I.Z. pedagog2(at)xxvlo.pl, Psycholog szkolny The way he speaks (or not) and all the rest. You may have been hiding under a rock if youve not yet heard of the new SIG Sauer MCX Spear. Extrema Ratio is an older knife company in Italy. Under gunfire, theyd ALL be the first ones DEAD, with piss stains in their pants! I think Zero reminds me of Macho Man Randy Savage! Funker Tactical has the machine running at 18,000 rpm as always: Tap, rack, bang but why? ROFL I died. (Photos: Cpl. Take whats good from them, and discard the bad. My personal favorite video gun instructor is Aaron Cohen from Sage dynamics. Even the music in the background of these videos is priceless. Zero replied by calling Yeager a salesmen and pretty much said whats on everyone's minds about James. The Official Fan Page of Instructor Zero Official Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/TeamZEROOfficialChannel. I just meet zero and I got the same impression from him as well I have no doubt be is the real deal. video stating he can't wait to meet zero and train with him. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I, for sure, am not. Only thing i would take James Yeagers advice on is how to hide in a ditch. No phone number, no fax, no secretary etc. 12,519 talking about this. He's one hell of a shot and I don't think that's up for much debate. I think the language barrier hurts him alot. All done with no sweat while the tactical mullet flows over his shoulders like a Vidal Sassoon commercial, only with more cordite. Have you seen EVERY video? They might threaten you with an international lawsuit! I never received a reply. Yet I never went to college. Yeager NEVER killed any badguys in that encounter, its nonsense put out by his fanboys. "MIT is a great place to learn new technology, not just for students, but for teachers as well." I watched both videos although I think Yeager was being Yeager, I am not sure Zero really said all that much. James Yeager claims that nobody has ever taken him up on his challenge to go toe-to-toe on personal experience. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Rumors are floating around that he was 'Reggimento Acquisizione Obiettivi' (Some kinda Special Recon and Zeros videos are fun to watch because he has skills, and trick shots are cool to see, but to conclude from those videos alone that that is all he has to offer is ridiculous. He took it in a different direction and did not deny the allegations. The stuff Yeager and Zero espouse looks like neither. The only gun guy thats worth my time is Hickok45, because hes about nothing but guns and shooting. Clinical Professor: University level, Sciences for Investigations and Security, Italy mgr Marta Bernadzikiewicz-Stpie Much different than the videos. Rumors are floating around that he was 'Reggimento Acquisizione Obiettivi' (Some kinda Special Recon and Survey team the Italians have.). There is no evidence that anything he says is true. He really needs to shut his cock holster. That qualified him to be an expert.. If I paid attention to every a hole with an opinion over brand and caliber, Id end up crazy with a straw and spit-wads. Very few martial arts or self defense disciplines can be practiced at full speed or under similar conditions to an actual attack because someone would die or be gravely injured, so it leaves the door open to situations where people have something that looks cool but is completely ineffective. We are some private, not financially oriented people with an affinity for preparation, combat, weapons, etc.. >Yet I never went to college. He uses an assumed name. My resume is a blank piece of paper. So we have no reason to care. Because to you it seems relevant, how a fellow connational speaks, rather than how he works on his tools and gear. No one seems to have ever trained with zero. Did he deny in this video what Yeager was saying? The questions is: IS ZERO AN ACTUAL INSTRUCTOR? We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. He was just a restaurant owner you can find his corporation on google (something like BUZZ SAS), btw after his career in the restaurants sector he created the weird Zero character. Look behind closed doors and hear from one Commander as to what differentiates this tactical instructor. The world is full of people who didnt go to college or have business degrees that think they are more capable than engineers. With so many high profile fights and arguments on the interwebz, I would think any company/agency that wanted to be discreet would shy away from that kind of publicity. The reason why this is questionable? Maybe you should learn facts before running your big mouth. Ive owned 9 mm. Nick is a former US Army Ranger who served his entire military career within the ranks of 3rd Ranger Battalion, 75th Ranger Regiment. Instructor Zero (feat. He had a defensive pistol class scheduled near me in N. IL. You want to waste your money and train with them? Nie moglimy znale Twojej strony. It's not about surviving, it's about winning! Whatever Pat Macs videos are a lot more fun to watch. I still enjoy their videos, but really guys, its like an ad for Zero, while we all laugh, and they get all defensive. You are a stupid ignorant idiot. Theyd come back and teach everyone else. Analyzed, how he works? Then think about what he says, next to doug marcaida, a second. By signing up you agree to Guns.com's Was he really SF? I dont have a dog in the fight, but Ive been told by a couplesources, and a couple commenters said that some things are coming down the pipeline so if thats true something tells me my popcorn consumption might increase regardless what the news is. COPYRIGHT 2021, THETRUTHABOUTGUNS.COM. What i use, is merely pinches of salt, out of his techniques. Your claims dont prove or substantiate anything. Resumes mean nothing. Marine Corps). There seems to be an ongoing, personal vendetta against Yeager here thats been going on for far too long. In typical Yeager fashion, he made claims that Zero is not an actual instructor and it's just a persona he puts on for youtube. It took all of 5 seconds to find Zeros qualifications as he has stated. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. He's not going to talk about who has the longest dick, who can or did take Baghdad by himeself etc. (unlike overweight, wannabe contractors he's use to) Yeager back pedals and puts up a short video stating he can't wait to meet zero and train with him. Instructor Zero himself make this argument in the video above. Only way to listen to this is with closed captioning turned on. Operators gotta operate operationally. President/Head Instructor: Spartan 360 Tactical Defence Group Agent Zero or whomever comes off like the lead henchman is a bad straight-to-DVD Bond film knockoff, circa 1998. >caring about a dickwaving contest between an angry retard and an innkeeper, Yeager seems 100% qualified to be a genuine ninjitsu instructor. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. In this master class, learn what the big and small defense contractors are looking for and how to prepare Marines selected to be part of the Marine Corps Logistics Base Albany Security Augment Force received weeklong classroom and Former Navy SEAL shares his life story of his journey as a young kid growing up in Washington State Jeff Nichols and Stew Smith discuss training throughout the year so you see change of seasons, change your training Stew Smith covers the super efficient combat swimmer stroke (css). Trust me, it works so much better that way. As far as I understand it, Instructor Zero is ex-Italian special forces and he doesn't teach competitive shooting or take part in it. AR15.COM is the world's largest firearm community and is a gathering place for firearm enthusiasts of all types. Ive heard him talk and he sounds like someone I could learn a few good things from. If you train with them they will instruct and educate you in a respectful but ruthlessly honest way that is highly effective. Id be happy to train with Jeff Bloovman (Armed Dynamics). Only on ARFcom. SIG Sauer Tango MSR Optic Review: Your Value & Performance LPVO. I care less. From what I understand he's former Italian Airborne? Experienced Software engineer, web application programmer/teacher and cybersecurity enthusiast. Didn't get to see Yeager's apology video, what did he say. There are plenty of great instructors like Costa, Haley, Farnam and vickers. Yeager ran for cover and returned fire, killing 2, after the baddies were down he ran back to try to help that guy who unfortunately passed. Just ask anyone at Bullshido.com. Theyre so dumb! and justifying your life choices. by confronting falsehoods, including those you may be perpetuating. Personally, I believe both of them shot OBL. I believe they should both be Pistol whipped by Travis Haley!! From hunters and military members, to competition shooters and general firearm enthusiasts, we welcome anyone who values and respects the way of the firearm. Instructor Zeros c.v., as outlined by this video, is much too vague for me. And please continue to send us feedback on the feature through the feedback survey here. There was this famous fight of some aikido master years ago where he was supposedly unbeatable, there were videos of him taking out his entire class as they attacked him, all while barely touching them due to the strength of his qui. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. In other words, the unexamined firearms-based defense strategyis not worth adopting. Instructor Zero surfaces with U.S. Marines in Italy (VIDEO) Keeping the haters saying he might not be former Tier-Ninja operator at bay. Chief Security Architect and Current Security Operations Director holding one of the Highest Security Levels for a Civil Industrial Site in Italy. This is like a teenage drama series. Entertaining maybe, practical no. He is always very, very tactically dressed. ALL these internet Experts are Losers & Wannabes! Not a fan of yeager-now I have to check out the Zero dude, Didnt Dire Straits record a song about these two guys? He wouldnt even get up to throw smoke- thus taking the risk of putting his team in the smoke rather than behind it. The truth about guns is this: 99.99% of TTAG readers will never get a chance to meet or train with either of the fellows involved in this little internet-based pissing match. When I saw that I almost spit my iced tea all over the screen. You know the old saying, Talk quietly, but carry a big stick? Instructor Zero is a confirmed former 'folgore' (Italian Airborne). You know that Yeager is the most anti-open-carry person to every anti-open-carry, right? His page shows him training with people all the time who are obviously not weekend warriors. Some of them are right. Fair enough? Who the hell is Instructor Zero, and why should I care? Agreed training should be simple to understand, basic in its functionality and easy to recall in stressful situations. Who gives a flying fuck? I kinda miss giving him a well-deserved kick in the nuts. I appreciate your comment. I will never understand the immediate and complete hate exhibited by people when someone else is doing something they either can't or do not want to do. If you are a regular law abiding citizen and want to get some highly professional training conducted by instructors that know what they are doing I would recommend Sig Academy. Mon-Friday | 09:00 a.m. 16:30 p.m. (GMT+2 ), * Contact hours (not Store's working hours). www.instructorzero.com. It is simply a great pleasure for us to see these professionals at work. Now taking into account for sake of argument he turns out to be a fake with fake military background. Anyways. Instructor Zero was a 5th Assault Battalion Instructor for the Italian Military. Tactical Response is very in-your-face gun culture, love it or leave it. Be open minded. Most are Dunning-Kruger study candidates. http://www.everydaynodaysoff.com/2015/10/07/james-yeager-v-s-instructor-zero-drama-continues/ After Zero posted the following video, the original three were removed. I can personally confirm the first and even die hard 40-fans admit that 40s ares louder and more snappy (for example hickok45). There has been a lot of talk about Instructor Zero being a fraud lately. Firearms and Tactics Training Specialist. Holy smoke, I couldnt watch either one of them. You couldnt be more wrong about everything you said. Fear is our enemy, the Lord JEsus Christ our protector and saviour. Yeager is good at shooting off at the mouth and pissing people off. And of course, they used Beretta M9s, (they are Italian designed guns after all) even though Zero is a Glock guy and, as noted by The Marine Corps Times this week, the branch is looking to go Glock. Italian SF or marines. Just saying. I'd love to sit and just talk with the guy as he has an enthusiasm level that doesn't seem all that common in this industry. Yeager, well, its always hard to look at that guy and not see the pudgy, pushed-around little kid Im sure he was. DoD often farms out niche training to contractors as it is easier to do so rather than reinvent the wheel, and Zero knows his stuff when it comes to small arms, so the Corps likely got its Euros worth out of the training. Besides his arrogance, he has that cute little video of him trying to be an operator and leaving his buddy to die. The tool is called GT Zero and it is rather a firearm multi-tool than only a Glock tool. With magic bullets. Hopefully soon. Youtube celeb. They make too many shit-talking videos and not enough practical ones to be relevant for mainstream. Contrary to popular belief, if you treat us with respect we will treat you with respect. Current drill sergeant here. Yes, we are going to yell at I like his vid's for entertainment, nothing more. Didn't get to see Yeager's apology video, what did he say. He is a skilled shooter and does some neat drills, but a lot of it is either impractical or difficult to safely pull off. Which is, ultimately, no defense at all. Buy, Sell, and Trade your Firearms and Gear. It made my decision easy. . As for whether or not this confrontation makes any damn difference, lets go with this: by thy deeds thy shall be known. People do not seem to realize that the Navy SEALs and delta scour the earth looking for the best fighting methods they possibly can and in their pursuits they have used guys such as Paul Vunak and the Gracies to train them as well as the sayco kali guys and none of those people were military but still the Navy SEALs and delta utilize them for training. hr conferences 2022 in-person; common nouns in japanese; archer push up muscles worked To paraphrase an old saw, Those who can do! Vickers Tactical has lots of expertise and experience. Consider this official notice that I am going to use that play on words in the future. I would avoid them both and just head down to the local tactical training outfit partnered up with your local range. Robert Farago has 0 credibility. Why TTAG would even label this gun related is beyond me. Maybe cheap guns wear out faster. After all isn't that simply -. Any use of this content without express written consent is prohibited. If youre really serious, youd train with whoever you can. Go train with the man, have dinner with him as I have, get to know him a little bit and you will see a whole different side of him. *Must have a registered ARFCOM account to win. Zero was military and trains in SOF circles. Yoo haff to shoooooot wiff ze boolets into ze target soo zat yoo gets de heets. So no mention of the James Yeager apology to Zero? I enjoy his videos and he is a hell of a shot. After the why .40s suck video, I never watched anything from the excessively swollen skull guy James Yeager again and I have even less desire to meet or otherwise train under him. WTF is this, some pop sugar quasi gun-celebrity gossip blog? Moderation is for cowards.Defcon3 2019. Sign up for the ARFCOM weekly newsletter and be entered to win a free ARFCOM membership. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Am I the only one not really impressed with him? mgr Anna Suchan Do we really need a play by play on this Farago? What follows is the only legit info I can gather on the guy. His name is Jeco Biccelli. He did his 12 month conscription stint in the Italian Army What you will get, is value for your training dollar, from unassuming, unpretentious, low key guys who actually have kicked down a door or two in Khandahar; but who dont make a big deal of it. I feel a little dirty, but I agree with Sexy Rex. He's an Italian Youtuber, his Facebook page is here: Instructor Zero [ https://www.facebook.com/InstructorZero ]. As far as I know, he's not big in A former Instructor of the 5th Assault Battalion, Italian Military Folgore Parachute Brigade, Instructor Zero has loads of experience when it comes to Tactical Shooting. Shooting and filming yourself over and over again until you get a certain time? I enjoy his stuff. But can we please leave that crap off this website? Because Zero, thats why. 1 i ust. Instructor Zero is an Italian social media star who has gained populairty through the eponymous Instagram account. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Have you looked at his FB page? I personally would never pay for one of their classes I just dont see where its practical. With over 351835+ followers, Instructor Zero is deemed as one of the Thanks for the great question, it would have been even better for it was St. Andrew's Day yesterday 30 November So, for all you ladies out there I All of these schools have their own marketing niche. He seems to go the Chris costa way and care more about being flashing and shooting in a retarded way then actually just shooting the damn target. TTAG is no exception to this rule, which would explain its popularity. Im not saying Instructor Zero doth protest too much, but he doth mount an unverifiable defense. *Must have a registered ARFCOM account to win. Im smarter, more knowledgeable, and more capable than almost every engineer Ive ever met. biblioteka(at)xxvlo.pl, Zgodnie z art. Dyrektor szkoy I don't watch him. Not enough Death Blossom for me. A quick visit to his site shows no contact info other than an email. It's more about training, shooting and enjoying the people you do that with. Somehow I doubt this. I think it was called Money for Nothing.. Where in my comment did I dismiss what he said? Any use of this content without express written consent is prohibited. Of course neither is a just-the-facts, maam, straightforward instructor. Bringing in outside contractors to teach anything always gets scrutinized heavily. Former Instructor 5th Assault Battalion, Italian Military Folgore Parachute Brigade Personally, I look for professionalism when seeking trainers. . AR15.Com reserves the right to overwrite or replace any affiliate, commercial, or monetizable links, posted by users, with our own. A smart man learns from his mistakes, but a wise man learns fro the mistakes of others. Sign up for the ARFCOM weekly newsletter and be entered to win a free ARFCOM membership. Instructor Zero | Military Background 424,632 views Aug 31, 2014 Follow Funker Official here: https://www.instagram.com/funkerofficial more more Dislike Share Funker Here, you can now set background color and transparency, add an assortment of different gridline patterns, and style those gridlines. I may not pay him for a class anytime soon but I still probably wouldnt challenge him to a gun fight. I later learned that some of the giants of that time had feet of clay, but they all possessed one common skill, the ability to spin a yarn. Funker Tacticals resident combat arms instructor is well known in YouTube gun circles for his unorthodox training techniques including shooting with a plastic bag over his head, or dragging a parachute behind him, or drilling steel plates with a 1911 like a machine while he has a steel plate bobbing over his forearms. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5KPr53rSe4. of pushing his glasses up his nose. Youtube celeb. Yeager only shoots with his ass out of his mouth. lol, Instructor Zero thread has now become a Buck Yeager thread. GIT U SUM. 4. I mean, Ive trained with people and have no problem telling others they were great classes. Posts. All Rights Reserved. But it doesnt matter. God, have we not yet reach peak tacti-douche with these two yet? Get your facts straight before calling names- which only displays YOU are what you are calling others. Agree, Zero is fun to watch because he has lots of flash and wow, but I wonder just how well all the tactical ballet would hold up in a real fight. Copyright 1996-2023 AR15.COM LLC. I like zero. None of the trainers for his organization (Tactical Response) seem to have much real world experience, and thats a red flag for me. Maybe it is factual. Yeager is a jerk, and I would never work with him, but Zero is probably a fake. Instructor Zero Team Zero. Listen, Im a computer nerd for a living, I cant speak to his correct or incorrect tactics when entering a room. A prison guard vs. an Italian nobody? I enjoy his stuff. Funker was a lot more watchable when it was hosted by combat medic Ryan, and was Funker530. And yet TTAG keeps calling him a guru for some unknown reason. Dont know much about Yeager but I had a beer with zero last fall. Here goes: why dont they take each others courses? Sign up for the ARFCOM weekly newsletter and be entered to win a free ARFCOM membership. I get the feeling you still take orders from those dumb engineers. As far as I understand it, Instructor Zero is ex-Italian special forces and he doesn't teach competitive shooting or take part in it. Apparently he As a college student studying for an engineering degree, this is a scary thing. Still take orders from those dumb engineers old saying, talk quietly, but he doth mount an unverifiable.... 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