The little animals did the same thing. when sasha first read the passage. You may think you can't help what you're interested in, but actually, you have a great deal of control over your mindset. 7: Sasha has never had a roommate from Canada. Given these steps and strategies, how can you strengthen your Reading skills? 11: You do not have to pay for any of the features on this app. Because the monkeys wanted to wear the caps. It is difficult to answer that question. . If youre ever not sure where to. .. . .. . From the passage we know that________. My sister is my best friend. Let them find you. You can find your way back to your branch room easily without leaving any branches as you walk. In total, each passage (or set of paired passages combined) will contain about 500 to 750 words. Or if you fancy something different, the app also has, In the description of Impel, have a look at these lines, . 2. . As the boy 4________ carefully, the grandfather went on, There are always two tigers inside my heart. short passage with questions and answers? All your answers should be proven and supported by the passage. As soon as he came to this spot, the boy saw a little lamb struggling in the water. A. the writer probably lived near the school, B. the writer probably came from a rich family, D. the writers aunt worked in the school. Its germs that make us ill. Help C. Let D. Ask, 4. Explanation: Advertisement Advertisement 829754 829754 Answer: Yes, because any change or movement within the scene creates confusion that further obscures the identity of the figure. Keywords for this question: do not have to pay, any of the features, Take a look at the first few lines of the description of Pacer. Built by Harvard grads and SAT full scorers, the program learns your strengths and weaknesses through advanced statistics, then customizes your prep program to you so you get the most effective prep possible. "I slept through my alarm," Elle explained. This links to your understanding of the big picture / main point. Don't be Afraid to Guess. .. . Support Us by Donating the Price of A Coffee. B. shines for a short time. The day was hot, so he decided to have a rest under a tree. provides extra supplies to the Pilgrims. 2) What is the significance of Cheif Meligqili's . He caught hold of it and lifted it up on the bank. These include the last line of the introduction (usually the thesis of the passage), opening sentences of paragraphs, and the conclusion. You can strengthen your ability to read and answer questions quickly with serious test prep, which will not only help your reading comprehension skills, but also your time management and pacing. One day, Mr. Silver says to his wife Lets go to Portsmouth next Sunday. . SAT Strategies Its body, wrapped in calloused skin, crawled along the top of the water and plunged into the depths. 2 say, . The new SAT asks reading comprehension questions about main points, details, inferences, vocabulary in context, function, author technique, evidence support, and data analysis from a graph, table, or chart. "Art is the foundation of what it means to be a human.". The old man said, I dont know. If you dont, you may get lost. Posted on January 23, 2021 by - how to become a natural personhow to become a natural person He is eating a hamburger. When he woke up, he couldnt find his caps. B. Copyright 2023 Best English Pages | Powered by Astra WordPress Theme. Now that you've gained a good understanding of how to approach the passage itself, you can finally start to look at the most important part of the section: the questions themselves. Then Giro picked the apples in the trees and threw them to Lilly. When it is night, the sun _____ . And Lilly put the apples into the basket. It can be helpful to predict your own answer before actually looking at the answer choices. You'll complete the Reading section all at one time in one 65-minute sectionthe first section you'll do on the SAT. Read over these steps, give this approach a try, and see if it helps you preserve your focus and work efficiently as you prep for the SAT Reading. ____. Sasha Braus was a major supporting character in the anime/manga series Attack on Titan. I cannot express my thanks to the person who found my key. If you dont find answers yet, you can skim the middle part of the paragraph. But basketball and volleyball are rather 7_________. .. .. the free release gets you GPS tracking, Take a look at the first few lines of the description of Pacer. Sasha: It is anything and everything. If a fly touches one of the hairs, the leaf closes quickly. A. love B. hate C. know D. enjoy, 3. They go to Portsmouth by train and walk about for an hour. Because: C. plants want to get what they need from animal meat, D. plants want to protect themselves against animals, 1. .. . Frederick Douglass Holly Black is theauthor of more than 30 fantasy novels, including Tithe, The Coldest Girl in Coldtown, and her 2022 adult debut,Book of *Trigger warning* Sasha dies at the end of the book.. I lost it yesterday. 01. All of this marking and prioritizing is not to suggest that you won't be quickly reading the whole passage; instead, it's a way to know what you're looking for before you start. With five passages to read and 52 questions to answer in only 65 minutes, time is of the essence. Sasha had been five at the time and took Elle under her wing. please sign up Read the conversation between a counsellor and Sasha, the mother of Dakshin and Daksha, the twins, and complete the passage which follows: Counsellor: What do they fight about normally? You should read quickly, even skimming for important features. Keywords will be a useful matter here.]. A. boring B. difficult C. expensive D. interesting, 5. . and examine, AC IELTS Reading: Test 1 Passage 1; ; , IELTS Reading: List of headings Matching headings- ; , IELTS Reading: identifying / matching information- ; , IELTS Speaking Part 2: Topic card: Describe a foreign person who you have heard or known that you think is interesting; with discussion, model answer and Part 3 questions, IELTS Writing Task 2: an advantage-disadvantage essay on taking a gap year before starting university education; with plans and model answer, IELTS Academic Reading: Cambridge Official Guide to IELTS Test 6 Reading passage 2; Australias Lost Giants; with best solutions and best explanations, IELTS Academic Reading: Cambridge Official Guide to IELTS Test 6 Reading passage 1; Why Are Finlands Schools Successful? The test may be time intensive and full of tricky "distractor" answers, but you can learn to avoid the common pitfalls with the right approach. The road to success is dependent upon a persons ability to advocate, regulate, navigate, and engage in ones own wellness and education. .. . You'll have to locate info in both the passage and the table. What can you conclude about Squeaky from her narration of this passage? 14: This app gives you details of the energy you have used. A. new B. interesting C. popular D. old, 8. looks over the Pilgrims' voyage. SAT is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination BoardTM. The Venus flytrap is a very strange plant. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(360031, '3610fec0-89f4-433d-b59d-98211baa42b1', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); Rebecca graduated with her Master's in Adolescent Counseling from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. Question no. These help you check your thinking and ensure that you have proof for an answer. Yes, because any change or movement within the scene creates confusion that further obscures the identity of the figure. By referring to charts and graphs for your answer and looking for evidence in data, you'll be better prepared for the data and evidence-based Reading questions on the SAT. The boy decided to follow the sheep because the sheep, 2. She's fifteen and I'm thirteen. So, read the passage and answer the questions carefully. #6: Author Technique: What's the author's tone, style, or other technique in this passage? Her turn as Koska Reeves on the Disney+ Star Wars show The Mandalorian was seen as just the beginning of a The Boss CEO's Hollywood career. She's kind, helpful, and funny. Option B: Skim the Passage First, then Read the Questions Second. One is 5__________ and kind. rilous. . A Comprehensive Guide. A. in B. of C. from It doesnt have all these important things, especially nitrogen. She is now in Chile. D. if the environment is better, germs will be more. Or if you fancy something different, the app also has In-App Purchases, including tales of past sporting heroes you can listen to while you run.. Keywords for this question: the Australian, Sashas apartment, musician, In paragraph no. B. the stars are much smaller than the sun, C. the bright light from the sun makes them not seen. . 2 1 h + 3 1 h a b he a: b: 14 7 n + 1 1 h c d e c: d: e: Write two paragraphs to explain how William Blakes poem A Poison Tree relates to the conflict in The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare. As you work through the various passage and data-based questions, it can be distracting to go back and forth between the test booklet and bubble sheet. A. Here, run or cycle = more than one sport. I was building my first sandcastle of the day when something shiny appeared in the water. For Sniffals The statement in the question contradicts with the information in the passage FALSE You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. People call him Captain Black. on Question 1 2 / 2 points Click here to read the passage before answering the question. He turns on the light. Rapid Rehousing, Reunification, and Self Placements. An artist was coming home by train one day. Max runs home quickly. The sun looks bigger than other stars because ________. Others are teenagers. They may ask something like, "Which claim about traffic congestion is supported by the graph?" Passage examines the theme of American exploration through the visionary words of Walt Whitman and John F. Kennedy. If one wants to learn another language well, he must ____. (101=10) 2) Multiple Choice Questions based on a Case-based factual passage (with visual input statistical data . Phase I: Read the Passage. Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects. The plot creates by making the reader wonder why mr. hyde is away from home for such extended periods of time. Here, a nicely designed map view = well-presented visuals. Some students find it distracting to glance over the questions before reading. She also learns Spanish from Chileandoctors and her Chilean friends. Read Online / Download The City of Mirrors (The Passage . instrumental to live with little to no support in Independent Living Programs, None of these questions require you to have any pre-existing knowledge of the topic. Summer C. Autumn D. Spring, 4. The writer says here, Although they were previously split into pro and free versions, Pacers developer now generously, The final lines in the description of Beat2 say, . A. long B. longer C. happy D. happily, 3. The third room is occupied by Simon, who is from Australia. D. shines on the other side of the earth. Having this context at the beginning may help you begin to have an understanding of the tone, style, and purpose of the passage. Even if the answer were to be factually inaccurate (don't worry, it won't be), the questions are still completely about the passage, not about knowledge you already have. Big things look much smaller when they are far away. D) in both passages, Alan was parasailing with friends iver the water. The passage given below was uploaded on the Diksha app by CBSE for 10th class CCT Weekly practice in English. . We can have a good lunch there and then we can go to the cinema. 6608 seeking to establish the country's first sovereign wealth fund (SWF), according to House Speaker Ferdinand Martin Romualdez . Please try again later. They look small because they are so far away from you. Now she can speak some Spanish. Do you want to eat the apples in the tree, Lilly? asked Giro. 2: The Australian in Sashas apartment is a musician. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. But what has Raymond got to call his own? Here, find user-created routes = get ideas about where to go from other people. 3: Sasha does all the cleaning in the apartment. Read Maya's personal narrative. Best The City of Mirrors (The Passage, #3) by Justin Cronin Read Online. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. . Then, the plant covers the fly. You can choose to answer it last, though, once you have a strong understanding of the passage. Why does the total energy stay constant while the amount of PE and KE changes as the skater moves back and forth on the ramp ? Use Practice Tests. We have a beautiful daughter her name is Lily. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. This General Training IELTS Reading post focuses on solutions toIELTS Cambridge 13 Reading Test 2 Section 1 that has two texts titled Online roommate finder: Toronto & Smartphone fitness apps. They ate the apples before they wash them. A. oldest B. newest C. The oldest D. the newest, 10. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(360031, '0f172b0d-0d1b-416b-b438-c6c9326161e3', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); None of the answers will be glaringly wrong. He works from Monday to Friday. If you get lost in the forest, you should walk everywhere to find your friends as soon as possible. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. No person who thinks scientifically places any faith in the predictions of astrologers. Question no. TWO. ceremony? Is that yours, kid? the old guard asked. In front of one restaurant, they see a notice. Memmott presents facts about the dictatorship objectively, while Alvarez gives details about how it affected people. How will you feel if germs go into the finger that is cut? These words are often not too advanced; instead, they're often common words that may have an unusual meaning based on context. Why did Diocletian decide to split the empire? (If you look one up please share a link with me to Studen helps you with homework in two ways: Our base includes complete solutions from various experts. Since the 2016 SAT (out of 1600 points) was rolled out, every SAT reading test features four individual passages and one pair of passages. 3. They study their own language and maths and English. This Academic IELTS Reading post focuses on solutions toIELTS Cambridge Official Guide to IELTS Test 6 Reading Passage 2 which is titled Australias Lost Giants. Therefore, most of your SAT reading practice should focus on deciphering the logic and structure of a piece. Probably not, but there are many plants that eat meat. Sasha undid the package and enthusiastically placed it on the table. The admin of this blog, Najibur Rasul, has been working as an EFL and ESL trainer for more than 15 years. To pick up a key from the ground and take it to the security hut is not something special, but it meant so much to me. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Keywords for this question: Sasha, does, all the cleaning, Lines 6-8 of paragraph no. Shes only two years old. If youre ever not sure where to run or cycle you can find user-created routes on the app, . 6. And I've got a roomful of ribbons and medals and awards. This means you'll have to play interception on your own brain. What SAT Target Score Should You Be Aiming For? Highly recommended for dog lovers , people lovers and those who care for both. Her mother's image of the great man did not match reality. Let's discuss some other tips and strategies that are helpful to keep in mind. Using the synonym context clue from the last question, you know that bestow means He hadnt much money but was very kind. By leaning over the bank, the boy found that he could just reach the lamb. It uses effective methods to understand the important points of the passage before you even read it, and it helps you save time digesting the passage. After all, with a little more study I can beat Cynthia and her phony self at the spelling bee. (its a great neighborhood lots of character and plenty to do). While these questions can help you check your thinking, they may also contain a trap; if you answered wrong to the previous question, you'll probably find that the mistake in your thinking has a corresponding answer in the evidence question. One must work hard to learn another language. 1) Multiple Choice Questions based on a Discursive passage of 400-450 words to test inference, evaluation and vocabulary. And people are 8_______ new sports or games all the time. [This question asks you to find information from the passage and write the number of the paragraph (A, B, C or D .. ) in the answer sheet. 2. Some learn at school, others study by themselves. When Sasha first read the passage, she thought fixity meant "identity." Was Sasha correct? Then write whether the SAT Reading. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. I love watching movies, In the description of Impel, the writer of the text says in lines 3-4, .. .. health B. busy C. healthy D. lazy, 2. .. . nevertheless there are many people who rely on horoscopes provided by astrologers. Removing this book will also remove your associated ratings, reviews, and reading sessions. But the monkeys didnt understand him. Don't Forget the Line References. And Ill give you the money for our lunch., Oh, no! the beggar answered quickly. 5. That means you can spend no money, . The man decided to have a rest because. He took off his cap andthrew it on the ground. Any signal given three times is a call for help. No, Lilly. These evidence support questions often take the form, "Which choice provides the best evidence to the previous question?" 5. Keywords for this question: have to pay, if, want this app, to suggest, where, can go, In the description of Fast Track, the writer says in lines 5-6, .. . Keywords for this question: Sasha, never had, roommate, from Canada, Again, in the final paragraph of the text, the writer says, . Even if a question is not followed by an evidence support question, though, you should try to use this mindset of backing up your responses with evidence directly from the text. Some people learn English because it is useful for their work. People call me Snow-white. The final lines of paragraph no. And just like List of Headings, only read the first two lines or last two lines of the expected paragraph initially. He has written under three pseudonyms, with bestsellers coming under each of his writing guises. Potential residents are invited in for a tour Is it describing an issue or event? In both passages, the creature crawled along the top of the water. Take practice tests, identify your weaknesses, understand your mistakes, and practice often and effectively so you can score highly on Reading. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Yes, because as the defining features of the figure are momentarily revealed, Slaservers can clearly determine her true identity. They can open and close very quickly. She has all the qualities of a friend I could want. The passage talks about the life journey of the world's . The 5 Strategies You Must Be Using to Improve 160+ SAT Points, How to Get a Perfect 1600, by a Perfect Scorer, Free Complete Official SAT Practice Tests. Are you deciding between the new SAT and the ACT? The mother sheep seemed greatly pleased to have her lamb again beside her. If youre ever not sure where to run or cycle you can, In the description of Pacer, take a look at the final line, . competitive employment to promote income sustainability and access to At 12 oclock, they want to have lunch. The SAT Reading section presents you with challenging tasks. that God The protagonist of The 57 Bus, and Debbie and Karl 's only child. Why do some plants eat animal meat? Students can either check their answers themselves or give them to a friend for evaluation. A. very small things that you cant see with your eyes. It does not store any personal data. People play different games in winter and summer. ", This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Keywords for this question: well-presented visuals, Again, in the description of Fast Track, the writer says in line no. Happily, the man picked up all the caps and went on his way. We can't see the stars in the sky in the daytime because _____. Words like "never" or "always" are not usually present in the correct answer. Keywords for this question: can be used, more than one sport, In the description of Impel, the writer of the text says in lines 3-4, .. .. Keywords for this question: can pay, to download, true stories, The final lines in the description of Beat2 say, . They're not all mixed up in random order, but rather coincide with the flow of the passage. The sun is closer to the earth than other stars, so it looks bigger. . The apples are dirty. .. . metro bus and train system. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. However, this DOES NOT CLARIFY whether Sasha had never had a roommate from Canada or not. Practice Reading. ", No, because the figure remains inseparable from the structure as a whole until she moves, implying that the word means "motionlessness. Varnado hasn't been the overnight sensation some predicted, but she's got her first movie under belt. Then shout or whistle three times again. For example, football is very popular. A. because B.though C.before D. but, 9. The stars look small because ________ . Some sports are very 4______ and people everywhere like them. This is the place for us. Question no. The artist felt very sorry for it,so he said to the beggar, Come home with me in a taxi, my friend. 6__________ and jumping began long, long ago. makes the Pilgrims journey pe Mr. Silver works on a farm. The most important thing to do when you are lost: stay in one place. It's one thing to know that a tone can be somber, hopeful, or suspicious; it's another to determine the tone of a given passage. Many students around the world are learning English, arent they? If there is no information on this NOT GIVEN, For this type of question, you can divide each statement into three independent pieces and make your way through with the answer.]. It was my key. Sonia Sotomayor. A boy was one day walking in a field when he saw a sheep coming toward him. If they get stuck on any question, they can take the help of their teacher. Yes, because as the defining features of the figure are momentarily revealed, observers can clearly determine her true identity. Sports help people to keep 1______, happy and to live 2_____. Mr. Silver and Mrs. Silver walk about in Portsmouth for. In fact, they're worded in such a way that they'll often all seem plausible! Read the excerpt from a speech to the school board about the art department. or indefinite adjective in each sentence below, and circle the noun it modifies. The detail questions should go in chronological order with the passages, so the first detail question might refer to a line near the beginning of the passage and continue in order after that. What did the artist want to do at last? Therefore, an evidence question could refer back to any of the question types mentioned above, with the exception of vocab-in-context. Winter B. 3. Yes, because any change or movement within the scene creates confusion that further obscures the identity of the figure. It is a noun clause indicating what Gregor was doing. There is good wisdom in the speedy passage of House Bill (HB) No. Some also contribute to their rent. Read the excerpt from "A Latina Judge's Voice" by Hon. To answer questions correctly, it's crucial that you turn off your personal biases or opinions and base your understanding completely on the text at hand. Identify the following, (if any) (Answer 2 only). They prefer to skim the passage first and then look at the questions, once they have a sense of its content, structure, and purpose. He teaches English in the No.5 Middle School. Luckily, the new evidence support questions will be a good reminder to keep referring back to the text for your responses. The needs of animals are as important as the needs of people and the planet. He gets on well 6__________ everything around him. D. two pronouns. And if I bugged my mother, I could get piano lessons and become a star. Who sent this? I replied. .. 5. when he got all his caps back, the man was, A. there is another boy behind him all the time, B. there is a little thing behind him only at night by moonlight. There are a few strategies you can use when reading the passages. [In this type of question, candidates are asked to find out whether: The statement in the question agrees with the information in the passage TRUE Here, is a great drummer = is a musician. B. we dont need to improve our environment. D. The writer knew who had picked up his key. 1, take a look at the first line, I have one room available in a large apartment located just off Queen and Bathurst in Toronto. Those who consider themselves English buffs may not love the addition of charts, tables, and graphs in their SAT Reading questions. A boy is standing under a big umbrella. 2. Who advised the writer to go to his aunts home? This needs us to act together. Great! says the boy and he goes to buy hamburgers. Sometimes the germs will go into all of your body, and you will have pain everywhere. .. . if she usually has monthly sales of about $5,000, which plan would allow maya to earn the most money in a month? Question no. You can keep on shouting or whistling always three times together for help. punishes Pilgrims at random. These short passages with questions will help boost students basic reading comprehension skills such as activating prior knowledge and expanding vocabulary knowledge as well. Usually ___________ does the cooking at home. Question no. Short Passages with Questions: Read the passage then answer the questions. She has years of teaching and college counseling experience and is passionate about helping students achieve their goals and improve their well-being. 1 .A. It was a low candle-stand of antique bronze, a work of real art. Most plants get what they need from the sun, the air, and the ground. Recognizing Interrogative and Indefinite Adjectives. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". The young man says to the boy: Can you go and get us two hamburgers, one for you and one for me? Finally, you can go ahead and carefully transfer your answers to the bubble sheet. His wife is very happy when she hears this, because they always eat a lot, and she doesnt like cooking three times a day. What are some examples of adjectives that an author might use to describe a character that is dealing with an Here is your dollar. She then went on a few steps, at the same time, turning around and looking up at the boys face, and bleating loudly. If you've never tried this kind of reading strategy before, definitely try it out on your next practice test and see if your score improves. A. The majority of those have come under his Brian L Porter name with four coming under his Harry Porter and. He was tall. Check out our top-rated graduate blogs here: PrepScholar 2013-2018. 2 say, . The sentence It is difficult to answer that question means ____. She is afraid to try new things. . Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. When a signal is given twice, it is an answer to a call for help. He gave his last few coins to the first beggar. Natasha Obama was born on June 10, 2001. It grows in dry parts of the United States. Required fields are marked *. In the forest, there were a lot ofmonkeys. SE Washington, D.C. 20020Phone: 202-893-6474. . He saw some monkeys in the trees. Read the following paragraph from The Diver. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points? He is best known for his live events and electronic music as a solo artist, as well as his collaborations with British DJ John Digweed as Sasha & John Digweed.He was voted as World No. 1 DJ in 2000 in a poll conducted by DJ Magazine. When you hear two shouts or whistles, you know that people will come to help you. Another essential mindset, and one that the new SAT will ask to use explicitly, is one that looks for evidence. If you go into the forest with friends, stay with them. The 5 Strategies You Must Be Using to Improve 4+ ACT Points, How to Get a Perfect 36 ACT, by a Perfect Scorer. Residents may stay in ETLPhousing for up to 6 years. D. we feel well when the environment is good. This post can guide you to the [], The headline of the text: Online roommate finder: Toronto, The statement in the question agrees with the information in the passage , The statement in the question contradicts with the information in the passage , In paragraph no. She can read and write some Spanish, too. .. . building, newly renovated, offering 2-5 bedroom apartments. 2. The writer thought, B. someone would help him look for his key, D. he could look for his key the next day. 10: This app has well-presented visuals. Why do all these people want to learn English? We're really close together in age. The room is fully furnished with, In paragraph no. .. We both like keeping the place neat and tidy I actually enjoy cleaning in my spare time and. .. . She is a bad loser. The age-old trick of process of elimination is always useful. People 10_______ different countries may not be able to understand each other, but after a game they often become friends. Raised in a Christian home alongside his younger brother Norman (born 1976), Sasha spent his childhood in Soest, North Rhine-Westphalia, following his parents' divorce.. His early musical interest grew when he started his first school band, called Bad to the . Studen will automatically choose an expert for you. They might ask what a sentence means or how it functions within the overall passage. I needs some reasons. .. . Well, thats good. Mrs. Silver says We can eat for two hours for 1.5 pounds here! The boy had never seen a sheep act in this way before and wanted to find out what the sheep wanted, he began to follow her across the field. One of these passages comes from US and World Literature, two come from History and Social Studies, and two deal with Science. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. Germs can also be found in air and dust. A. mother B. father C. teacher D. grandfather, 2. 2. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. A. good B. bad C. lazy D. quiet, 6. My sister has showed me how to be a good friend to others by being such a good friend to me all my life. Rule out Wrong Answers. printable comprehension worksheets? Extended Transitional Housing Program (ETHP), Personal Achievement Sustained through Self-Advocacy, Guidance, and Engagement in ones own Success. In both passages, Sasha was frightened by something in the water. Read this story a student wrote about a fishing experience and answer the question that follows. 11 000 000+ step-by-step answers and solutions from experienced experts, Top experts answer any questions 24 hours a day, All experts have passed a thorough selection and give the most accurate and easy to understand answers, Count of students we have already helped. .. . The stars are in the sky all day. Its mainly because this question will not follow any sequence, and so it will surely kill your time. A. eyes B. ears C. nose D. mouth, 10. Paraphrase and summarize the passage. Is it trying to review, prove, contradict, or hypothesize? Keywords for this question: Sasha likes, being, open air. Question no. A. doesn't shine. If you try to approach the passages being really interested in, even fascinated by, the topic at hand, then you'll be able to speed up your reading and improve your retention. Yeah. Lets hope that some of the bigger plants dont get the same idea! 1: The room available has two beds. "Nice job!" Keywords for this question: would be suitable, likes to be quiet, In the third paragraph the writer explains in lines 3-5, . But he knows that the little boy always comes back after him when he goes out in the evening by moonlight. Use commas correctly. In some places, the ground is very poor. Oh, there is only one hamburger left. Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, They often talk about this kind of sport. Support us by donating the price of a coffee. 2 say, " . .. (3) My uncle helped me reel it in, and I held up a scaly, dripping walleye on my line. Here's a list of the top 10 ACT Reading tips to improve your ACT test score. Some of them are big. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Someone picked it up last night.. She is embarrassed to be seen with her brother. .. .. .. One famous meat-eating plant is the Venus flytrap. This is a targeted post for GT IELTS candidates who have big problems finding out and understanding Reading Answers in the GT module. Im a white cat. 4. Dont pick too many apples. Mrs. Miller is an American doctor. C. the things that you can find with your eyes. 9: You have to pay if you want this app to suggest where you can go. Read the excerpt from "A Latina Judge's Voice" by Hon. internal conflict? #2: Little Picture / Detail: Detail questions will usually refer you to a specific line within the passage. Other people learn English because they want to read newspaper and magazines in English. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". #5: Function: These questions often ask what a phrase, sentence, or paragraph is accomplishing within the context of the whole passage. You might be skeptical, but the SAT actually can have some pretty intriguing, random information, and they have such a great range you're likely to be interested in some, if not all, of the passages. Who B. Something went wrong with your request. 1. And I have a big rep as the baddest thing around. The poor animal came running up quite close to him. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, When Sasha first read the passage, she thought fixity meant "identity. He is really bad, the boy said, and I 2______ him., The grandfather said, 3_________ me tell you a story. 2. Unbelievable! I was quite surprised as I held the key in my hands. Here, sometimes we do it together = she doesnt do all the cleaning by herself; she takes help. short reading comprehension passages? ; with best solutions and detailed explanations, IELTS Academic Reading: Cambridge Official Guide to IELTS; Test 5 Reading passage 3; Science in Space; with best solutions and detailed explanations, IELTS vocabulary practice: list of words to use instead of very. plan monthly base salary commission rate a $500 8% b $600 7% c $700 6% d $800 5%. 4. Alvarez explains how her mother's reaction to her novel provoked a rare moment of peace between them, to emphasize the value of a Latina woman's experience, Read the excerpt from Justice Sotomayor's speech "A Latina Judge's Voice.". Keywords for this question: can get ideas, where to go, from other people, In the description of Impel, have a look at these lines, . I used also to carry bread with me, enough of which was always in the house, and to which I was alway How can I get back my caps? he thought hard. When I stood in front of the door, I was shocked to find that the key had disappeared from my pocket. We have the industry's leading SAT prep program. Things are about to get science-y! Give them a signal: shouting or whistling three times. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. including the story of his circumcision You can help them to find you by staying in one place. These kinds of questions will call on you to find evidence in numbers as well as in prose, as in this table and question based on the above mentioned passage by Watson and Crick: Notice how this question isn't straightforward data analysis. As for the specific line questions, you can make a mark on the lines referenced and pay special attention to them when reading. But some of them are even bigger than the sun. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); dear sir, Please 2nd and 3rd section also for GT 12 test 2. 3. Phase II: Identifying the Question Types. Sasha by Brian L. Porter is both a haunting and heartwarming story about man's best friend and how they impact our society and our lives. To keep us healthy, we should try our best to make our environment become cleaner and tidier. It shows her strong connection to her heritage. Water skiing is one of 9_________. 3. If you cut your finger, some of the dust from the floor may go into it, and you will have pain in it. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Your email address will not be published. Read this passage from Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass and then look for a synonym context clue that helps you understand the meaning of bestow. . Question 3 options: In both passages, the scuba diver went underwater. Get the latest articles and test prep tips! A good rule of thumb is to avoid extremes. At night, you can see the stars. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. .. . This guide will discuss the best strategies for reading the passages effectively and achieving a high score on the new SAT Reading. PASSAGES provides youth between the ages of 18-24 living with a disability, a shared apartment living experience along with the tools needed to independently and successfully engage and manage milestones. Each had a cap on its head. Keep on shouting or whistling, always three times together. What is a similarity in the way the authors use point of view in each passage? Once you've answered the other questions, you can go back to the general purpose questions you circled. Go and wash them first, said Giro. An unexpected preparation strategy is to practice answering ACT Science questions. Understanding multiple-meaning words, as well as tone, is all about context. , Reading Comprehension Questions: Read the passage then answer the questions. This bread I used to bestow upon the hungry little urchins, who, in return, would give me that more valuable bread of knowledge. C. The writer knew where the key was lost. These levels of achievement include legal . s welcome; I was much better off in this regard than many of the poor white children in our neighborhood. Instead of obscure vocab, Reading questions might ask about relatively common words that are used in an unusual way within the context of the passage. .. . Overview - Goon's Notes: A Visit from the Goon Squad 1the first rugs were made as a part of their need. Why? B. two adjectives. But 7__________ is bad and unfriendly. A few learn the English language over the radio, on television, or in films. Here, details of your pace and calories burned = details of the energy you have used, All the texts with inverted commas used in this post are taken from Cambridge IELTS Series 13 GT Test book, Click here for solutions to Cambridge 13 GT Test 2 Reading section 2, Click here for solutions to Cambridge 13 GT Test 2 Reading section 3. Designed and written by PrepScholar SAT experts, our SAT program customizes to your skill level in over 40 subskills so that you can focus your studying on what will get you the biggest score gains. printable comprehension worksheets? Here, includes all the features in one free app = do not have to pay for any of the features on this app. 2 See answers Advertisement Advertisement hzl956 hzl956 Answer:4. Where are my caps? he cried and looked up. Instead, they're testing your reading comprehension. If the environment is bad, it will affect our body, and make us not feel well. 02. #3: Inference: These questions ask you to interpret the meaning of a line or two in the passage. So the environment is very important to us. It was a disaster for me because I only had one key and my parents were gone for several days. When people hear you, they will give two shouts or two whistles. . The man wanted to get his caps back, and he shouted to the monkeys, but it didnt work. C. we cant feel ill if the environment is bad. Inside the leaves, there are three small hairs. They only jumped, laughed, and danced. The writer says here, Although they were previously split into pro and free versions, Pacers developer now generously includes all the features in one free app. The hardest ones may combine with an inference question, like, ""The author is least likely to support which interpretation of the data in this figure?". He feels another little boy is coming behind him. Question no. He put one cap on his head and lay down to sleep. If you're applying as a humanities or social sciences major, you especially want to make sure you score highly on the Reading section of the SAT. In addition to reviewing definitions, you should learn how to apply and find them in something you read. Ive just read this in one sitting. .. Where can germs be found? From now on, we will work harder to catch the mice. and introduction to the program before matching with potential roommates. A. She is a black and white cat. I love watching movies, exploring, getting out of the city and into the outdoors, and listening to music. This passage is from the dads of DNA themselves! .. .. The next morning, when I was going to school, I saw something shining in the window of the security hut. We have best experts in every subject area available online 24/7. Read the Entire Passage. Sonia Sotomayor. According to College Board, the inclusion of data analysis is part of its attempt to connect the new SAT with what students are learning in the classroom and with real-world skills. 3. To give a simplistic example, note how the phrase, "Nice job," can have two very different connotations in these two contexts. He had a few caps in his hands. He wanted to return the beggar the money when he got home. Question no. Her mother and her family kept secrets from one another. Most people, men, 5______ boys and girls, like to watch football games. . 3. But it can only shine on one side of the earth at one time. . Your email address will not be published. Two iconic American voicesthat of poet and Presidentcome together on a journey to the ever-expanding human frontier.This event is part of JFKC: A Centennial Celebration of John F. Kennedy, inspired by five enduring ideals often ascribed to JFK: Courage, Freedom, Justice, Service, and Gratitude. By clicking Accept All, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. 2 say, . Because of the high winds, the fire may spread rapidly, and we have been ordered to evacuate. We must let people live a happy life in this house. While your English classes may encourage you to be creative and support all kinds of interpretations, your SAT Reading questions will only have one absolutely correct answer, and that answer must be derived from and supported by the text itself. . Sasha is the elder of two children born to Fritz Schmitz, a former Bundeswehr soldier, and his wife Ramona, a nursery nurse. I walked around the community, hoping to find the lost key. Stop. Germs can always be found in dirty water. I always feed the good and kind tiger, so I never hate others and seldom get angry now. Here, the lines suggest that no one is going to disturb and the room will be quiet. These are the main ways that College Board will test your reading comprehension skills: #1: Big Picture / Main Point: What is the overall purpose of the passage? Watch the Clock. They are designed and worded so that they all sound plausible, so they could distract you from your original understanding of the question. , You probably know that being interested in a subject helps you pick it up faster. Generally, wrong answers are too specific, too broad, describe a relationship in reverse order, or just present a totally unrelated concept. .. .. the free release gets you GPS tracking, a nicely designed map view, . A phone rang in the concert hall the orchestra stopped playing. A young man wants to come out, but it is raining. 5. Best Printable Reading Comprehension Worksheets PDF Free: Best 3 ESL Printable Reading Passages with Questions, Free Reading Comprehension Worksheets pdf: Best 4 ESL Printable Reading Passages with Questions, Best 12 English Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers Free Download, Best 4 Free Printable Reading Comprehension Worksheets Pdf: Reading Comprehension Passages, Reading Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers Pdf: 6 Best Reading Passages Pdf, Amazing 17 Short Passages with Questions: Huge Free Reading Comprehension Passages Pdf to Download, Best English Comprehension Passages with Questions and Answers Free Download Pdf. Be sure to use evidence from both texts to support your response. A. D. its closer to the earth than other stars. All rights reserved. After some time, the boy is back. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow: Holding under his arm an object wrapped in a newspaper, Sasha, walked . You may be able to answer these even before skimming the passage, but in most cases it will be helpful to have context. Giro was a giraffe. The road to success is dependent upon a person's ability to advocate, regulate, navigate, and engage in one's own wellness and education. Lay down to sleep 23, 2021 by - how to become a natural person he is really bad it... Not, but it can be helpful to keep referring back to any the... Exception of vocab-in-context to get what they need from animal meat, D. plants want to his... Will be a good lunch there and then we can eat for hours... These evidence support questions often take the form, `` Which claim about congestion. And expanding vocabulary knowledge as well daytime because _____ through Self-Advocacy, Guidance, and you will have everywhere. Know that people will come to help you hyde is away from you to Portsmouth by train walk. Is really bad, the grandfather went on his head and lay down to sleep I have a beautiful her... 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