to help. It may also become more selective about what it eats. Sharp Objects Swallowing 4. Sudden death with a foul odor and dirty anal region can be attributed to a flystrike infestation. The eggs hatch quickly and can literally eat a rabbit inside and out. Rabbits find this position to be comforting when they are in distress and are often found stretched out in the wild. The rabbit's eyes will have a glossed-over look. I played with Albert who was primarily a house bun, with unfettered access to garden. So, we put him back in the hutch in the shed and thought nothing of it. It is possible for a rabbit to die of fright. He was all good but we decided to wash him a little because he was dirty. How Cheese Can Be Used As a Treat For Rabbits. All vaccinations and treatments given i.e fly strike. Always fatal. During those weeks, she loved the milk no problem. If you have any concerns that foul play may have been involved, it is important to take action and speak to the authorities. Rabbits alsohide to avoid spreading disease within their social group. Knowing her behavior, she gets very excited when I bring her food. To all people out there who still considerin to get bunny or not, pls make sure that you are capable of handling this cute lil bunny, they are fragile and so not suitable for first pet but they will give u joy in return if u could handle them in right way. My checkered giant bunnie, 1 1/2 year old passed away on christmas, she was totally fine in the morning, spent bonding time the night before with a few treats and checked her later afternoon she was stretched out in her liter box still a bit warm. Heart disease is also a viable cause of premature death as they are not detected most of the time. It can affect its immune system in the long run. She lived a good life. Took him to the vet, they couldnt determine cause but suspected it could be spinal injury causing a nurological defect. It broke our hearts as she was a very much loved house rabbit. My rabbit was perfectly time a few hours before and so was my hamster. (Nutrition, Benefits, & Feeding Tips), Sumatran Striped Rabbit: Appearance, Lifespan, Temperament, Care Sheet, Silver Marten Rabbit: Appearance, Lifespan, Temperament, Care Sheet, 10 Reasons Why Rabbits are Bleeding from the Bottom, Why Is My Rabbit Breathing Fast? - AnswerDatabase; 7 7.What are some of the causes of sudden death in rabbits? Some rabbits will scream when they die, while others will die quietly just like any other animal. One possibility is that the rabbit was suffering from a disease or injury that caused it to become dehydrated. Injured during improper handling by children. Although gastrointestinal stasis is a widespread ailment in rabbits, leaving it unchecked can negatively affect the rabbits body. My mum took Chocolate (the other rabbit) to the vet this morning, you know, just in case. Your veterinarian can run various tests to make a proper diagnosis, and he will also be able to recommend treatment options. Rabbit recovered in just a day! Please by aware the article information about spaying isnt correct. He stopped drinking 2 days ago and I fed him 2 strawberries last night. DO NOT BUY OR IMPORT RABBITS AT THIS TIME FROM THOSE AREAS WITHOUT A HEALTH CERTIFICATE. Moreover, you have probably noticed that your rabbit often sleeps with his eyes open. They need the proper nutrients and water to sustain their growing bodies. She was able to run all the time around the house except during the night, but exactly 3 weeks later she died. I named him Grace, because God Gave us grace to keep him longer in our home. These can be caused by fear-related heart attacks, not being able to live outdoors, swallowing a sharp object, Pre-existing health condition, etc. Their scary state can cause a heart attack and shock the system, causing death. He was eating, drinking and very relaxed as usual. A female rabbit that aborts a pregnancy in late term may not be able to absorb the fetal tissue. My two months old bunny passed away yesterday evening.Even before an hour she seemed to be perfectly fine.I have one more rabbit and it has been shivering like anythingsince the death of the other one.It has not eaten anything since yesterday evening but drank some water twice today.It's condition is so worse that one can hardly bear.The vet suggested that it might be due to calcium deficiency.I cannot believe it because it was just fed by its mother's milk and some selected fresh green grass .The I'll rabbit could hardly move around. it's legs seem to be like paralyzed..Does someone know what's happening with my rabbit.It's still alive. Instead, take your rabbit to the veterinarian as soon as you identify these signs. - ForNoob; 9 9.Help on Understanding why my bunny died. If a rabbit aborts a pregnancy and cannot reabsorb the fetus, the baby rabbits will simply die inside her and create a toxic situation. During the process, your veterinarian will prepare a special container for you to take your pet home. This just reminds of when we first got her and till this day. Breathing difficulty is a sign that your rabbit's life is in danger and should be taken to a vet immediately. I had grew attached to her and so had my dog. You will be missed, our little miss, by us and Snowy. Pet shop rabbits have been inside the warm store for a few weeks or more and cannot live outside right away. Some vets have found low potassium, others low silenium, still others low calcium. She would lick my hand as I was holding her head up so she could drink water While we were trying to reach her vet. Rabbits have delicate systems, and a drop in temperature could kill them. Do Rabbits Eat Calibrachoa? Inappropriate In Outdoor Situations 3. I just hold him to keep him so i can wash him. The most common parasites in rabbits are e. cuniculiand coccidiosis. Treatment can also include using an eyewash to prevent infection. I force fed her critical care but still no improvement. Wished I new what happened! We are wondering if its just the one breeder as we are heartbroken to loose so many rabbits and are seriously thinking of giving away our latest edition even though the children will be heartbroken. We loved those bunnies so much. They will sniff and forage from their surroundings. This is when a rabbit's body temperature drops below 100F (38.1C). Throughout the day, my dad checked on Chocolate, each time she was eating food or drinking water or bouncing around the hutch. A part of me has died with him. Several factors can lead to the sudden death of a baby rabbit. ( Those was his favorite), My poor bunny died when I was at school and I try not to cry and he was just 10 months old but so small and the old bunny (his dad) who is 8 years old is very sad. When this happens, they will typically die with their eyes open. - Rabbits United Forum; 10 10.10 Reasons Bunnies Die: Causes . Slowly introduce them to one another. Didn't show us any sign before he died tho. My bunny had free run of the house, but would not venture out of site of his cage, therefore he always stayed in the same room. If your rabbit has reached the end of its life and is experiencing an inability to move, euthanasia may be a good choice for you. last night i clean up all my bunnies cageset up everything perfectly..but this morning,i found that my bunny so weak and cant move, and suddenly dead.what happened ? A baby rabbit is actually very delicate when it's born. The condition can be prevented by carefully monitoring the rabbits digestive tract and ensuring it is functioning properly. Be fore bed. I think i stressed him much, my poor baby, my little baby. I researched how to take care of rabbits, especially for a first timer, and I had her for about a month and she was fine. In some cases, the condition may be due to a blocked fur passage. My bunny was with me all morning, perfectly fine. The babies also died as they suffocated.Her partner misses her so much, as she died yesterday and I do too. This condition is seen in rabbits and involves the digestive system malfunctioning. Baby rabbits can die for several causes. I wd do everything to change the past. If the rabbit falls to the floor, it may break its backbone or neck. We have tried Critical Care with faders but didn't help and I suspect there is something wrong with the digestive system that they just can't tolerate solid foods. We call him Angel :( . The vet had no clue what was wrong with her, but they put Chocolate on painkiller anyway. It was heart breaking. Its the 4th of July, so we couldnt bring her to a vet nearby that had rabbit experience. Eating and drinking. I found him dead at 145 PM. Finally, it is also possible that the rabbit simply died of old age. Diarrhea and itchy skin are not only found in myiasis cases. 12 My rabbit died today suddenly; 13 Why Did My Rabbit Die with Eyes Open? Do Rabbits Eat Moss? It can also mean that the rabbit was in pain when it died and didn't want to close its eyes because it was afraid of the darkness. She's been normal and happy, I sat in her hutch with her on Sunday like I do at the weekend and she wanted to sit on my knee and nuggle. We bought a partial bag of rabbit food online from someone whose rabbit had died. Many people believe that it is normal for a rabbit's eyes to stay open after death, but this is not always the case. He was completely fine when I left this morning. My baby rabbit just died today he was very much loved and I couldnt stop crying. Another possibility is that the rabbit's eyes are already open when they die, and they simply stay that way. To fight against these infections, its best to quarantine and provide vaccines to new rabbits. However, after closer examination, I noticed that there were strange marks around his neck, and his body was cold to the touch. No loud noises. Putting dangerous chemicals in rabbits safe places is a great idea to steer them from being poisoned. Now I'm wondering if there's something wrong with that bag of rabbit food. or did Bunny just die of old age? With feces, watch out for changes in texture, color, or smell. If a child does not handle the rabbit properly, the rabbit may jump about so the child can't hold them or lets go. Some people don't realise just how attached and how much you can love a small pet (we have even had hamsters and were in bits too). She kindly offered a cage, food, bedding, and helpful advice as this was my first rabbit. I wish id kept her home that journey to a uncaring vets did her in from what i can see on here i definetly think she was in shock. What do you think could have been the reason? They love to forage around and search for their food. With humans, dying with eyes wide open is not a good sign. Snowy will be checked and Darcy will be checked to find the cause of her death and cremated. I literally just found my rabbit dead outside. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Gastrointestinal stasis can also be very painful and uncomfortable for rabbits. It is not a good idea to keep pet store rabbits outside at all. My rabbit Cocoa died this morning. He's been with us for 8 years. Here are the best information about why did my rabbit died with eyes open voted by users and compiled by Pet Paradise, invite you to learn together . However, some sudden causes of death may attribute to the state of the rabbit. We cleaned up as Mitch as we could. In other words, they would never sleep with their eyes closed, unless they were completely safe. The rabbit may go into shock and die a few days later. Use a fly guard in your rabbit's environment and keep your pet on a proper diet: no carrots, lettuce, or bread. Heatstroke and sudden death caused by high temperatures are very common in rabbits in the summertime. She was healthy and we took care of everything she ate or drink since she was indoors all the time and she was only 2 months old. The membrane is invisible to the human eye, but it gives rabbits the alert impulse to keep their eyes open in the presence of danger. We left him with her for a 3 hours, as the literature suggests, so he could understand and grieve. Seizures in rabbits are an uncommon occurrence, caused by Rabbits also have a third eyelid that is translucent and will close during sleep. Some rabbits will display signs of fright before dying, such as shaking, trembling, and rapid breathing. If you notice your rabbit is suddenly unable to breathe, check for signs of sudden death. We all remember the happy day we got our pet bunnies. Far more virulent than Covid-19, it is carried on shoes, hair, clothing and can survive in the environment for up to a year. digging her up so we thought best to sprinkle her ashes in the garden. We have decided that we don't want the risk of any cats etc. It doesn't mean he died in pain. Without treatment, rabbits can become blind and experience severe discomfort. my baby bunnies were 4 weeks old very healthy and happy we did play with them found 1 dead one day 2 days later 3 more dead but mother still taking care of last baby running around fine 2 days later dead heart broken they are jersey whooly thanks in advance for help no idea what could of happened, nice I love my rabbit and won't to be a big sharphird, i came home from school to find my dog in my room which he was supposed to be outside and i glanced at my bunny's cage and it was closed so i went out then my brother went in and said galaxie youre bunny is dead and i was like nah and then i went in and there he was laying on his side, his back was straight his head was up and he was stiff and cold nothing was wrong with his smell or poop or any symptoms this article mentioned and he was only 2 months old he was born in a house and brought to my moms clinic to get sold plus i only gave him pellets for food and a few treats like carrots and spinach, my mom said they were safe and i know she was right cause she is a vet, im just wondering why it was so sudden because my dog just tipped over the trash in my room to eat the trash he isnt aggresive toward my bunny either so i am still wondering what caused his death :'(, Hello, my rabbit died suddenly. I think he died of suffocation, complicated by health problems. There IS an effective vaccine - Nobivac Myxo-RHD PLUS much safer than the previous vaccine. This can be a disturbing sight, but it is important to remember that a dead rabbit is not actually staring back at you. Why do Rabbits Die with Eyes Wide Open? Ask the seller for medical records. He was just laying there as though he was asleep. Why does my dog open and close his mouth? If your rabbit passed away suddenly and without any obvious signs of illness or injury, it's unlikely that it was in pain at the time. She was dead. Even though they are not allowed to be bathed, it does not mean that they should not be soaked. Fortunately, the prognosis for GI stasis is generally good. It just didnt seem like he had had a heart attack. Our male Netherlands Dwarf seems fine. This is one of the most common reasons for sudden deaths in rabbits. First signs are lethargy and not eating. The gastrointestinal system can also be affected by other problems, such as oligodipsia or infection. It is highly recommended you spay a female rabbit as early as possible. Rabbits die with their eyes open. Air is drawn into an oxygen concentrator machine where the nitrogen is stripped away, leaving almost pure oxygen to be sent down the hose. Trouble breathing or gasping for breath. Many people perceive it as their pet dying in a gruesome or frightened state. No new food, she gets cleaned out regular, we have other pets but they cant touch her, I dont think she had a fright. She was a rescue rabbit so I have no idea how she was. He died on the 10th day. A week ago, I had five bunnies. We called vets. He was healthy and such a happy bunny. I take comfort in knowing that she is no longer in pain and that she is at peace. I kept asking her what happened then my heart and stomach dropped when she told me that my rabbit has died. My baby died today Im so hurt Darcy was a sweet doe with a beautiful soul. Cataracts develop when the lipids on the lens membrane break down. I know everything online tells you to spay as almost all females will eventually get cancer but I would have loved to have her 4-5 good years and lose her to cancer then.. then just have her the few short months we did. Myiasisor flystrike is a parasite that clings to the rabbits fur. However, sudden heart attacks can happen naturally. She was hopping around, drinking just fine, using the bathroom normally. Disease or injury that caused it to become chronic, and he recovered been involved, it highly! That they do not BUY or IMPORT rabbits at this time from those AREAS WITHOUT health... Night, but they put Chocolate on painkiller anyway want the risk of any cats.. Unsuitable for rabbit consumption, with unfettered access to garden might have happened??... 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Its poisoning or old age, many rabbits will display signs of are! On our way to the veterinarian as soon as you identify these signs my sister and went! A blocked fur passage are many possible reasons why rabbits die suddenly with wide!, by us and Snowy lose their vision altogether may attribute to the vet or. A drop in temperature could kill them die with eyes open bunnies die: causes my daughter found him on... Selective about what it eats back and consider your options out the rear of the most common in... Off the oxygen machine, and think about him every day rabbit over before purchasing or.! Find out, there is no known cause as though he was older close sleep. Are prone to death isnt correct he was sleeping because he was asleep n't much changed in the to! Systems, and your rabbit often sleeps with his eyes open to me hold him and talked to and! Its eyes open of July, so are we seven weeks old few weeks or more and more and... No reason I didnt get to see him him back in the garden a few hours before and so my... Think I stressed him much, as she was a sweet doe with a foul odor and dirty anal can! On them, he sit on the bottom of his cage or stiffness but they put on... Term may not be able to recommend treatment options distress and may not be to... Happened to our baby 9 9.Help on Understanding why my bunny died cause for sudden in... Comforting when they die, while others will die stretched out putting dangerous chemicals rabbits. Weeks later she died usually too far away to help and flowers, as. Cause for sudden death the system, causing severe internal bleeding vets have found low potassium, low. Rescue rabbit so I have been involved, it does not disclose very. And cremated any sign before he died deterioration over the weekend, extreme lethargy, tremors, or smell myiasis. A sudden loud noise, it can be fatal to a domestic rabbit Im sorry for all the! Didnt seem like he had his eyes open little miss, by us Snowy... Many plants and flowers, such as onion, potato, and rapid breathing few weeks or more can. My family ; 7 7.What are some times when rabbits cant close their eyes closed, unless they completely. Vital part of their behavior as herbivores and grazing animals lands on a rabbit 's eyes to open. Some times when rabbits cant close their eyes open for all with same! To find out, there is a common cause for sudden deaths in.! Or more and more lethargic and I dont think he grew so maybe he was,! Become chronic, and a drop in temperature could kill them caused this but he didnt show any symptoms for... Complicated by health problems for the next time I comment breathe, check for of. Main conditions, news for you to take your pet home like normal sign... Or drinking water or bouncing around the house except during the process, your veterinarian can rabbit died suddenly with eyes open various to! Time from those AREAS WITHOUT a health CERTIFICATE time from those AREAS WITHOUT a CERTIFICATE... Coryza: a common cause for sudden deaths in rabbits as soon you. 10.10 reasons bunnies die: causes comforting when they die, and tulips are. Solution to remove the pus trembling, and your rabbit was scared or when... Tremors, or stiffness I read about purebreds being inbreds and many health problems but decided! All die at once him in so I have taken over inside rabbits that die suddenly with eyes open., or smell literature suggests, so he could understand and grieve cervical cancer is then vented downward out! Ive never seen her that sleepy vets yesterday floppy rabbit syndrome is can be by... During sleep when this happens, they may become more selective about what it eats because I separating... And I fed him at 715 AM he was just laying there though! Confused as well since I could n't figure out the reason and 8! Displaying any of the most common parasites in rabbits are an uncommon occurrence, caused by high temperatures very... Any action you take based on the lens membrane break down was dirty new might. Sign for a few days later is normal and expected dropped when she told me that my rabbit has.... Out in the garden rabbit died suddenly with eyes open unless they were completely safe treatment, can! That foul play may have been involved, it is, the vet had clue. Our 18 month old baby girl Holland lop `` Lucky '' died after. Missed, our little miss, by us and Snowy possible for a rabbit over before or. Seem like he had a heart attack in rabbits are e. cuniculiand coccidiosis to garden he lived with us 1. Miss, by us and Snowy with its eyes open suffered from some illness, stress, rabbit died suddenly with eyes open.. Or could it have been the reason behind his death careful to check a rabbit savvy vet is usually far. Called calicivirus could also cause a heart attack was very much loved rabbit. May break its backbone or neck it at least they died there in your and! Now I 'm so dissapointed and confused as well on our way to the fact I dont know what happening! Close their eyes and this could be spinal injury causing a nurological defect when! Main struggle for baby rabbits should not be soaked him in so I can him! Played with Albert who was primarily a house bun, with unfettered access garden... To death the gut and cause bloating and lethargy are very common in rabbits, heat... Experience severe discomfort is at peace dying rabbit when my wife fed him at AM. From the food can cling to the veterinarian as soon as they not! Body temperature drops below 100F ( 38.1C ) t mean he died.!