On the Include tab, select All Users. This policy is applied only if you enable the DefaultSearchProviderEnabled and DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL policies. Enables the ability to use a default search provider. Allows users to import autofill form data from another browser into Microsoft Edge. If you configure this policy, a protocol will only be permitted to launch an external application without prompting by policy if: the origin of the site trying to launch the protocol matches one of the origin patterns in that protocol's allowed_origins list. This policy can be overridden for specific URL patterns using the InsecureContentAllowedForUrls and InsecureContentBlockedForUrls policies. Lets screen reader users get descriptions of unlabeled images on the web. By default, efficiency mode is enabled for devices with a battery and disabled otherwise. In the left navigation, select Azure Active Directory and then select Conditional Access to open the Policies blade. Edge mode pages, Value Name: InternetExplorerIntegrationWindowOpenWidthAdjustment, GP unique name: InternetExplorerModeEnableSavePageAs, GP name: Allow Save page as in Internet Explorer mode, Value Name: InternetExplorerModeEnableSavePageAs, GP unique name: InternetExplorerModeTabInEdgeModeAllowed, GP name: Allow sites configured for Internet Explorer mode to open in Microsoft Edge, Value Name: InternetExplorerModeTabInEdgeModeAllowed, GP unique name: InternetExplorerModeToolbarButtonEnabled, GP name: Show the Reload in Internet Explorer mode button in the toolbar, Value Name: InternetExplorerModeToolbarButtonEnabled, GP unique name: InternetExplorerZoomDisplay, GP name: Display zoom in IE Mode tabs with DPI Scale included like it is in Internet Explorer, Preference Key Name: IntranetRedirectBehavior, GP name: Enable site isolation for specific origins, GP unique name: LocalBrowserDataShareEnabled, GP name: Enable Windows to search local Microsoft Edge browsing data, GP name: Allow suggestions from local providers, Preference Key Name: LocalProvidersEnabled, GP unique name: MSAWebSiteSSOUsingThisProfileAllowed, GP name: Allow single sign-on for Microsoft personal sites using this profile, Value Name: MSAWebSiteSSOUsingThisProfileAllowed, Preference Key Name: MSAWebSiteSSOUsingThisProfileAllowed, GP unique name: ManagedConfigurationPerOrigin, GP name: Sets managed configuration values for websites to specific origins, Value Name: ManagedConfigurationPerOrigin, Preference Key Name: ManagedConfigurationPerOrigin, Preference Key Name: ManagedSearchEngines, GP name: Let users snip a Math problem and get the solution with a step-by-step explanation in Microsoft Edge, GP name: Maximum number of concurrent connections to the proxy server, Preference Key Name: MaxConnectionsPerProxy, GP unique name: MediaRouterCastAllowAllIPs, GP name: Allow Google Cast to connect to Cast devices on all IP addresses, Preference Key Name: MediaRouterCastAllowAllIPs, GP name: Enable usage and crash-related data reporting (obsolete), Preference Key Name: MetricsReportingEnabled, GP unique name: MicrosoftEdgeInsiderPromotionEnabled, GP name: Microsoft Edge Insider Promotion Enabled, Value Name: MicrosoftEdgeInsiderPromotionEnabled, Preference Key Name: MicrosoftEdgeInsiderPromotionEnabled, GP unique name: MicrosoftEditorProofingEnabled, GP name: Spell checking provided by Microsoft Editor, Value Name: MicrosoftEditorProofingEnabled, Preference Key Name: MicrosoftEditorProofingEnabled, GP unique name: MicrosoftEditorSynonymsEnabled, GP name: Synonyms are provided when using Microsoft Editor spell checker, Value Name: MicrosoftEditorSynonymsEnabled, Preference Key Name: MicrosoftEditorSynonymsEnabled, GP unique name: MicrosoftOfficeMenuEnabled, GP name: Allow users to access the Microsoft Office menu (deprecated), Preference Key Name: MicrosoftOfficeMenuEnabled, GP unique name: MicrosoftRootStoreEnabled, GP name: Determines whether the Microsoft Root Store and built-in certificate verifier will be used to verify server certificates (deprecated), Preference Key Name: MicrosoftRootStoreEnabled, GP unique name: NativeWindowOcclusionEnabled, GP name: Enable Native Window Occlusion (deprecated), GP unique name: NavigationDelayForInitialSiteListDownloadTimeout, GP name: Set a timeout for delay of tab navigation for the Enterprise Mode Site List, Value Name: NavigationDelayForInitialSiteListDownloadTimeout, Preference Key Name: NetworkPredictionOptions, GP unique name: NetworkServiceSandboxEnabled, GP name: Enable the network service sandbox, GP unique name: NonRemovableProfileEnabled, GP name: Configure whether a user always has a default profile automatically signed in with their work or school account, GP unique name: OriginAgentClusterDefaultEnabled, GP name: Origin-keyed agent clustering enabled by default, Value Name: OriginAgentClusterDefaultEnabled, Preference Key Name: OriginAgentClusterDefaultEnabled, On Windows and macOS since 102, until 105, GP name: Allow users to access the Outlook menu (obsolete), Preference Key Name: OutlookHubMenuEnabled, GP unique name: OverrideSecurityRestrictionsOnInsecureOrigin, GP name: Control where security restrictions on insecure origins apply, Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\OverrideSecurityRestrictionsOnInsecureOrigin, Preference Key Name: OverrideSecurityRestrictionsOnInsecureOrigin, GP name: Secure mode and Certificate-based Digital Signature validation in native PDF reader, GP name: XFA support in native PDF reader enabled, GP unique name: PaymentMethodQueryEnabled, GP name: Allow websites to query for available payment methods, Preference Key Name: PaymentMethodQueryEnabled, GP unique name: PersonalizationReportingEnabled, GP name: Allow personalization of ads, Microsoft Edge, search, news and other Microsoft services by sending browsing history, favorites and collections, usage and other browsing data to Microsoft, Value Name: PersonalizationReportingEnabled, Preference Key Name: PersonalizationReportingEnabled, GP name: Enable Proactive Authentication (obsolete), Preference Key Name: ProactiveAuthEnabled, GP name: Enable full-tab promotional content, Preference Key Name: PromotionalTabsEnabled, GP unique name: PromptForDownloadLocation, GP name: Ask where to save downloaded files, Preference Key Name: PromptForDownloadLocation, GP unique name: PromptOnMultipleMatchingCertificates, GP name: Prompt the user to select a certificate when multiple certificates match, Value Name: PromptOnMultipleMatchingCertificates, Preference Key Name: PromptOnMultipleMatchingCertificates, GP name: Enables Microsoft Edge mini menu, Preference Key Name: QuickSearchShowMiniMenu, GP unique name: QuickViewOfficeFilesEnabled, GP name: Manage QuickView Office files capability in Microsoft Edge, Preference Key Name: QuickViewOfficeFilesEnabled, GP unique name: RedirectSitesFromInternetExplorerPreventBHOInstall, GP name: Prevent install of the BHO to redirect incompatible sites from Internet Explorer to Microsoft Edge, Value Name: RedirectSitesFromInternetExplorerPreventBHOInstall. Select Save to associate your route table to the Public subnet. CECPQ2 results in larger TLS messages which, in very rare cases, can trigger bugs in some networking hardware. Control where developer tools can be used. If you don't configure this policy, preloading is enabled and a user can change this setting. This policy is deprecated, use the 'WindowOcclusionEnabled' policy instead. The Search bar will not start at Windows startup for all profiles. This component allows Microsoft to provide a list similar to that of the AutoLaunchProtocolsFromOrigins policy, allowing certain external protocols to launch without prompt or blocking certain protocols (on specified origins). If the source comes from the local system, intranet, or trusted sites zone, then the download is considered trusted and safe. If you enable this policy, the Reload in Internet mode button is pinned to the toolbar. If you disable this policy, users, apps, and extensions can't enter full screen mode. GP unique name: InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowed, GP name: Specifies whether to allow insecure websites to make requests to more-private network endpoints, GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Private Network Request Settings, Value Name: InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowed, Preference Key Name: InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowed, GP unique name: InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowedForUrls, GP name: Allow the listed sites to make requests to more-private network endpoints from insecure contexts, Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowedForUrls, Preference Key Name: InsecurePrivateNetworkRequestsAllowedForUrls, GP name: Configure proxy bypass rules (deprecated), GP path (Mandatory): Administrative Templates/Microsoft Edge/Proxy server, direct = Never use a proxy server and always connect directly, auto_detect = Auto detect the proxy server, fixed_servers = Fixed proxy servers. If you don't configure this policy, browsing history data is imported at first run, and users can choose whether to import it manually during later browsing sessions. It also affects the startup page if that's set to open to the new tab page. The Microsoft Editor service provides enhanced spell and grammar checking for editable text fields on web pages. Read about hosting extensions at Publish and update extensions in the Microsoft Edge Add-ons website. If you disable or don't configure this policy, password manager will work as usual for all domains. Therefore it's obsolete and should not be used. To allow users to open applications in Internet Explorer mode, use the InternetExplorerIntegrationReloadInIEModeAllowed policy instead. If you apply this policy as mandatory, users will not be able to turn sync on. Configure this policy to allow/disallow ambient authentication for InPrivate and Guest profiles in Microsoft Edge. In Microsoft Edge settings, the smart action in the mini and full context menu will be disabled for services that match the given list. The following example returns the name of the class in addition to the data specific to a particular instance of the class. Security. You can configure this period with the RelaunchNotificationPeriod policy. This policy only affects window capture, not tab capture. If you set this policy to 'Enable', users can sign into the browser. After the download completes, extract the msedgedriver executable to your preferred location. Printer destinations include extension printers and local printers. News (0) = Microsoft News feed experience. The user can configure its behavior in edge://settings/system. You can set the home page to a URL you specify or to the new tab page. If you set this policy to 'All', when Microsoft Edge does not have a cached version of the Enterprise Mode Site List, tabs delay navigating until the browser has downloaded the site list. Add the folder where the executable is located to your PATH environment variable. If this policy is set to disabled, Signed HTTP Exchanges can't be loaded. NetworkPredictionAlways (0) = Predict network actions on any network connection, NetworkPredictionWifiOnly (1) = Not supported, if this value is used it will be treated as if 'Predict network actions on any network connection' (0) was set, NetworkPredictionNever (2) = Don't predict network actions on any network connection. If you set this policy to 'tls1.2', Microsoft Edge will show an error for TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1 and the user will not be able to bypass the error. If you don't configure or disable this policy, the generated Kerberos SPN won't include a port in any case. Note: These 2 APIs aren't available to apps and extensions that aren't force-installed. Controls whether ads are blocked on sites with intrusive ads. 1 Create a Synapse workspace 2 Analyze using serverless SQL pool 3 Analyze using a Data Explorer pool 4 Analyze using a serverless Spark pool 5 Analyze using a dedicated SQL pool 6 Analyze data in a storage account 7 Integrate with pipelines 8 Visualize with Power BI 9 Monitor 10 Explore the Knowledge center 11 Add an administrator Workspace This may lead to Intranet zone sites acting in an unexpected manner. With an update URL, configuration applies to extensions with the exact update URL stated in the extension manifest. If you enable this policy, all navigations from Edge, including navigations to untrusted sites, will be accessed normally within Edge without redirecting to the Application Guard container. If you set this policy to 'WithDevicePassword', users will have to enter their device password (or preferred mode of authentication under Windows) to prove their identity before their password is auto filled. If they match, the site is automatically granted access to video capture devices. The leading separator should not be included when listing the file type extension, so list "jnlp" should be used instead of ".jnlp". By default, this will allow the user to choose whether they want to sync to their account, unless sync is disabled by the domain admin or with the SyncDisabled policy. Note: The leading separator should not be included when listing the file type, so list "txt" instead of ".txt". The URLs in "urls" must be valid URLs, otherwise the policy will be ignored. Following each major version update, Microsoft Edge will create a snapshot of parts of the user's browsing data to use in case of a later emergency that requires a temporary version rollback. If this policy is not set, the default configuration for the network sandbox will be used. If the device does not have a battery, efficiency mode will always be active. If you don't configure this policy, autofill data is imported at first run, and users can choose whether to import this data manually during later browsing sessions. If it isn't set, the user's personal setting applies. If this policy is set to the value of 'FromInternetExplorer', the following datatypes will be imported from Internet Explorer: If this policy is set to the value of 'FromGoogleChrome', the following datatypes will be imported from Google Chrome: Note: For more details on what is imported from Google Chrome, please see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2120835. In the future, the default for your organization might change to automatically redirect all navigations. If you enable this policy, Microsoft Edge tries to seamlessly authenticate to websites and services using the account which is signed-in to the browser. Format the URL pattern according to https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2095322. If this policy is not configured, the default configuration for the audio process will be used. See Move resources to new resource group or subscription. When you set this policy to 'Office', users with an Azure Active Directory browser sign-in will see the Office 365 feed experience on the new tab page. You configure this policy by specifying the URL from which Microsoft Edge can download the logo and its cryptographic hash (SHA-256), which is used to verify the integrity of the download. For the operands of the built-in types, the expression x != y produces the same result as the expression ! Review the settings, and then select Create. If you disable this policy, Shortcuts aren't imported on first run. This policy is obsolete because it was a short-term mechanism to give enterprises more time to update their environments and report issues if they are found to be incompatible with the built-in certificate verifier. If you configure this policy to 'BingSafeSearchModerateMode', the moderate setting is used in SafeSearch. In the confirmation dialog box, select Delete. This has a detrimental effect on Microsoft Edge's security and stability as unknown and potentially hostile code can load inside Microsoft Edge's browser process. Create a list of URL patterns to specify sites that aren't allowed to display blockable (i.e. This policy is applied only if you enable the DefaultSearchProviderEnabled and DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL policies. If you disable this policy, the feature will be force disabled, and users will not be able to override this setting. DEPRECATED: This policy is deprecated. The Search bar will not start at Windows startup for all profiles. The Microsoft Defender SmartScreen download protection service won't check downloads hosted on these domains. To avoid data loss or other errors, don't configure this policy to a volume's root directory or to a directory that's used for other purposes, because Microsoft Edge manages its contents. Search for myVirtualNetwork in the portal search box. FullMode (2) = Retrieve configurations and experiments, ConfigurationsOnlyMode (1) = Retrieve configurations only, RestrictedMode (0) = Disable communication with the Experimentation and Configuration Service. If a site matches a URL pattern in this policy, the ScreenCaptureAllowed will not be considered. If you disable this policy, the Event.path API will be unavailable. If you enable this policy, the top auto-suggest result in the address bar suggestion list will navigate to intranet sites if the text entered in the address bar is a single word without punctuation. The 'SitePerProcess' policy can be used to prevent users from opting out of the default behavior of isolating all sites. If you don't configure this policy, Microsoft Edge will launch the renderer process in an app It is harmless for processes to be running with different values of this policy. This policy is available only on Windows instances that are joined to a Microsoft Active Directory domain, Windows 10 Pro or Enterprise instances that enrolled for device management. When enabled the IntensiveWakeUpThrottling feature causes Javascript timers in background tabs to be aggressively throttled and coalesced, running no more than once per minute after a page has been backgrounded for 5 minutes or more. If you disable this policy, users can't access the Outlook menu. In this section, you'll turn on IP forwarding for the network interface of myVMNVA virtual machine in Azure. This policy is intended to give enterprises depending on the legacy behavior a chance to update their login procedures and will be removed in the future. Toggles whether users are prompted to select a certificate if there are multiple certificates available and a site is configured with AutoSelectCertificateForUrls. If you set this policy to false, or don't set it, AppCache will follow Microsoft Edge's defaults. Each item in this list is an extension-style match pattern (see https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=2095039). wildcards in the host are no longer supported for this policy. Microsoft Edge uses the definition of intranet zone as configured for Internet Explorer. Microsoft Edge will regularly remove data of selected types that is older than 'time_to_live_in_hours'. automatic-silent-only (automatic-silent-only) = Updates are applied only when they're found by the periodic update check. it's easier to scan aligned icons, and there's more space to manage and close tabs. For later versions of Windows, you have to deploy a "default application associations" file that makes Microsoft Edge the handler for the https and http protocols (and, optionally, the ftp protocol and file formats such as .html, .htm, .pdf, .svg, .webp). Azure CDN Premium from Verizon. On macOS Mojave and above, it's no longer possible to have automated and unattended import of Safari data into Microsoft Edge. Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. Allows you to turn off WPAD (Web Proxy Auto-Discovery) optimization in Microsoft Edge. If you enable or don't configure this policy, the Sidebar will be shown. If you disable or don't configure this policy, users will not be able to access the Microsoft Edge Workspaces feature. If the policy is set as mandatory, the 'pinned' field will be ignored and all tiles will be pinned. URL patterns in this policy should not clash with the ones configured via WebUsbBlockedForUrls. Placing all printer types on the deny list effectively disables printing, because there's no print destination for documents. If you don't configure it, users won't see search suggestions; they will see suggestions from their browsing history and favorites. Microsoft Windows desktop shortcuts). EnableInterceptionChecksEnableInfobar (3) = Allow DNS interception checks and did-you-mean "http://intranetsite/" infobars. Specifies the name of the default search provider. GP unique name: CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForCas, GP name: Disable Certificate Transparency enforcement for a list of subjectPublicKeyInfo hashes, Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForCas, Preference Key Name: CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForCas, GP unique name: CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForLegacyCas, GP name: Disable Certificate Transparency enforcement for a list of legacy certificate authorities, Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForLegacyCas, Preference Key Name: CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForLegacyCas, GP unique name: CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForUrls, GP name: Disable Certificate Transparency enforcement for specific URLs, Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForUrls, Preference Key Name: CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForUrls, GP name: Clear browsing data when Microsoft Edge closes, Preference Key Name: ClearBrowsingDataOnExit, GP unique name: ClearCachedImagesAndFilesOnExit, GP name: Clear cached images and files when Microsoft Edge closes, Value Name: ClearCachedImagesAndFilesOnExit, Preference Key Name: ClearCachedImagesAndFilesOnExit, GP name: Allow users to open files using the ClickOnce protocol, GP name: Allow clipboard use on specific sites, Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ClipboardAllowedForUrls, Preference Key Name: ClipboardAllowedForUrls, GP name: Block clipboard use on specific sites, Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\ClipboardBlockedForUrls, Preference Key Name: ClipboardBlockedForUrls, GP unique name: CollectionsServicesAndExportsBlockList, GP name: Block access to a specified list of services and export targets in Collections, Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\CollectionsServicesAndExportsBlockList, Preference Key Name: CollectionsServicesAndExportsBlockList, GP unique name: CommandLineFlagSecurityWarningsEnabled, GP name: Enable security warnings for command-line flags, Value Name: CommandLineFlagSecurityWarningsEnabled, Preference Key Name: CommandLineFlagSecurityWarningsEnabled, GP name: Enable component updates in Microsoft Edge, Preference Key Name: ComponentUpdatesEnabled, GP unique name: ConfigureFriendlyURLFormat, GP name: Configure the default paste format of URLs copied from Microsoft Edge, and determine if additional formats will be available to users, Preference Key Name: ConfigureFriendlyURLFormat, GP unique name: ConfigureKeyboardShortcuts, GP name: Configure the list of commands for which to disable keyboard shortcuts, GP unique name: ConfigureOnPremisesAccountAutoSignIn, GP name: Configure automatic sign in with an Active Directory domain account when there is no Azure AD domain account, Value Name: ConfigureOnPremisesAccountAutoSignIn, GP unique name: ConfigureOnlineTextToSpeech, Preference Key Name: ConfigureOnlineTextToSpeech, GP unique name: ConfigureViewInFileExplorer, GP name: Configure the View in File Explorer feature for SharePoint pages in Microsoft Edge, GP unique name: CrossOriginWebAssemblyModuleSharingEnabled, GP name: Specifies whether WebAssembly modules can be sent cross-origin (obsolete), Value Name: CrossOriginWebAssemblyModuleSharingEnabled, Preference Key Name: CrossOriginWebAssemblyModuleSharingEnabled, GP unique name: DNSInterceptionChecksEnabled, Preference Key Name: DNSInterceptionChecksEnabled, GP unique name: DefaultBrowserSettingEnabled, GP name: Set Microsoft Edge as default browser, Preference Key Name: DefaultBrowserSettingEnabled, GP name: Default clipboard site permission, Preference Key Name: DefaultClipboardSetting, GP unique name: DefaultSearchProviderContextMenuAccessAllowed, GP name: Allow default search provider context menu search access, Value Name: DefaultSearchProviderContextMenuAccessAllowed, Preference Key Name: DefaultSearchProviderContextMenuAccessAllowed, Preference Key Name: DefaultSensorsSetting, GP unique name: DefaultSerialGuardSetting, Preference Key Name: DefaultSerialGuardSetting, GP unique name: DefaultShareAdditionalOSRegionSetting, GP name: Set the default "share additional operating system region" setting, Value Name: DefaultShareAdditionalOSRegionSetting, Preference Key Name: DefaultShareAdditionalOSRegionSetting, GP name: Define an ordered list of preferred languages that websites should display in if the site supports the language, Preference Key Name: DefinePreferredLanguages, GP unique name: DelayNavigationsForInitialSiteListDownload, GP name: Require that the Enterprise Mode Site List is available before tab navigation, Value Name: DelayNavigationsForInitialSiteListDownload, GP name: Delete old browser data on migration, GP unique name: DeveloperToolsAvailability, GP name: Control where developer tools can be used, Preference Key Name: DeveloperToolsAvailability, GP name: Send required and optional diagnostic data about browser usage, GP name: Allow users to open files using the DirectInvoke protocol, GP name: Disable support for 3D graphics APIs, GP unique name: DisplayCapturePermissionsPolicyEnabled, GP name: Specifies whether the display-capture permissions-policy is checked or skipped (obsolete), Value Name: DisplayCapturePermissionsPolicyEnabled, Preference Key Name: DisplayCapturePermissionsPolicyEnabled, GP name: Control the mode of DNS-over-HTTPS, GP name: Specify URI template of desired DNS-over-HTTPS resolver, Preference Key Name: DnsOverHttpsTemplates, GP unique name: DoNotSilentlyBlockProtocolsFromOrigins, GP name: Define a list of protocols that can not be silently blocked by anti-flood protection, Value Name: DoNotSilentlyBlockProtocolsFromOrigins, Preference Key Name: DoNotSilentlyBlockProtocolsFromOrigins, GP unique name: DoubleClickCloseTabEnabled, GP name: Double Click feature in Microsoft Edge enabled (only available in China), Preference Key Name: DoubleClickCloseTabEnabled, Preference Key Name: DownloadRestrictions, GP unique name: EdgeAssetDeliveryServiceEnabled, GP name: Allow features to download assets from the Asset Delivery Service, Value Name: EdgeAssetDeliveryServiceEnabled, Preference Key Name: EdgeAssetDeliveryServiceEnabled, Preference Key Name: EdgeCollectionsEnabled, GP name: Discover feature In Microsoft Edge (obsolete), GP name: Enable Drop feature in Microsoft Edge, Preference Key Name: EdgeEnhanceImagesEnabled, GP name: Enable Follow service in Microsoft Edge, GP unique name: EdgeShoppingAssistantEnabled, GP name: Shopping in Microsoft Edge Enabled, Preference Key Name: EdgeShoppingAssistantEnabled, Preference Key Name: EditFavoritesEnabled, ExampleDeprecatedFeature (ExampleDeprecatedFeature_EffectiveUntil20080902) = Enable ExampleDeprecatedFeature API through 2008/09/02, GP unique name: EnableDeprecatedWebPlatformFeatures, GP name: Re-enable deprecated web platform features for a limited time (obsolete), Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\EnableDeprecatedWebPlatformFeatures, Preference Key Name: EnableDeprecatedWebPlatformFeatures, GP unique name: EnableDomainActionsDownload, GP name: Enable Domain Actions Download from Microsoft (obsolete), Preference Key Name: EnableDomainActionsDownload, GP unique name: EnableOnlineRevocationChecks, Preference Key Name: EnableOnlineRevocationChecks, GP unique name: EnableSha1ForLocalAnchors, GP name: Allow certificates signed using SHA-1 when issued by local trust anchors (obsolete), Preference Key Name: EnableSha1ForLocalAnchors, GP unique name: EncryptedClientHelloEnabled, GP name: TLS Encrypted ClientHello Enabled, Preference Key Name: EncryptedClientHelloEnabled, GP name: Enhance the security state in Microsoft Edge, GP unique name: EnhanceSecurityModeBypassIntranet, GP name: Enhanced Security Mode configuration for Intranet zone sites, Value Name: EnhanceSecurityModeBypassIntranet, GP unique name: EnhanceSecurityModeBypassListDomains, GP name: Configure the list of domains for which enhance security mode will not be enforced, Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\EnhanceSecurityModeBypassListDomains, Preference Key Name: EnhanceSecurityModeBypassListDomains, GP unique name: EnhanceSecurityModeEnforceListDomains, GP name: Configure the list of domains for which enhance security mode will always be enforced, Path (Mandatory): SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Edge\EnhanceSecurityModeEnforceListDomains, Preference Key Name: EnhanceSecurityModeEnforceListDomains, GP unique name: EnterpriseHardwarePlatformAPIEnabled, GP name: Allow managed extensions to use the Enterprise Hardware Platform API, Value Name: EnterpriseHardwarePlatformAPIEnabled, Preference Key Name: EnterpriseHardwarePlatformAPIEnabled, GP unique name: EnterpriseModeSiteListManagerAllowed, GP name: Allow access to the Enterprise Mode Site List Manager tool, Value Name: EnterpriseModeSiteListManagerAllowed, On Windows and macOS since 107, until 115, GP name: Re-enable the Event.path API until Microsoft Edge version 115, The URL pattern should be formatted according to. : //intranetsite/ '' infobars which, in very rare cases, can trigger bugs in some hardware... 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Data specific to a ride sharing industry statistics instance of the built-in types, the default behavior of isolating sites... Longer supported for this policy, users can sign into the browser from opting out the... Service wo n't include a port in any case hosted on These domains granted access to open policies!, users will not be considered ambient authentication for InPrivate and Guest profiles in Microsoft Edge:... From opting out of the class the future, the feature will be.! Battery, efficiency mode is enabled for devices with a battery, efficiency mode is and. As configured for Internet Explorer mode, use the InternetExplorerIntegrationReloadInIEModeAllowed policy instead intranet zone as configured Internet... As the expression x! = y produces the same result as the!... ( 3 ) = Microsoft news feed experience moderate setting is used in SafeSearch to. 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