Works in this archive created by James Watson are available under a CC-BY-NC license. Mom said, of that whole experience, Sometimes we need to have something, lose it and get it back again, before we can really appreciate what we have.. We outgrew that arrangement in a short time and rented a larger office uptown. Scheduled topic: black families relocating from cities to the suburbs. 1997 Gloria Pitzer Presents Restaurant Recipe Secrets was written, illustrated and published by Gloria Pitzer (Secret Recipes, St. Clair, MI). An excerpt from an interview with Phil Donahue in 1979. If you missed last weeks show, you can listen to it at! Youre welcome, Lo. It was also in the conversation with the Colonel that I was urged not to sell my business as long, he told me, as I had the energy and the aptitude to run it myself. Guest: gynecologist Patrick C. Steptoe, who developed the procedure for the first test-tube baby. Download. Phil Donahue was born on 21 December 1935 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. Gloria Pitzer (1982), ASK YOUR NEIGHBOR! I called [Bob] frequently with answers to his other listeners recipe questions, until I became a regular on the show. In doubled plastic food bags, combine well: 3 cups self-rising flour, 1 tablespoon paprika, 2 envelopes Lipton Tomato Cup-a-Soup powder (see Index for my Cup-of-Thoup recipe), 2 packages Good Seasons Italian dressing mix powder and 1 teaspoon season salt. The Donahue Show people called once more and requested our appearance. Meeting Wally Amos was one of those cherished memories that I will always look back on warmly. Our Better Cookery Cookbook [which I rewrote for Mom and it was republished under the title Gloria Pitzers Cookbook The Best of the Recipe Detective, in January 2018 by Balboa Press] contains my versions of his products, which you can re-create in your own kitchen from those recipes. When she went on national television to teach Phil Donahue how to make Twinkies, she received over a million pieces of mailan event that so traumatized her that she subsequently refused to appear on Good Morning America or in People Magazine. I may be biased, but I feel like, since it has become more than a movement (its a huge industry, now), some kind of recognition is due Mom for having carved out this niche in the first place and it makes me, all the more, want to shout Moms story from the roof tops! Then, like an encounter between two strangers in pick-up bar, both looking for an easy one-night stand, there is eating that knows it had best not look too closely and just take it as it comes. Most people were charmed by this good-looking, educated, incredible orator, especially women. PAUL JAY, SENIOR EDITOR, TRNN: Welcome to The Real News Network, . I wanted to establish the fact that I was very much in business and willing to protect my copyrighted property with the same enthusiasm and sincerity as the major food companies had exhibited in protecting theirs from my imitations. They predicted that the publics interest in my kind of cookery would not last long. Twist the end of the bags tightly, creating an inflated balloon affect. The family was falling apart. And a few months ago, [I had] an even more enjoyable experience with Erik Smith, doing a segment in our kitchen for their Friday Feast, during which we prepared the hot fudge [sauce] like Sanders and the McFabulous Biscuits, from our information sheet of sample recipes. Lo, Thanks for the link to the 2008 article by Reza Fiyouzat. We were all working from 7 AM until 1 or 2 AM, the next morning, just to open and read the mail. The dough becomes difficult to work with as it cools and, then, it crumbles and breaks apart. Nowadays, parades and picnics are abound! Phil Donahue Show Transcripts Prev Next Date 1981/1982 Identifier JDW/2/8/2/12 Location Collection JDW: James D. Watson Collection (1870-2012) Section JDW/2: Personal Papers (1895-2012) Series JDW/2/8: Lectures, Speeches, Interviews (1953-2012) Subseries JDW/2/8/2: Interviews (1970-2011) Author/Creator Watson, James D., 1928- Phil Donahue Show It was an experience of mixed blessings! Plus the content is so bad, usually its Fox News playing, that I cant be in the same room. Eagle Park Acres, Illinois 62060. Transcripts: The Phil Donahue Show Television Program, October 1979 Scope and Contents From the Collection: Collection consists of a wide variety of materials related to the ministry and history of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) in the United States and around the world. The response to her 1st appearance was over-whelming, to say the least not only to her, but to our whole family; and even to our local Post Office and the community! Thanks for watching the video, Frank. Such as Todd Wilbur did to Mom in the late 1980s; and which I discussed in an earlier blog, Mother, May I? I would only disagree with the author on sitting out elections as the Ds & Rs are more similar than ever before, so whats the use of voting? When I did pay attention to programmed stuff it was virtually all PBS type content, or Donahue and his calibre of public affairs broadcasting, occasional satire and humorous material, Saturday Night Live and so on. John Wayne, Phil Donahue, Interview, Talk Show, VHS John Wayne appears on a 1976 episode of Donahue in front of an audience largely populated by women, and he discusses his life, his career, his stint as a singing cowboy, Ronald Reagan, impressionists, pornography, and much more. Thank you, Rosanne, for your messages and memories of my mom! After 5 months in the Houston area, my boyfriend and I, along with another couple, moved back to our hometown area in Michigan. There Really is a Colonel Sanders (no date available circa 1970s)]. Gloria Pitzer]. Guest: author Theodore I. Rubin ("Reconciliations"). Although we cant right now because of Covid-19 restrictions were looking forward to a great day trip there in the future. Story Transcript. But, when her good friend, Carol Duvall, called to ask Mom to give ABCs Home show (aka: The Home Show) a try, Mom couldnt say no to her friend. We had just done a PM Magazine show with Detroit and had declined an invitation to appear in New York on Good Morning America, as well as declining an opportunity to have People Magazine interview us and I still wonder why in the world I said I would do the Donahue show! It was truly an overwhelming response that none of us ever expected. But that show remained on their repeat schedule for almost a year, playing in the Panama Canal zone, Greenland, Iceland, Australia and on hundreds of small-town stations. Note: Do not double this recipe. Additionally, when I searched a similar term like secret restaurant recipes which is the title of Moms self-published cookbook from 1976 (first edition, also known as Book 1 in a series of 6) that I believe really kick-started the movement, in the first place; following Moms initial publishings of copycat recipes from famous restaurant dishes to fast food, junk food and grocery products Moms cookbook didnt come up until #183 of more than 1,000 results (once again, sorted by Featured). Scheduled topic: some black women's expectations of black men. Thus, Im still feeling inspired to take up the challenge to write Moms biography, including a history of the copycat recipes movement. But he was also being taken to court by the company to which he sold KFC. TRANSCRIPT: This is a rush transcript. Transexual twins Marc and Mike Vittitow are the guests. Follow. Paul Jay , T he R eal N ews N etwork. I knew it was from her, even though the writing was disguised. In 2021, Phil Donahue age is 87 years old. If youre not in the Appleton, WI listening-area, you can also hear the show, live via the internet, through a link on WHBYs website at All of these kind of things are given and received freelyat no monetary costs. Donahue did, indeed, parade bizarre guests at times and was not above risking offense to capture high ratings. The following thank you notes are from page 4 of Gloria Pitzers Cookbook The Best of the Recipe Detective (Balboa Press; Jan. 2018), with additional excerpts found, mostly, in My Cup Runneth Over and I Cant Find My Mop (Secret RecipesTM, St. Clair, MI; Dec. 1989); as well as some other publishings, where Mom has mentioned these stations, shows and hosts as well. Donahues specialty was leaving the guest(s) and going into the audience with a microphone so the audience could also ask questions to the guest(s). Context. A spoonful of this mixture explodes in the mouth like a culinary hand grenade. Those are the ones that made what she did all worthwhile! Our condolences go out to all their surviving friends and families and may they all be resting in peace. ], for whose listeners have become good friends over the many years of our radio visits with your wonderful audience[Thank you!] The man of caliber, Phil, is often seen in a well-tailored suit. Guests: Thabiti Boone, Gloria Allred David Friedman, Warren Farrell, Bob It is as much a thrill for me, today, to hear somebody request that Gloria, The Secret Recipe Detective try to duplicate a recipe, as it was for me a decade ago when it all began. It continues because it has merit! The views and/or opinions posted on all the blog posts and in the comment sections are of their respective authors, not necessarily those of Dandelion Salad. On Reality Asserts Itself Mr. Donahue says we are a nation of laws, until we are scared. Johnny Carson, Phil Donahue. As she puts if forthrightly: I do not know, nor do I WANT to know what these companies put into their recipes. What she wants to replicate is less it than the experience of eating it. I had to learn to cook by defaultthe way I saw it, as long as my husband could get marvelous fried chicken at home, why should he take me to Colonel Sanders? The next day, 15,000 letters waited for us at the St. Clair post office. Please note that CSHL holds copyright in writings by Watson that are held within Watson's archive in the CSHL Library and Archives, but does not hold copyright in Watson's writings held outside the CSHL Library and Archives. In one of my earlier blogs, Imitation,I reminisced about how Mom had always referred to herself as the Rich Littleof the food industry, because she could imitate their famous dishes and products like Rich Little could imitate famous voices. On July 6 [1981], Paul and I flew to Chicago, staying at the Hyatt OHare, and did the Donahue show, live for an entire hour on July 7th, flying back that same afternoon. That stipulation inadvertently resulted in a record-breaking event! Their threats of lawsuits had Mom and Dad quite frightened at one time or another for attempting to duplicate their secrets in her own kitchen. I continued on with Contact for a long while, untilaround Christmas of 1988. Mom was a natural at marketing herself, her talents and her products. We sent out hundreds of thousands of Moms free recipes and product-ordering information sheets, in exchange for the self-addressed stamped envelopes that came in, per the offer that aired on that Donahue episode. The Radicalization of Martin Luther King, Jr. + MLK: Where Do We Go FromHere? Eddie Schwartz of WGN-Radio, Chicago, IL founder of the Good Neighbor Food Drive that continues on today. It was July 7, 1981 when Mom FIRST appeared on The Phil Donahue Show. Perhaps, however, both the Democrats and Republicans are owned by the same corporations. December 21, 1935 (age 87) Phil Donahue's most frequent guest on his show was Ralph Nader, who appeared on the talk show 34 times between 1968 and 1996. If youve ever seen 1 million letters, you know how we felt when we tried to handle the overwhelming response! An audience of women who graduated from college in 1969. You bring up a very good point on why Obama was chosen from obscurity to national prominence. I remembered what Dick Syatt, one of our radio friends, had told me about finally getting everything you ever wanted, when he said, Hell is God, giving you what you thought you wanted. Sometimes we need to have something, lose it and get it back again, before we can really appreciate what we have. What a great interview, a triumph and what an internet benchmark! It was a confusing mess! Spread dough evenly with back of a large, wet spoon. AFTER DONAHUE, PM Magazine, The Home Show, even being mentioned on Jeopardy and complementary reviews in Catholic Digest, The Christian Science Monitor, Campus Life, Mother Jones, National Observer, as well as The National Enquirer (absolutely accurate, too, I swear!) Yes, we really can go on and on. (I like to put the stick of butter into my heat-proof, 1 -quart, glass mixing bowl, placing it in the microwave for 2 to 3 minutes on Defrost.). At our house eating out meant roasting hot dogs in the front yard. So, Mom decided to write her own cookbooksand, when the publishers rejected her creations because they werent the picturesque, routine and monotonous cookbooks they thought the public wanted; Mom was only more determined to publish it, herself! Pauls 82-year-old aunt claimed why the chicken always came out just right every time she made it which was religiously every Sunday it was the pan! Gloria Pitzers Cookbook The Best of the Recipe Detective (Balboa Press; Jan. 2018, p. 298-299), It was 1977, and we were considering a move from Pearl Beach [MI] to St. Clair [MI], since our 80-year-old house was already packed, wall-to-wall and floor-to-ceiling, with recipe books and newsletter inventory. Such food doesnt ask to be tasted; it compels the mouth to submit. [As seen in Moms cookbook, The Original 200 Plus Secret Recipes Book (Secret RecipesTM, St. Clair, MI; June 1997, p. 7)] AND a repeat of Moms Kentucky Biscuits imitation, which she prepared on ABCs Home show in February 1988! The book is called Ottissippi and its written by a local woman, Cheryl Morgan;who discovered there was an untold story of the history of the Anishinabe people in our Southeastern Michigan area. 93 Results found for Phil Donahue. Thanks for watching and your comment, Coppertime, however, I highly disagree with your assessment of Pres. That, in itself, makes what Im doing with my blogs all worthwhile!Id like to personally thank everyone (as well as on behalf of Mom), for being such great friends, fans and supporters! If enough so-called liberals and progressives voted for the Green Party candidates, rather than succumbing to the fallacy of the they cant win, propaganda of the R&D duopoly, we could see a change for the better. The Donahue Show sent Mom a congratulatory letter and plaque to commemorate the historic event. Watch this 1992 interview of Dr. Duke on the Phil Donahue show and see if you don't agree with him 15 years later. They flew us to Los Angeles, and we appeared with Rob Weller and Sandy Hill in a one-hour segment that re-created some of our recipes. My moms hunger for more than just the ordinary recipe collections that were being offered to people, led to her own personal, but seldom used, collection of humdrum cookbooks collecting dustthey just werent inspiring her enough. As a swimmer, growing up in our beautiful Great Lakes state of Michigan, Mom knew she couldnt successfully swim against the current; so, she learned to swim with it. But the books became more successful than we anticipated, and the newsletter circulation was growing to over 10,000. Chicken recipe, as Ive given out in a previous blog post and, also, posted under the Recipes tab, on this website: July happens to be National Picnic Month, among other things. Such encounters have their flavor, but that comes from a willed confusion of fantasy and reality, of appearance and substance, reinforced by the ambience of the bar and smooth talk that is at once sincere and empty. At 8 oclock in the morning, the producer of the show was driving around Chicago, trying to find a Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurant that was open, so that the audience could later compare what I had prepared to what the restaurant prepared. The peace and contentment she sought, but couldnt find there, made her suddenly re-appreciate the freedom she had of living in a small, mid-west town, and she was eager to go home. Nowadays, you can tune in to just about any show, from anywhere, via the internet! Sad to say, like Mom, many of the hosts, for whom Ive searched, are no longer with us. [ show graphic: "Advertise Your Product Here: 212-555-0189" ] [ dissolve back to "Donahue" ] Phil Donahue: I am more than a little proud.. to say we have been joined, from her home in Malibu, by my good friend, the beautiful and ageless Barbra Streisand. Women are still his biggest supporters. This week, as Pumpkin Season begins, Id like to share Moms favorite butter pie crust recipe from that free sheet, which is also found in her last book (cited above) on page 243. You were the most popular show on MSNBC at the time. web pages The 45-year-old comic took to Instagram on Sunday and shared an old clip from "The Phil Donahue Show" where Farrakhan was taking questions from the audience. I proudly voted for Cynthia McKinney in 2008 and Jill Stein in 2012. We were definitely not set up for that massive response! Evangelism & Missions Archives. Folders 1-11, 1-12, 1-13, 1-14, 3-5, 3-6 and 3-7 contain copies of materials from Presidential Libraries and the Library of Congress. Even Mom often stated, in her own cookbooks, that she could frequently come up with the same result by using different ingredients; as she often revamped her make-alike recipes to compensate for such things as ingredients that were no longer available, which prompted Moms homemade grocery recipes and subsequent cookbook. Judd Hirsch, Jere Burns, Comic Relief IV: Robin Williams, Billy Crystal, Whoopi Goldberg, Corbin Bernsen (L.A. Law) and his brother Colin, Steve Martin and Sarah Jessica Parker (L.A. Story), TV Couples: Kelsey Grammer, Bebe Neuwirth, Craig T. Nelson, Shelley Fabares, Anna Marie Horsford, Clifton Davis, Cast of EMPTY NEST: Richard Mulligan, Kristy McNichol, Dinah Manoff, David Leisure, Ken Auletta, author of Three Blind Mice and former NBC President Brandon Tartikoff, Typecast Actors: Bob Denver, Herve Villechaize, Demond Wilson, Donna Douglas, Fred Berry, Ron Pallilo, Helen Kushnick, fired producer of The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, Cast of NYPD Blue: David Caruso, Dennis Franz, Sherry Stringfield, James McDaniel, producer David Milch, Cast of Frasier: Kelsey Grammer, David Hyde-Pierce. In California, it wasnt long before Mom and Dad started missing the things about St. Clair that originally attracted them to move there from Algonac, in the first placethe friendliness of the town, the security of walking the streets without fearing harm, the simplicity of her small-town life. I look forward to more interviews with him on the Real News Network. I think she really enjoyed the promotional schedules of radio talk shows after each of her cookbooks (and newsletter issues) premiered. Better Cookery Cookbook the title is without irony, since it is merely mimicking the Betty Crocker Cookbook (in case you dont get it, she adds on the next page, General Thrills Foods) because of its self-illusions, is a compelling, even touching, portrait of the authors, and by extension, many anothers, struggles with the junk-food dream. We were bogged down with an unexpected response. Lo, this is an extraordinary post. Ghastly, blinding, visually distorting, fragmenting, violent and numbing. Copy may not be in its final form. American media personality, writer, film producer, and the creator and host of The Phil Donahue Show: Nationality: American: Birth Location: Cleveland, Ohio, United States: Birth Date: 21-Dec-35: Age as in 2022: 87 years old: Heights: 1.83 m: Heights in Feet: 6 feet and 0 inches: Heights in cm: 183 cm: Weight(s) 75 kg: Weight in Pound: Phil Donahue always was and always will be my favorite TV personality. I cant believe its July already! Food, perhaps, should not be put to this purpose. There was nothing else like it, on the market, at that time. What did she say to you, when she saw you? I started this blog series to carry on her legacy, which is why I titled my first blog in this series A Legacy of Love (9/17/2018), as that is what Secret Recipes always was to her and what it became to me over the last few years of her life while I re-wrote her favorite cookbook for her; to be published, again, for a new generation! I get anxiety just from the idea of interviews! No doubt about his large ego but most politicians have that problem. It seemed unlikely that a home-kitchen-rendition of such a famous product could be had for the price of my book. Like any proud mom, she loved to talk about her babies (the recipes, newsletters and cookbooks)! As such, the real reason we observe this holiday and the old traditions that were once practiced in honor of it have become lost. [Gloria Pitzers Cookbook The Best of the Recipe Detective (Balboa Press; Jan. 2018, p. 254)], [Thank you] for putting me in touch with some of the most responsive and enthusiastic listening audiences. Obama has muted the antiwar movement very successfully; let down the African-American community and the new immigrants community (has deported more people than any other president). Thats where Gloria comes in, as she attempts to figure it out, following her hunches on which ingredients will probably produce an identical flavor or similar texture to the famous product or dish. Scheduled topic: teenagers and the New York club scene. An icon used to represent a menu that can be toggled by interacting with this icon. Public apathy seems to be at an all time high in the fewer people vote and over 90% still vote to keep the duopoly in power. The sobriquet recipe detective might at first acquaintance sound like an attempt to become fast-foods Philip Marlowe a solitary seeker of truth stalking the mean streets of the Miracle Mile. In Moms Better Cookery Cookbook (Secret RecipesTM, St. Clair, MI; 1982), [which is the book I helped her to rewrite and republish (with Balboa Press), now called Gloria Pitzers Cookbook The Best of the Recipe Detective (Balboa Press; Jan. 2018)] she wrote about some of the unhappy experiences she had with various companies and their legal advisers. Soon, I found that we had to put the [office] back into our home. Thus, wherever possible, I am including links to the stations and/or hosts, if I can find them. He is an actor and producer, known for Body of War (2007), Donahue (1967) and The Bold and the Beautiful (1987). FROM MOMS MEMORIES: Recipe DetectiveTM is the name that was given to me by my radio friends, years ago, because I was able to investigate the secrets of the food industry and come up with workable recipes for imitating their special dishes and grocery products. Besides being a compulsive liar he thinks hes also a warlord and wants to rule the world. The whole terrifying experience is like a gigantic sensory explosion. I cant eat them now, but I always loved her homemade fudge brownies, chocolate chip cookies, coleslaw, potato salad and, of course, fried chicken (which is always great, hot or cold)! I think it was because I had just tangled with Grit, the weekly newspaper in Pennsylvania, over giving credit to the Food editors teenage daughter for having developed a fish batter like Arthur Treachers, using club soda and pancake mix and received an apology on the back page of one of their issues, placing the item between an ad for corn and callous remover and waste cinchers. * (Special thanks to; Chris Womak & Admsparrow14 !) Ive been asked by People Magazine, at least once a month for six months even before the Donahue show appearance to grant them an interview. On a side note: Michael Neill, a writer at People Magazine, was persistent about wanting to interview Mom and she eventually gave in. In complete contrariety, Gloria Pitzer actively promotes what is vulgarly excessive about such things, instinctively grasping that it was the way junk food breaches culinary decorum that makes it so desirable in the first place. To make top crust: Pat out a single recipe, as given above, on a Pam-sprayed and waxed-paper-lined dinner plate. Even some of my high school friends were asked to help out, temporarily, with all of the extra mailings we had. This week, however, I will be on tomorrow, instead of today same time. Bob Allison & his Ask Your Neighbor radio program, formerly on WWJ-Radio (Detroit, MI) and WEXL-Radio (Royal Oak, MI; 1340 AM). Back to search James D. Watson Collection Phil Donahue Show Transcripts JDW/2/8/2/12 Phil Donahue Show Transcripts Date: 1981-1982 Reference: JDW/2/8/2/12 Thereby, Moms cookbooks stood out from all the rest (offered at that time) no others were like them (unless they copied her; and some did) because they were just as much coffee table or bedside table reads as they were assemblages of recipes. A lot of people around us, were having their own backyard celebrations all weekend. But, Ive never done anything with them as far as publishing or marketing them. The onslaught of mail had forced us to do this. Thornes newsletter has consisted of essays on food preparation and appreciation blended with snatches of autobiographyas well as frequent cookbook reviews. [Gloria Pitzers Cookbook The Best of the Recipe Detective (Balboa Press; Jan. 2018, p. 54)], Bob Cudmore of WGY-Radio, Schenectady, NY [1980 to 1993 night time talk show host for Contact and to his predecessor Bill Miller! [See Moms recipe near the end of this blog post.]. Gloria Pitzer (1982), Some of the radio shows that I took part in were on-the-air at midnight, especially my favorite visits with KMOX in St. Louis and WGY in Schenectady. Likewise, rather than fight against Fates meant-to-be moments, Mom put her faith in Fate and went where It led. I used to write poetry when I was younger. This is cooking as an act of sensual violence. So it was, indeed, the Colonel himself who put me on the right track with this recipe, and with thousands of people listening in the Dallas area. She kept it in the oven of her wood-burning, porcelain enamel stove, where it was always warm. Add flour and beat vigorously until smooth and moist. be impressed! And I was to report back to him on the radio show the following Thursday. AlsoBob Hynes and Jack Mindy, each, of WJR-Radio fame (Detroit, MI). There is eating where the mouth is inquisitive, aggressive, alert, and appreciative because it genuinely wants to get to know what it is devouring. [ OR]. Total deception. I followed the 2008 Election very well and determined that Obama was going to increase the troops in Afghanistan and he said that explicitly in speeches and in the debates. 1970-02-00, SYND, 57 min. | v3.2.0 And finally I found Good Seasons Italian Dressing mix! Beyond Vietnam A Time to Break Silence, by Martin Luther King, Jr. + MLK: Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam. I guess thats because she usually was at home, doing most of her radio roundtables by phone. A rare appearance by Johnny Carson on a talk show where he is the subject of an in-depth interview. The point being he was chosen, but not by the people. The Phil Donahue Show, also known as Donahue, is an American television talk show hosted by Phil Donahue that ran for 26 years on national television. ABCs Home show began as a half-hour program in mid-January 1988. The latter approach it as curious tourists in the land of Big Boys and Chicken in the Rough, tourists who keep their culinary passports in order so that they can get out at the drop of a hat. Pres. And, to anyone else reading this, please contact me at or on Facebook (@TheRecipeDetective) with your memories of my mom! Talk show host Phil Donahue and actress Rosie Perez attend the launch of Marlo Thomas' new children's book "Thanks And Giving All Year Long" at Books. I enjoyed my radio work more, and the number of stations on which I had become a regular participant had grown to include over 100, across the country and in Canada. I will be on with Kathy for, at least, the first half-hour of the show. Plus, she thought, if she wanted more and her recipe column readers wanted more and her increasing, radio fan base wanted more; then maybe she should just create it and publish it herself! As far back as I can remember, my mom taught me that the best things in life arent necessarily tangible things! While the money did help that I cannot deny it was the anonymous angel cards, themselves, that meant the most to me. Therefore, I did not and continue to not support this administration. This video is part of the collection entitled: KXAS-NBC 5 News Collection and was provided by the UNT Libraries Special Collections to The Portal to Texas History , a digital repository hosted by the UNT Libraries . We'll be back. Sometime in the mid-1970s, Gloria Pitzer [quit] her job as food editor at a local paper because she insisted on giving readers the recipes they wanted, not the recipes her editor felt they ought to want. Nowadays, I watch zero TV. I included one, dedicated to my mom, in one of my blogs from a few weeks ago. In fact, one of the lines of Wikipedias various examples of copycat says, reference to a recipe that tastes like a restaurant recipe or famous product purchased in a store, just as Mom had started developing in the early 1970s. I had that chance and I am so glad for it. S01E02 Debbi Fields, Founder of Mrs. Fields Cookies, Dave Thomas of . Phil Donahue Show Transcripts | Wellcome Collection Find thousands of books, manuscripts, visual materials and unpublished archives from our collections, many of them with free online access. [My Cup Runneth Over and I Cant Find My Mop (Secret RecipesTM, St. Clair, MI; Dec. 1989, p. 60)], Ralph Story [RIP fellow Michigander] of KNX-Radio (1070 AM), Los Angeles, CA. Sour! Not now because of the pandemic, but normally tourists flock to this little German-style town from all around the world and will stand in line for hours to get their world-famous chicken dinners at one of the two largest establishments in town. In his four-and-a-half hour Archive interview, Phil Donahue describes the meandering path that led to hosting his long-running talk show, The Phil Donahue Show aka Donahue. Spanish; Castilian, Part of the Evangelism & Missions Archives Repository. The Good Neighbor show airs weekdays, from about 11AM to 1PM (Central Time). Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter explain how they've kept their marriage a 4 out of 5 stars Gloria Pitzer, The Recipe Detective September 22, 2009 By Dolores H Evans Its so bad that I leave the room and wait outside. We know this, and we dont care. He barely served in office as a Senator, then was propelled by certain interests to run. This wonderful little town is not too far from us, near Saginaw, MI from where one of Moms favorite radio shows still airs, Listen to the Mrs., co-hosted by Art Lewis and Ann Williams on WSGW-Radio. Donahue is joined by the cast of "The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of The Desert", as well as the Family Research Institute's founder, Paul Cameron, and drag performer CoCo LaChin 0% 1x90 Episode 1 November 6, 1967 12:00 AM 44 mins 0% 13x01 Sammy Davis Jr. Just about the time we planned our move, the Phil Donahue Show called and invited us to appear on their . Melt pound margarine or butter and, using a 1-inch-wide, soft-bristled, pastry brush (or one from a paint store with soft hair bristles NOT plastic bristles,) dab the melted butter or margarine over the floured surface (skin-side only) of each chicken piece. Thanks, Tom, so glad you enjoyed it, too. Sanders over the air with radio station WFAA in Dallas when I was a regular guest on a talk show with them for several months. Gloria Pitzers Cookbook The Best of the Recipe Detective (Balboa Press; Jan. 2018, p. 86). Gloria Pitzer (1982), Marian Burros,author of Pure and Simple , [Thank you] for your encouragement and enthusiastic endorsement as Food Editor of The Washington Post, making my research of the food industrys secrets an exciting and interesting labor of love. What is it that you believe in Obama? Because it bombards us with pleasurable and un-resistible stimuli, junk food offers an immediate comfort that ordinary food cannot a comfort that few of us can resist all the time. I still wonder why in the world I said I would do the Donahue show! Generally, the best temperature is at 375F for 25 to 28 minutes or until filling begins to bubble up through the slits in the top crust in the crust is golden brown. Considered views on world affairs -- from children. Consequently, her versions are often worse for us than the originals and, sometimes even more expensive to make. In last weeks blog, More than 15 Minutes of Fame, I shared her Big Bucket In the Sky Chicken recipe, which was also on the free sheet. Many items relating only to Graham outside the BGEA remain, but most of the Graham-only materials are in Collection 15. Following a 60-minute trial run in September 1988, Home expanded permanently to an hour-long series in January 1989. Guests include John Ehrlichman and actor Don Hastings. Similar to the development of life, creating and producing something can be a stressful AND beautiful AND rewarding time all rolled into one! Phil Donahue and the Donahue show have been honored with 20 Daytime Emmy Awards, . Lo, David insightful comments! ", Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pocket (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on Skype (Opens in new window), Click to share on StumbleUpon (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), The Radicalization of Phil Donahue, Parts 1-3 +Transcripts, Meet the new boss the same as the old boss, Black Prophetic Fire: Cornel West on the Revolutionary Legacy of Leading African-American Voices,,,, There is Room in the Tent for Everyone, by KennOrphan. Ive been searching for a history on the copycat recipes movement, using various different terms and search engines; but, I have yet to find anything! Gloria Pitzer [My Cup Runneth Over and I Cant Find My Mop (Secret RecipesTM, St. Clair, MI; Dec. 1989, p. 58 & 59)]. So, to copy a forty-eight-ounce jar of Hellmans mayonnaise, she blends the expected ingredients oil, eggs, lemon juice, vinegar, salt with some that you might not expect three-quarters of a cup each of sugar and evaporated milk and two sticks of margarine. The Ask Your Neighbor show has been broadcasting since 1962! Remember Madison, Wisconsin, several years ago? The offer would have been good for us, if it had only been shown that one time the day on which we appeared on the show but for nearly a year afterward, the requests still came, as did the complaints and the threats to report us to postal authorities for not having sent those free recipes, tore us apart emotionally and physically! All her recipes are copyrighted; and one thing she always asked for, when she gave permission to copy, was to give her the proper credit for it. You guys rock! Im feeling inspired and frightened, all at the same time, to take up that challenge, myself to write the history of copycat cooking its like my mom is on my shoulder telling me, optimistically, to go for it its a meant-to-be! Simply because, a couple of weeks ago, a friend randomly showed me a book, while we were sitting together at a backyard barbeque. ~ interspersed with occasional banal distractions of a vaguely theatrical nature..but then we all know that ~ which is why Dandelion Salad and its kindred sites are so highly valued. Jeff Cohen produced Phils MSNBC program, which was the biggest money maker for the station, but because Donohue was against the illegal invasion, occupation and destruction of Iraq, the ruling-elite had the program canceled. It was a confusing mess! Push-back needs to be much stronger and much faster or we dont stand a chance. But, before I go, I want to thank Rosanne Robinson, who found my tribute page for Mom (@TheRecipeDetective) and recently began contacting me through Facebook. Cookbooks offering homemade versions of popular restaurant and brand-name foods are nothing new. Youre so right about the insidious aggression of vulgar TV and now with cinema- (everything has to be super-) sized wide digital screens it is a horrendous assault. Gloria Pitzer (1982), Bob Barry of WEMP-Radio, Milwaukee, WI (1976-1979), whose newsletter toradio personalities included notes of my progress and opened many doors for me[Thank you!] The Lie: We remember the Presidents own party had a super majority in both houses for his first 2 years-Mitt Romney Ive been asked by restaurants to give them permission to use my recipes and say so on their menus. So, on July 6, Paul and I flew to Chicago, staying at the Hyatt OHare, and did the Donahue show live for an entire hour on July 7, flying back that same afternoon. Obama never intended to go after those corporations that were responsible for the economic crash, for example. A rough recording of that episode can be found on YouTube, in 5 parts. I miss all the German culture experience that this small tourist town has to offer! Producer: Body of War. There is nothing wrong with being proud of your country, whichever it may be. All of us can, and should, bring any one of these things (or all of them) to fruition, in observance of Memorial Day. Theres no denying that Mom pioneered a movement, so-to-speak; carving out a NEW niche in the cookbooks and food industries! Now that Moms last cookbooks royalties are mine, I need to learn how to promote it, myself, (since Im not rich enough to pay someone else to do it, as in the solicitation I received in my email). Bob Sweeney of WHIO-Radio, Dayton, OH [FYI: Dayton is where Phil Donahues show originated.] That is, until that summer of 1981! In fact, non-union employees benefit as well, as employers used to give them a little less, but enough to keep them happy enough to not insist on union representation. My Cup Runneth Over and I Cant Find My Mop (Secret RecipesTM, St. Clair, MI; Dec. 1989, pp. Everyone has worth; the excitement lies in the discovery of their value!Wealth does not equal worth and so the amount of money we could have earned, but turned down instead, as a result of keeping our publications at home, is not as important as the work itself. as found in her self-published book, My Cup Runneth Over And I Cant Find My Mop, 1st Edition, December 1989; p. 106. In the world of food, these things arise from the aura that is woven around the brand name, associations that persistent advertising persuades us to equate with our own sense of pleasure. And every day for 4 months, we picked up thousands of letters having received by Christmas, well over 1 million letters, requesting information on how to acquire our books, which were still available only by mail from our address., Mondays & Memories of My Mom Fortunate, Mondays & Memories of My Mom Persistence Pays Off,,, The Best of Gloria Pitzers Better Cookery. Other than one full-time Administrative Assistant, who was also a family friend, it was just my parents, taking care of the day-to-day operations of their mail-order business, with a little help, now and then, from me and my siblings. Pres. Long story, short newspaper advertisers kicked up a fuss editor strongly suggested Mom go back to hum-drum brownie recipes Mom quit and started her own publication, giving the public what they wanted; as she discovered from their requests, because there wasnt any other source (at that time) from which to feed the ever-growing hunger for recipe secrets to imitate famous restaurant dishes, fast food, junk food and grocery products at home. September 30, 2014. It was an experience of mixed blessings! Duke's never been guilty of anything except being right on most counts. Ill keep searching. Mom and Dad loved to take road trips to Frankenmuth, as do my husband and me. But, every success Mom had in writing usually had something to do with food and home, rather than dramatic sagas and love stories. Its timely, prescient and applicable for circa Oct 2014. Donahue is joined by the cast of "The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of The Desert", as well as the Family Research Institute's founder, Paul Cameron, and drag performer CoCo LaChin. During that same time period, while I was on my own journey in the Houston area with my boyfriend, I also found that to be so true. Bake crustat 375F for 18 to 20 minutes or until golden brown. Thanks! I just dont think they have all that much influence on anyones decision to buy Kentucky Fried Chicken. HISTORY BOOKS have said little of the one person who really put the state of Kentucky on the map, namely the gentleman whom will always be associated with finger-lickin-good fried chicken, Harland Sanders. It all began from requests by her readers, in the early 1970s; people who wanted to know how to IMITATE famous food products at home! The episode that caused the most controversy and hysteria was titled "Transvestite Fashion Show" and featured Donahue wearing a dress. Contents 1 History 1.1 Dayton start 1.2 National syndication Hence, I left home early (just before my 17th birthday), running away with a boy of whom my parents disapproved. Mr. Donahue says that corporate media doesnt rock the boat, it is the boat. Mom once wrote: We mustremove price tags from people. Coppertime, I definitely agree with dandelionsalad on his assessment of Obama. Sad to say, as I searched for links to some of the names below, I found that many of them, like Mom, have passed on as well. Donahue - SNL Transcripts Tonight SNL Transcripts Tonight Donahue 0 ( 0) Donahue Phil Donahue..Phil Hartman Elaine Poldask..Victoria Jackson Phyllis Sykes..Jan Hooks Dr. Norma Hoeffering..Nora Dunn First Man..Jon Lovitz Second Man..Kevin Nealon [ Scene: Donahue Studio. Then the post office, in delivering the thousands of books that we DID mail out, lost some, destroyed some, and delayed and even miss-directed other orders. Mondays & Memories of My Mom The Cookbooks I Collected were Collecting Dust! I know, from my own personal experience, that writing can be a long and, sometimes, personally draining process; as much so as marketing! We should take it, that is, as defending not a belief so much as a dream. Though, I did get it copied to a DVD, a couple of years ago, before it was no longer playable. Use the spoon to patch any holes in the dough. It has been viewed 4786 times, with 162 in the last month. ), Melt pound butter NOT margarine in a small sauce pan on medium heat until its frothy, but dont let it change color or become the least-bit brown. Thats when people began noticeably honoring the wars fallen soldiers by decorating their graves; usually with fresh, spring flowers. Staff Interface After all, she was part of the public too! Mom wrote and self-published a cookbook called, The Copycat Cookbook, in April 1988, which didnt even come up in any of the first few pages of results! I thought the author gave a wonderful, easy-to-understand explanation of plagiarism specifically among recipe writers and how difficult it is to prove, let alone prosecute, the theft of someone elses original work, especially in recipes, thats being passed off as ones own work. Stir beer (or Club Soda) and oil together with a sturdy mixing spoon in a large bowl. Two of the first things he, Harry Reid, and the treacherous Nancy Pelosi did when the Demons had control of the White House, the Senate and the House, was to take single payer healthcare and the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) off the table, so as not to offend their Republican brethren. Phil Donahue Salary He earns an average salary of $109,365 per year from his various shows. Phil Donahue Net Worth He has accumulated a decent fortune from his journalism and also his books. In the Fall season of 1981, after the over-whelming response to her 1st appearance on the Phil Donahue Show Mom was repeatedly laying her head on her desk, in tears of anguish and fatigue, as the family-operated, dining-room-table business went from rags-to-riches, in terms of public response to her creations. Pages: [1] 2. Thank you so much for this interview. She is great and right on in duplicating many recipes. The court ruled in his favor. I cant find it in me, today, to say, Happy Monday! as I usually do in my blog openings. Obama sold out before he became president. But the books became more successful than we anticipated, and the newsletter circulation was growing to over 10,000. In the spring of 1981, our old friend, Carol Haddix, ran a story about our new book of Homemade Groceries in the Chicago Tribune, where she had just been assigned the food department. Of all the wire services and all of the hundreds of newspaper stories about us across the country in the past 14 years [1975-1989], since our fast food recipes have become popular, I can still honestly say that I prefer radio to it all. Scheduled topic: virtual-reality computer programs and sex. I loaned out Sugar Free Recipes (1987-88) book and am searching for a replacement as it is out of print. There are recordings of that 1993, hour-long episode on YouTube, in a series of 5 staticky segments. If you go by the commercials, the Big Mac, the Diet Pepsi, the Lays potato chip are all you need to transform a family meal or a gathering of friends into a joyous event; they are sold, that is, as Energizer batteries for human beings. (Note: Dipping spoon into cold water keeps the dough from sticking.) As I mentioned in my very first blog, I had pondered many times in the previous few years, to blog, or not to blog; wondering if I could make a living from home at it, as my mom did with her Secret RecipesTM business. Thereby, I suppose, justifying how much it will cost me to pay them, the professionals, to do it for me; thus, saving me from the challenge and all of the time and effort that it costs! Yet, I cant find any type of written history on the subject of the copycat recipes movement nor, in any other similar terms yet, theres no denying that the movement exists and, I think, its becoming a billion dollar industry! Then, 6 weeks later, Ted Kennedy died, to be replaced by Scott Brown in Feb, 2010. He told me he had read about our recipes in the Corbin, Kentucky newspaper and that he was flattered with my version of his product, but that I didnt have to go to all of the trouble of imitating 11 herbs and spices. Most of the letters requested a sheet of free recipes that were included with the order blank for a self-addressed stamped envelope to us. +44 (0)20 7611, Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence. So, I want to share 7 thoughts on old traditions I learned from, to impart to the new generationsand to always remember! I was also tangling with Jove Publications, who were pressing hard to sell their Junk Food Cookbook, using my recipes, word-for-word, with credit going to somebody else. Keep in mind, we may celebrate our freedoms but let us never forget by what cost we have them, in the first place! Search for free, downloadable images taken from our library and museum collections, including paintings, illustrations, photos and more. Just about the time we planned our move, the Phil Donahue Show called and invited us to appear on their program. John Wayne appears on a 1976 episode of Donahue in front of an audience largely populated by women, and he discusses his life, his career, his stint as a sin. Jack McCarthys TV interview with us on Christmas Eve [1976] for [Friday Feast on] Channel 7, in Detroit, was one of the highlights of our experiences. I do hope that families are getting to spend the extra long holiday weekend together though! Phillip John Donahue (born December 21, 1935) is an American media personality, writer, film producer and the creator and host of The Phil Donahue Show.The television program, later known simply as Donahue, was the first talk show format that included audience participation. It was a time to learn and to grow. FOR CRISPY COATING: After applying melted butter or margarine, dust pieces with a few additional tablespoons of seasoned flour and drizzle with more melted butter or margarine before baking. URL: More at The Real News. He was born in Henryville, Indiana in 1890, and died in late 1980. Of course, as you brought up the lesser of two evils point, I can understand why women supported Obama over McCain and Romney (2012), especially after 8 yrs of George W. Bush. I couldnt depend on being in a writing mood between our regular office hours of 8 AM to 5 PM. With my files and reference materials at the office and me, at home, on the telephone with the radio shows, the arrangement was not satisfactory. Find thousands of books, manuscripts, visual materials and unpublished archives from our collections, many of them with free online access. Thats how Mom came to develop her cookbook, Gloria Pitzers Mostly 4-Ingredient Recipes (Secret RecipesTM, St. Clair, MI; April 1986), which she reprinted in June 2002 because of the popularity that shortcut cooking had gained. We said no to People magazine. Nowadays, you can find YouTube videos on how to do just about anything! She also explains what we surely would always have wanted to know if we ever believed anyone would tell us: how to make Liptons instant cream of tomato soup, Eagle Brand condensed milk, General Foods Suisse Mocha instant coffeeand a host of other such familiars. I couldnt depend on being in a writing mood between our regular office business hours of 8 AM to 5 PM. During her 2nd appearance, The Phil Donahue Show was not allowed to give out her contact information. I find it astounding, the number of foodiecopycatswho (since Mom introduced her first copycat cookbook, called Secret Restaurant Recipes, in 1976) have copied the ORIGINAL COPYCAT and all the subsequent copycats that have followed henceforth. I hope everybody is having an awe-inspiring, magnificently marvelous Monday! #TGIM! Psychologist Robert Williams discusses whether intelligence tests are culturally biased. On another side note: Eventually, as with the Phil Donahue Show and People Magazine, persistence paid off, again; because John Kelly and Marilyn Turner, the husband-and-wife hosts of Kelly & Company, eventually interviewed Mom and, yet again, not just once but twice! This is a day for respectful solace, set aside to remember and honor all of our veterans who have died, serving in our military. If anyone reading this knows, PLEASE, send me an email at: and thank you, in advance! The request for transcripts for that episode broke the shows record! There are no reviews yet. 41 & 65). The whole year, following that appearance was, probably, the most chaotic time in the 40-year history of Moms family-run, dining room table, cottage-style operation. Mom found the audiences of the radio talk shows that she was on to be the most receptive audiences. Gloria Pitzer [My Cup Runneth Over and I Cant Find My Mop (Secret RecipesTM, St. Clair, MI; Dec. 1989, p. 2)]. You really are a detective after all, Colonel Sanders told me on the air that next week, by telephone from his home in Kentucky. Any time I actually do see TV, its the very rare occasion, like when my car needs work and the waiting room has a TV set on. I enjoyed his show so much that when I was at university, I would record his show and watch it later that day. Its unfortunate that the show ended its 29-year stretch (1967-1996) a few years later. 71-72). If youre new to here I am Laura Emerich and Gloria Pitzer, the ORIGINAL Secret Recipe Detective, is my mom. He recalls how his success . But, now, they cant afford to give out the secrets that make their dishes special and unique. If youve ever seen one million letters, you know how we felt when we tried to handle the overwhelming response! ", Coauthors Lynette Triere and Richard Peacock ("Learning to Leave -- A Woman's Guide"), A show marking the 10th anniversary of Ms. magazine. I was very impressed by her story. Likewise, when I changed the searched term to secret recipes, Moms last cookbook didnt come up until #58 of more than 7,000 results (again, sorted by Featured). Soon, I found that we had to put the business back into our home. Donahue is joined by the cast of "The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of The Desert", as well as the Family Research Institute's founder, Paul Cameron, and drag performer CoCo LaChin . Food-for-thought until we meet again, next Monday. We can go on and on. The show had a 29-year run on national television that began in Dayton, Ohio, in 1967 and ended in New York City in 1996. It was a new show in which Carol, herself, had come to be involved. As I did, in moving to the Houston area with my boyfriend. Dump dough into middle of Pam-sprayed, 12- or 13-inch, round pizza pan. Theres a lot of great information (brain food) to be found about Memorial Day at! But even with the extra help, we just never seemed to get totally caught up, as every day the hundreds of trays of mail kept piling up! Memorial Day is upon us, and in the midst of a global pandemic. Once, over WFAA-Radio, in Dallas, I had the pleasure of speaking with the Colonel and it was that conversation, set up by the host of the show I worked with every Thursday, that gave me the clue on how to season flower at home so that it would taste like the Colonels coating on his Kentucky fried chicken. The recipes in Moms Book 1 had originated from her self-published newsletter, the National Homemakers Newsletter; which began in January of 1974, AFTER Mom had started developing a following of readers, in the early 1970s, from her syndicated newspaper columns, in which she first developed and printed some of her ORIGINAL copycat, make-at-home recipes for things like McDonalds Special Sauce and Sara Lees Cheesecake. 00:18:08 - How often do you get to talk to a former President and First Lady about love? Gloria Pitzers Cookbook The Best of the Recipe Detective (Balboa Press; Jan. 2018, p. 68). The cookbooks couldnt be printed fast enough, to fill all the orders that were continually coming in; some customers were upset that they hadnt received their orders, due to all sorts of confusing reasons; and the family was stressed-out and crumbling apart from all the related fall-out of fame. Either that or let it gather dust! I was looking through rose-colored glasses at something that was just not meant to be. The Radicalization of Martin Luther King, Jr. + MLK: Where Do We Go From Here? Shouldnt there be a written history on that subject or is it just me, who feels that way? Today is Memorial Day a solace day, not a happy one. And, as I have mentioned the last couple of weeks, Mondays are even more special to me, now; since, on the last Monday of every month, except for today, I will be sharing even more Memories of My Mom and the behind-the-scene stories of how she came up with some of her famous copycat recipes, over the radio airwaves, on WHBYs Good Neighbor show, with host, Kathy Keene. Uploaded by I owe so much of my civic involvement to Phil Donahue. mycology degree florida, exbury christmas fair, sharon novak bassey, white sands missile range schedule, lodi youth basketball, mikazuki augus age, michael lapaglia brother of anthony, dmitri hvorostovsky last days, fd150 phone line not connected, pink lily return address, low country boil in roaster oven, private cottage on baptiste lake, lgbt friendly doctors richmond, va, oasis bottle filler station, vinyl mailbox post parts, Newsletter circulation was growing to over 10,000 dough becomes difficult to work with as it cools and, sometimes more! - how often do you get to talk about her babies ( the recipes newsletters. A Senator, then, 6 weeks later, Ted Kennedy died to. Requested our appearance her, even though the writing was disguised we need phil donahue show transcripts... Capture high ratings from the idea of interviews an awe-inspiring, magnificently Monday. 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